Webinar: An Update on COVID-19 and Implications for Ministry
Lisa Allgood, Immunocytochemist
Monday, September 14 - 11:00am
Open specifically for MUP!

Lisa Allgood is an immunocytochemist and a graduate of the University of Medicine and Dentistry NJ. Lisa spent 36 years an an executive in the pharmaceutical industry and now serves as Transitional Executive Presbyter for the Presbytery of Cincinnati.

This event is open to anyone in the Presbytery. Please register on the MUP website at: https://www.mupresbytery.org/reopening
August Presbytery Meeting Highlights
Highlights of the August Presbytery Meeting 
  • Matthew 25 Presentation by Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett, President and Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency
  • Elected Rev. Helen Logan (HR) as Presbytery Moderator and Elder Ann Carter (FPC, Vandalia) as Vice Moderator for 2021
  • Approved recommendation from Council not to hold any Presbytery sponsored meetings/events in person due through the end of 2020 due to the pandemic
  • Examination and approval of new call for Rev. Galen (Joe) MacDonald to serve as the pastor of Hodge Presbyterian Church, Trenton
  • Approval of changes to the Standing Rules (posted on the MUP website)
  • Evelyn Bedell Award recipients recognized
  • Approved the retirements of Rev. Helen Logan and Rev. Dale Stone
  • Celebrated ordination anniversaries
  • Worship, with Rev. Dr. Michael Stanfield preaching
The next stated meeting of the Presbytery will be on November 17 via Zoom.
Events and Programs
Save The Date!!
Church Growth Conference
Missouri Union Presbytery
October 9-10, 2020
via Zoom

Guest Speaker: Bill Tenny-Brittian
Managing Partner and Consultant at The Effective Church Group: Resourcing Church Leaders and Church Growth
Coffee with Colleagues
Missouri Union Presbytery continues its Zoom meeting for pastoral leaders. The group resumes meeting on a weekly basis in the fall.

Join us on those Wednesdays at 9:00 AM. The event is called “Coffee with Colleagues”. An announcement with the Zoom link was sent to pastors. If you did not receive the announcement and would like to join in, call the Presbytery office for log-in information.
MUP Prayer Basket
Our deepest sympathy is extended to the member of First Presbyterian Church in Memphis, family, and friends of Elder Pam Glasgow, who was born into eternal life on August 26th..

This is Our Prayer Basket. If you have prayers of intercession or thanksgiving, please submit them via the e-mail link below.