Mobility Management News: January 2020
Hello newsletter readers, 

In early January, I was on the Allegany Indian Reservation, based in Salamanca, N.Y., (a beautiful, albeit cold, time to visit that part of the world), providing technical assistance to the Seneca Nation's transit service, mainly surveying riders on-board. While not there on NCMM matters, I realized something new. I was riding on the run up to Irving, N.Y., when I realized that one doesn't need to have a job title in mobility management to be doing it.

I was enamored with the manner in which Rick, a long-term bus driver, managed his bus. Regardless of if you were a first-time rider or on a first-name basis, Rick wanted to know where you were going and how you wanted to get there. Making sure connections were lined up with neighboring services, that riders knew of the safest way to their destination from their stop, and providing literature and new information about the service to riders, Rick was helping people manage their mobility. 

Newly working at NCMM, it has become clear to me that all working in, or with, the realm of transportation are connected through mobility management. Bus drivers, transit planners, mobility management practitioners, case workers and more all have a stake in getting people where they want and need to go, regardless of it being explicitly laid out in their job description. Even those not directly working in the realm of transportation can be a part of the mobility management continuum. 

When I worked for a housing non-profit, I was the point of contact for a small repair program serving older homeowners. More often than not, the conversation evolved from an older person applying for repairs to help them age-in-place, to them discussing their difficulties in getting to doctors' appointments or their loneliness in not being able to easily visit family and friends. I ended up collecting information of local providers in the area and, if wanted or not known, provided their contact information. I wondered how the work of those actually doing mobility management (even though I didn't know it was called MM at the time) did what they did, and the impacts they made, but I was doing my own small part at it. A slight example of utilizing mobility management in a non-transportation-oriented realm.

As you read this month's newsletter, just keep in mind that some of the content on our website can be just as valuable to those on the periphery of mobility management. Share it with them. It may help to improve the lives of people in your community.

As always, if you have a written piece you'd like considered for NCMM's blog, Mobility Lines, any recommendations for website or newsletter content, or just want to reach out, my contact information is below.  


Kirby Wilhelm
(202) 489-6020
Issue-Focused Mobility Meetings
NCMM has chosen three communities for Issue-Focused Mobility Meetings, giving mobility management practitioners and community members within a "mobility region" the opportunity to meet, network, and together begin to develop potential solutions to the identified issue. NCMM will work closely with the three selected regions to co-design these one-day meetings to ensure they effectively addresses the community goals.

The chosen communities and their stated goals:

  • Topeka, Kansas - Establish accessible, affordable, and timely transportation for patients of all ages, abilities, and incomes to improve overall health the Topeka/Shawnee County region
  • Quaboag Region, Massachusetts - Plan and develop a sustainable, scalable model for rural transportation to improve health outcomes for high priority populations
  • North Carolina - Address the tools and techniques needed to proactively and collaboratively manage curb space and improve multimodal mobility
NCMM's EXPO Session
NCMM will be hosting a one-day gathering for mobility management practitioners at the Community Transportation Association of America's EXPO 2020 in Louisville, Ky., on Tuesday, June 2. Details will be announced soon; look for a special email in the coming weeks. Once again, NCMM will be sponsoring a mobility management lounge for you to meet colleagues from across the country; it'll be a great opportunity to network, swap strategies, and learn about each other's communities. During the lounge, posters from the NCMM's 2020 Poster Session will be on display. Stay tuned. 
New! NCMM Daily Mobility News Page
Check out our new Daily Mobility News page. Updated each day with news relevant to mobility management, it's the perfect place to start your morning.
NCMM's 2020 Poster Session
NCMM is now accepting poster presentation submissions for NCMM's 2020 Mobility Management Poster Session. Posters will discuss a community transportation challenge and the ways mobility management approaches have impacted solving that challenge. Information regarding the application process is available on NCMM's website. Authors of accepted posters will receive a $200 stipend. 
Grant Activities
Learn about NCMM's current grantees and the transportation challenges they are solving within our central Community Grants page. You can also find out more about past grantees here.
e-Learning Center
NCMM offers six e-Learning courses with 25 different module topics. One of the six courses, Creating Innovative Transportation Solutions, offers a phase-by-phase guide in applying human-centered design in creating and implementing transportation solutions. Sign up for NCMM's free e-Learning courses here.
Check out the NCMM Calendar to keep up-to-date on collected mobility management events, webinars, and other opportunities.
Technology Assistance
Have a question about technology? You can find answers by contacting NCMM's technologist, Kevin Chambers, at [email protected].
Partner News
The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has announced projects selected to receive approximately $5 million in grants to American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments under FTA's Tribal Transit Program. The Fiscal Year 2019 grants will support 39 projects in 20 states. Find out more about them here.
Learning Opportunities
CCAM 2020 Webinar Series
The Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility partner agencies are hosting a webinar series to increase local, state and federal coordination to enhance accessible, efficient transportation options for the target population. The first one, hosted by the Department of Health and Human Services, will be on Feb. 13.

You can view the entire schedule of webinars on NCMM's webinar page.

The Potential Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Health Care Access
Health Outreach Partners is hosting a webinar on Feb. 11. It will explore the emerging topic of autonomous vehicles (aka self-driving cars). While this technology is not currently a mainstream part of daily transportation, it will be inevitably more prevalent in years to come. The webinar will look at the opportunity for health professionals to begin the conversation now as to how it may be used for patients facing transportation barriers, and to be prepared when the time comes that it is more readily available.
Funding Opportunities
About Mobility Management News
Mobility Management News is the newsletter of the National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM), which is operated jointly by the Community Transportation Association, the American Public Transportation Association and Easter Seals under a cooperative agreement with the Federal Transit Administration. 
Kirby Wilhelm