Uniting Pets With People

From The Board...

Happy New Year! 

Last year, we brought in 737 animals, and we are off to a busy start for 2024. We've brought in 40 animals already!

We are so excited about what is to come this year with the opening of Kitty City. If we remain on schedule, it should be ready for occupancy in the Spring.

Raise the Woof will be on Sunday, April 14th, this year. We hope you will reserve the date and join us!

Thank you for ALL of your support in 2023! We are excited to see what we will accomplish together in 2024!

Misty Eyes Board of Directors

Cherie L. Fox, Jennifer McCarty, Sheryl Sackett-Francik,

Angie Coggan, Angela Buhr, Scott Butrum, Renee Harlor (Emeritus)


Thank you!

Animal Operations Update

2023 Year-End Recap

690 Adoptions

(235 dogs and 455 cats)

Animal Care Expense: $159,046

We added one new foster family in December. Welcome Sophia Swiecki!

We desperately need more dog and cat foster families. If you, or someone you know, might be willing to join our foster team, please ask them to submit a Foster Application online. The form can be found on our website under the Help Us menu, or use the link below:

Foster Application

About Misty Eyes...

Help Us Help Them!

Pets Available To Adopt!

Foster A Pet...Please

Building Progress

Upcoming Dog Training Classes

Contact LuAnn Keyton, KPACTP

Monetary donations are always welcome. If you would like to donate, please go to the Misty Eyes web site and click the Ways To Donate button to make a secure donation. Thank you!

Upcoming Volunteer Orientation Classes

The next volunteer orientation session will be held on Wednesday, February 7, 6:30 pm-7:30 pm, at the Brownsburg Public Library.

The first step in becoming a Misty Eyes volunteer is to complete a volunteer application, then you will be invited to attend the orientation session.

Tanya Eaton, Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer Application

Kitty City Progress

Interior painting continues, and we are so thankful for the dedicated volunteers who have given their time and skills to complete this phase of the project. Cabinets are on order and will be installed when they are delivered.

By The Numbers!

Junior Volunteers

We are restarting the Junior Volunteer meetings, and I'd like to remind everyone how the program works. We meet at Misty Eyes Animal Center on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6:30-7:30 pm.

We have a JV program for kids in Grades 3-6. Each month, we will cover a different topic concerning animals and their care. There will be crafting at some of the meetings, if time allows. We also may ask for your child to volunteer to help with planning for events and/or participating in the events. (This is always optional for them.)

For liability and insurance reasons, no one under the age of 16 may care for or be a handler of the Misty Eyes animals at the Adoption Center. However, there will be 2 classes in which we will try to have kittens and puppies, and the kids may interact with them during the last half of the class. This, of course, depends on whether we have kittens or puppies available to be brought in by their foster families.

If your child is interested in being a part of Misty Eyes Kids Club (Grades 3-6) or Misty Eyes Junior Volunteers (Grades 7-12), please complete an information sheet for each student using the link below. Once we've received your completed information sheet, you will receive emails with links to sign-up for upcoming meetings.

If you have any questions about our JV program, please email Kathy@mistyeyes.org.

If you have questions or need assistance with the information sheet, please email JV@mistyeyes.org.

Kathy Taraschke, Team Lead

Youth Outreach Programs

Information Sheet

Featured Adoptables

Looking For A New Family Member?


Pumpkin is a gorgeous medium-haired senior kitty. He was well loved by his former owner who passed away, but has overcome his grief and confusion. Pumpkin has been checked by our veterinarian, and other than needing to eat a prescription diet for his thyroid, he is in great shape! Pumpkin is declawed and is a serious love-bug. He will make a super sweet friend and companion.


Willow is believed to be a Pittie/Akita mix girl, and she is just as cute as they come. She came to us from an overcrowded southern Indiana shelter. She is an active and happy girl who can be dog selective, is leash-reactive, and would be best as an only pet with a fenced yard.  

Adoption Application

December Adoptions

We're happy that these adoptable pets found loving homes!

View December Adoptions

Featured Foster


Mindy has been fostering for Misty Eyes since Oct 2022. She has always been kind of a crazy dog lady. Her life started to slow down a bit as her two oldest children married, and her husband was traveling a lot. So, she and her youngest daughter, Megan, decided to give fostering a try. They have gone from little tiny puppies to older dogs who are afraid of everything. Mindy also enjoys running and is usually training for some event. She also spends a good deal of time with her grandson, and is looking forward to her twin grandsons' arrival next month. Fostering in one word? Rewarding - sometimes it’s really hard and tiring. But getting a scared dog to learn to love and trust is amazing. Also, seeing a dog come from a difficult situation to a loving home to be spoiled the rest of its life is so satisfying.

