TeleMedicine at Your Fingertips


We are happy to announce our partnership with DirectCare and Benalign to bring you TeleMedicine at your fingertips! Say goodbye to unnecessary office visits and hello to on-demand care anytime, anywhere for your employees.


Flat rate pricing: Affordable and accessible healthcare tailored to meet your employees needs. $0 copay for the first 10 visits/year; only $30 per visit thereafter.


Key Features:

✔ 24/7 immediate urgent care access

✔ Chronic condition & prescription management

✔ Virtual appointments tailored to your schedule

✔ Consistent care with the same physician


Exclusive pricing: $195/month per location for up to 100 employees! (Includes PT, FT, and 1099 workers)


Don't miss out on this game-changing opportunity for your team! Contact Sheila Cox today at to learn more.

Remember the Rule: Everything is Taxable Income Unless It’s Not

If an employee receives anything that looks or smells like money from the employer, it’s probably taxable income. Think about everything from gift cards to small financial incentives to the personal use of a company car – unless an income item is specifically excluded by the IRS, the value should be included on an employee’s Form W-2.

Read More Here

Exempt Employee Ruling Update


In our November newsletter, we told you that the US District Court in Texas had permanently blocked the new overtime rule from going into effect nationwide. The increases that went into effect July 1, 2024 have been reversed, as well as the upcoming increase that would have been effective January 1, 2025.

Now the US Department of Labor is appealing the Federal Court decision that struck down the salary threshold increases for white collar overtime exemptions. We will keep you updated as the appeals process progresses.

Remember that each state and locality establishes its own exempt salary thresholds, some of which exceed the federal threshold. Since employers are responsible for complying with both state and federal labor laws and minimum salary requirements, the overturn of this ruling may not affect employers in every state. States with higher exempt salary thresholds include (but are not limited to) Alaska, California, Colorado, New York, and Washington.

Retirement Plan Changes Effective in 2025


At the end of 2022, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE 2.0) bill was signed into law. This legislation contains sweeping changes for retirement plans, some of which took effect immediately in 2023 and some which were delayed to the future. Here are the highlights of three changes to be aware of:

  • Automatic enrollment for new(ish) 401(k) plans. Beginning January 1, 2025, plans that were established after December 29, 2022 will be required to automatically enroll employees at a 3% contribution rate. That rate must increase by 1% as of January 1 each year to at least 10% but not more than 15%. Employers with 10 or fewer employees, government plans, church plans, and new employers in business for fewer than three years are not required to comply with automatic enrollment provisions.

  • Higher catch-up contribution limit for ages 60-63. Beginning January 1, 2025, employees ages 60, 61, 62, and 63 can make catch up contributions of $11,250 (as indexed for inflation) rather than the $7,500 level applicable to all other employees age 50+.

  • Roth matching contributions allowed. Normally, matching contributions in a 401(k) plan are made on a pretax basis, even if the employee contributions being matched were made as Roth contributions. Beginning in 2023 – and if the plan document allows – matching contributions can be designated as Roth contributions.

If you have questions about the applicability of these changes to your organization’s 401(k) plan, visit with your plan’s administrative firm.

What Benalign Can Do For Your Organization


Mize CPAs has partnered with Benalign to provide a unique enhancement for your organization’s benefit program. The Benalign platform is integrated into the Mize Connect App and can be accessed by selecting “Additional Benefit Options” on the main dashboard. All Mize Connect users have access to Benalign unless they have been opted out by their employer. Employees can subscribe and self-pay for the benefit and service options available.

Benalign provides three key components:

  • The Benalign Perks Programthousands of local and national discount offers for top brands with easy mobile access
  • MyPocket Storage – an easy storage solution for access to benefit summaries, benefit ID cards, and retail merchant loyalty cards
  • Non-traditional Benefits Marketplace – over 24 individual consumer direct benefit options for employees to choose from on an individual, voluntary basis. Self-paid benefits include telehealth, generic Rx, dental, vision, term life insurance, legal plans, renter’s insurance, and critical illness coverage . . . just to name a few. Employees can also access non-insurance benefits such as telemedicine for both physical and mental care, credit counseling, and financial planning.

Another Option: Employer-Sponsored Telehealth

The flat rate for employer-sponsored Telemedicine for Mize QSR clients with up to 100 employees per location (based on all employees, both full and part time) is $195 per month per location. Employees can connect directly with a primary care or urgent care physician with a $0 copay for the first 10 visits each year and $30 per visit thereafter. Telemedicine also includes chronic condition management and prescription management for both new and refill medications. Employees will be able to connect with the same physician for care continuity.

For More Information

Benalign is intended to complement – not compete with your organization’s traditional benefit program already in place. For more information, contact your Mize relationship manager or connect directly with Benalign by emailing

Payroll Insights

Year End Information Requests

Year End is here! Mize needs your prompt response to Year End Information requests to get year end forms filed with government agencies as well as provide year end forms to your employees. Your payroll processor can assist you with questions you might have. Click the button below for details:

Information Requests

Benefits of Electronic Consent

Now is the time for employees to sign up for Electronic Consent. Some of the benefits:

  • Earlier access. An employer must send employees their W-2 forms by January 31 however electronic forms can be provided much faster than mail processes and eliminates the chance of lost, misdirected or delayed forms.
  • Remote access. Employees can access their form if they are away from home and forward or print it out as needed.
  • Green and convenient to access at any time.
  • Protection against fraud and identity theft. Access is available via the same easy-to-use, secure portal app employees use to get their pay stubs.
  • Efficiency for both employees and office staff.
  • Less printing and mailing expenses.

