Dear Friend -

Well, wasn't last year ridiculous??? It was a year of change, a year of pivoting, and a year of figuring out new ways to do what we have always done. We are delighted that things are getting back to normal! Last year the Community Collection wasn't possible and with your help, more than 16,600 pairs warmed hands!

This year, oh happy day, we have boxes out in the community! Check our page to see where you might find a Community Collection box near you. If you want to be a public or a private (MittenRaiser) partner, it's not too late! Contact us at ASAP!

This email shares information on how you can support our mission this month, while you are holiday shopping or enjoying one of Detroit's most beautiful winter events...

  • Get Your Mitts on This! online silent auction runs through Sunday, 11/21, at Noon.
  • Wild Lights at the Detroit Zoo – We are the charity partner this year!

Lots of news to share and more to share next week, so I'll just say thank you, thank you, thank you to all who have helped us on this journey. This is the 12th winter where you are warming the hands and hearts of people in need, and we are grateful to have you on Team Mittens!

Thank you for all of your support, year after year!


Wendy Shepherd, Executive Director, Mittens for Detroit
The MFD Board of Directors