Thank you, Mindy, for your dedication and the love you give to the fur babies who join your family!

Volunteer Spotlight


Ronelle has been volunteering at Misty Eyes for 6-years and is one of our outstanding volunteers! She volunteers at Misty Eyes because she loves animals. Her favorite area in which to volunteer is the Welcome Desk during our open hours. When asked to describe volunteering and how it makes her feel: "Great group of folks! I've learned a lot and am proud to be part of helping so many abandoned dogs and cats."

Ronelle is a cat person. She currently has five personal cats and three foster cats: Midnight and Coco, both of whom were rescued from a local horse barn; Archie and Patches, who were both "foster-wins"; and Mavis, a stray who just showed up in her front shrubs.

In her spare time, Ronelle enjoys spending time with her cats, flower gardening, Goodwill shopping, volunteering at her church, reading, and puzzles. She works for Eli Lilly and Company and has three siblings. She enjoys spending time with her seven nieces and nephews and friends. She is happy to also now have a great niece (pictured with her). She is excited and can't wait for the upcoming family cruise in 2024!

Thank you, Ronelle, for all you do for Misty Eyes. We are very fortunate to have you!

Training Tails January

Go to Mat

One of my favorite foundation training behaviors is “Go to Mat." You may also know this

behavior as “Place," “Park It," “Settle," or various other names. It never matters which cue you choose, as long as you and your family consistently use the same one with your dog.

The Mat will be used as a portable place for your dog to relax and chill no matter where you are. For example, you can take the Mat to a restaurant, put it under the table, and ask the dog to Go to Mat. If you’ve worked this behavior well, the dog will settle on the mat under the table and remain calm. Another frequent use would be to train your dog to Go to Mat when the doorbell rings. It is so helpful!

Supplies Needed:

  • A usable mat should be an appropriate size for your dog, washable, and easy to tote around. A rag rug or a bath mat are my favorites to use;
  • A clicker;
  • Many small (pea-sized) treats that your dog finds rewarding, and they don’t usually have (tiny pieces of cheese, chicken, soft treats, etc.);
  • 5 or 10 minutes to practice with your dog.

Let’s Begin

Session #1

Step 1: Put the mat on the floor, and place 3 treats on it;

Step 2: Call your dog and let him/her eat the treats;

Step 3: Once the dog has finished eating the treats, show the dog another treat in your hand and roll it a few feet away so the dog goes to eat that one. (This is called a reset.);

Step 4: Repeat steps 1 - 3 several (4) times;

Step 5: On the 5th time, do not put treats on the mat. Wait until the dog comes to investigate to see if there are treats available. As soon as they step on the mat to look, click, and put a couple of treats on the mat for them;

Step 6: Reset by rolling a treat away a few feet from the mat;

Step 7: Repeat steps 5 & 6 three times;

Step 8: After rolling a treat away the last time, pick up the mat and end Session #1.

Session #2

Step 1: Put the mat on the floor. If your dog comes over to investigate, click and treat by

putting the treat on the mat;

Step 2: Reset;

Step 3: This time, as your dog returns to the mat, wait to see if the dog will put all 4 paws on the mat. As soon as this happens, click and treat (by putting the treat onto the mat);

Step 4: Reset;

Step 5: Next, you’ll again wait as the dog returns to the mat, but this time, wait a little longer to see if they will sit. If they do, click and treat quickly. If not, tell them to sit, and then click and treat;

Step 6: Reset and repeat 4 times;

Step 7: On the final reset, pick up the mat and end this session.

Session #3

Step 1: Repeat the last step from our last session. Put the mat down. Wait as the dog comes to investigate and, hopefully, at this point, they will realize that they need to sit. Click/treat and reset;

Step 2: Next, wait until the dog comes back to the mat and sits. Don’t click/treat, but instead have them go down on the mat, then click/treat, delivering the treat onto the mat;

Step 3: Reset and repeat. Remember to pick up the mat when you have completed each


Next month, I’ll give specific instructions on teaching “stay” from the mat.

LuAnn Keyton, KPACTP

If you have any questions, please email Luann@mistyeyes.org.

Dog Training Classes

STAR Puppy Class - Sundays at 2:30 pm & 4:00 pm

Please email Liz Stringer at LizStringer@theproperpups.org  for upcoming

STAR Puppy class information.


Canine Good Manners Classes - Saturdays, Sundays, & Mondays at 6:00pm

Canine Good Citizens and/or Trick Dog Classes - Saturdays at 4:00pm 

Please email LuAnn Keyton at Luann@mistyeyes.org for upcoming Canine Good Manners, Citizens, or Trick Dog class information. Please indicate which class and day of the week you prefer in your initial email.

Dog Training

Some Of Our Loyal Supporters! Thank you!