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Faculty Commentary: Dr. Hardin
The Department of Accounting is the best department that I have had the pleasure to be a part of during my 47 years in higher education. 

Alumni Spotlight: Alice Gordon Holloway
From in front of the camera to executive training sessions and university classrooms, Holloway’s drive has distinguished her as a sector-transcending powerhouse.

Student Spotlight: Blake Batchelor
Over the past four years, Blake Batchelor has been stepping out of his comfort zone and stretching toward a future he would not have expected.

Support the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Endowed Scholarship 
The DEI Scholarship encourages full participation in MCOB by students from underrepresented populations and communities.

VITA Program
Upper division accounting students will be a part of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program providing free basic tax preparation for individuals and families with household incomes of less than $58,000, or persons with disabilities. 

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