Mixed Blessings?

A Grateful message from Michelle Luhrmann

As this season of thanksgiving comes to a close, I am truly filled with gratitude. The past two years, have heralded so many changes, most good or great, yet some challenging.


Both this year and last, I was affected with non-serious, but often debilitating health issues. Honestly, after 2 years of intense remote management of 10KLWC Uganda, after our beloved Miriam, 10K's Executive Director, passed - I was burned out and a few months later, contracted Long Covid. I began to emerge from that this spring, only to be "slammed" with post concussive syndrome, which has kept me ping-ponging back and forth since July. I began to think I was not aging well. At times, it felt like I took the wrong path, and could not see the light at the end of the road.

Blessings... So, so many....

Faith kept me going, as did the support of friends and family. Life's experiences have given me the wisdom to know, that it was a "season", which gave me both the comfort and permission to accept my limitations, and know that the sun would again shine. And it has!

Family, Friends, and Personal Triumphs

There were celebrations; a 20 year memorial fundraiser, an engagement, a beautiful wedding, an adult child's safe return visit from abroad, (3 times/2 years!).

My new daughter in law brought new friend and family relationships. How blessed am I!

In between...I was able to spend time improving my art and writing, learned alot at ReNew Writer's Conference, and continued taking watercolor lessons, which greatly helped the concussion symptoms. I even sold my first watercolor!

A Dream Coming True

And there was peace, comfort and pride in seeing the evidence of our vision for 10,000 Lights Womens Center's 10KLWC- Empowerment Program come to life.

For the past 9 years, Amilia’s Light and Daughters of Freedom - Uganda (DOFU) have

joined forces in a profound partnership dedicated to transforming the lives of survivors of Commercial Sex Exploitation and Trafficking (CSET). Thanks to our deddicated volunteers, donors, staff and leadership, this flagship project has grown from its humble beginnings in 2016, when a small salon and boutique provided practical, on-the-job training to ten brave survivors, into a comprehensive and high-impact program that restores dignity, identity, and resilience to those most in need.

Our staff rose to the occasion, and successfully managed 10KLWC's operations since the spring of 2023, which allowed us to provide more staff training, and the program's expansion from class size of 20 to 30.

We're on track to empower 26 girls this year!

It may not sound like many to you, but this is a huge achievement, especially for this sector, where recidivism rates are high. Trauma severely affects survivors and PTSD prevents them from recovery in order to gain health, and learn vocational and life skills. Our proven program works with each participant, to walk alongside them at each stage of recovery.

Mixed Blessings?

As I reflect, I believe there is a higher power, that may have had a hand in this.

Concussion benefit? Maybe? I was forced to step back for months. A major adjustment...I'm wired to be productive...you know - guilt and all... Since my brain was out of whack, it was easier to be a couch potato.

Staff couldn't rely on me and learned what they were capable of... Empowerment.

It's not so bad, to not be needed.

In fact, I know it is a blessing. It frees me up, to get back to where God is calling me.

To get quiet, and listen.

To see how and where Amilia's Light and 10KLWC Empowerment Program will grow.

To wonder what my next "season" will look like.

To dream big again...

With much gratitude for all the support you've shown us over the years,


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After Cyber Monday

Don't Forget...It's Giving Tuesday!

As you can imagine - not much fundraising went on the last two years and we're about to graduate 26 survivors. YAY! But we need your help to pay for supplies, internships and graduation expenses.

And next year's enrollment - another class of 30 survivors needs to be funded.

We hope we'll be in your thoughts and prayers as we navigate this challenging financial situation. If you can give, in any amount, know that you are changing a life.

Please donate

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