03-03-2013 14:44:33 PM



Photo by Robert Spencer for The New York Times



     What does it take to inspire sustained interest in science and inquiry? On Thursday, February 28, 2013, the LRDC (Learning Research and Development Center) of the University of Pittsburgh opened their first lecture of the 50th Anniversary Distinguished Speaker Series with the question.  Dr. Resnick was introduced by Chris Schunn of the LRDC who succinctly introduced Michel Resnick impressive C.V. with accolades including Director, Lifelong Kindergarten Group, MIT Media Lab and the Lego Papert Professor of Learning Research.  Dr. Resnick and his colleagues are at the foundation of the "programmable brick" technology many of us use in the Lego Mindstorm NXT and the Scratch Programming language and online collaborative community.


     Design, Create, Explore.  Dr. Resnick stressed the need for an atmosphere of kindergarten playful creation to develop technological fluency.  He wants to see programming used not as a skill taught through scripted inquiry (today we learn the concept of iteration, follow these steps and create what I create).  Rather, programming for Resnick is like writing, a technical skill that opens the possibility of individual expression and creativity. He speaks of Coding to Learn - that is  Read More ...


Mitch Resnick: Let's teach kids to code
Mitch Resnick: Let's teach kids to code


Check out the Michel Resnick's MOOC (Massive Online Open Community) "Learning Creative LearningWhile registration closed at 24,000 when the class began, you can still sign in to surf the resources and matierals. 

Learning Creative Learning - MIT Media Lab / P2PU
Learning Creative Learning -
MIT Media Lab / P2PU

Book Launch News

     Final draft being constructed!  Soon, very soon!   For those who are local, I hope to announce soon a place to gather and celebrate together!

Grow a Generation, LLC
Dr. Ellen Cavanaugh

Tools for 21st Century Parenting 

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