Run the “W2 Electronic Consent” and “1095 Electronic Consent” reports from Payroll 2.0 to identify how many employees have completed this election. Your payroll processor can assist with these reports.

Here are links to instructions for electronic consent for both Mize Connect and HCMToGo:

Electronic Consent for W2s and 1095s Mize Connect

Electronic Consent for W2s and 1095s HCMToGo 

If you are interested in transitioning to Mize Connect, please reach out to your payroll processor!

Questions? Reach out to Ann Hobart at

State By State News


Minimum Wage Increase - Effective July 1, 2025, the state minimum wage will increase to $13.00 and is set to increase annually every July thereafter as follows:

  • As of July 1, 2026, the minimum wage will increase to $14.00;
  • As of July 1, 2027, the minimum wage will increase to $15.00;
  • As of July 1, 2028, the minimum wage will be adjusted annually for inflation.

Paid Sick Leave Established - Effective July 1, 2025, Alaska employees will accrue a minimum of 1 hour of paid sick leave (PSL) for every 30 hours worked. Employers with 15 or more employees will be required to allow up to 56 hours of accrued PSL yearly. Employers with 14 or fewer employees must allow up to 40 hours of accrued PSL. Leave is intended to be taken for the employee’s own mental or physical illness or injury, or to care for an employee’s family member. Time off may also be taken under PSL if needed in cases of domestic violence or related issues for the employee or a family member.

For more details about both of these Alaska items, click here.


New Pay Stub Requirements - Beginning January 1, 2025, Illinois employers must provide detailed pay stubs to employees each pay period either electronically or in hard copy. Items that must be listed each payday include:

  • Hours worked
  • Rate of pay
  • Overtime pay and hours worked
  • Gross wages earned
  • Deductions made from the employee’s wages
  • Year-to-date wages and deductions

If you’re a Mize payroll client, the pay stubs generated by our system already include all of these items.


Unemployment Reporting Fees – If a quarterly wage detail report does not include information about all employees or includes erroneous information, the Minnesota Department of Labor will charge a $25 administrative service fee for each employee for whom the information is partially missing or erroneous.

Some common errors that can trigger this fee include amending reports to correct inaccurate social security numbers and to account for voided checks after quarterly reports have been filed.

Representatives at the MN DOL advised that these charges are in place to encourage employers to be diligent to ensure wages and employee information are submitted correctly in the original report.


Minimum Wage Increase - Effective January 1, 2025, the state minimum wage will increase to $13.75 and will increase annually every January thereafter:

  • Effective January 1, 2026, the minimum wage will be $15.00;
  • Effective January 1, 2027 the minimum wage will be adjusted annually for inflation.

Paid Sick Leave Established - In November 2024, Missouri voters approved Proposition A, which provides paid sick leave for most employees. Beginning May 1, 2025, Missouri employees will begin accruing 1 hour of paid sick leave (PSL) for every 30 hours worked. Employers with 15 or more employees will be required to allow up to 56 hours of accrued PSL yearly. Employers with 14 or fewer employees must allow up to 40 hours of accrued PSL.

PSL may be taken by an employee for the employee’s or family member’s mental or physical illness, injury or health condition; closure of the employee’s place of business (or the employee’s child’s school or place of care) due to a public health emergency; or for the employee’s necessary absence due to domestic violence and related issues.


Paid Sick Leave Established – Effective October 1, 2025, Nebraska employers with 20 or more employees must allow employees to accrue one hour of paid sick leave (PSL) for every 30 hours worked, up to 56 hours per year. The accrual maximum for employers with fewer than 20 employees will be up to 40 hours of PSL yearly.

Paid sick leave may be taken by an employee for the employee’s or family member’s mental or physical illness, injury or health condition; closure of the employee’s place of business (or the employee’s child’s school or place of care) due to a public health emergency; or for the employee’s necessary absence due to domestic violence and related issues.

To read the text of the bill, click here.


Paid Leave Rate for 2025 – The paid leave contribution rate will be 1% for 2025, split between 60% from employees and 40% from employers.


Everett Minimum Wage Increase – The city of Everett’s minimum wage will be $20.24 effective July 1, 2025 for large employers with more than 500 employees. For small employers (15-499 employees), the minimum wage will be phased in over two years, moving to $18.24 per hour beginning July 1, 2025.

The Washington state minimum wage will move to $16.66 per hour beginning January 1, 2025.

Tools You Can Use

Electronic Pay Solutions

Employees like to get paid on time. Sometimes that’s harder than it might seem. With delivery issues, severe weather, and wildfires frequently in the news and maybe even your backyard, getting paychecks to employees can be difficult. That’s where electronic payroll solutions like direct deposit and pay cards can be a great solution.

Electronic pay solutions can also save you money. The costs of both printing and delivery are going up, which increases your payroll fees. With direct deposit and pay cards, employees can access their pay stubs and year-end Forms W-2 and 1095 online through the Mize payroll portal.

Read more about the benefits of electronic pay from our Insights blog by clicking here.  

Earned Wage Access


Even if employees get paid on time, sometimes that money doesn’t stretch until the next payday. Stuff happens – the washing machine overflows, the car breaks down, or somebody gets sick. Sometimes employees need money sooner than later, but there aren’t a lot of great options. Payday loans, overdrawing their checking account, and incurring credit card debt can chock up high fees. The employer can give a pay advance or loan, but that can put you in a difficult position.

That’s where an Earned Wage Access (EWA) program can help. EWA programs are a new employee benefit that advances employees a certain amount or percentage of their accrued wages. The employee’s next paycheck is automatically reduced by the advanced amount, with no risk or liability to the employer.

For more information about ZayZoon, the EWA program offered through Mize CPAs, click here or visit with your Mize professional.