Issue #109, June 2019

   Interview: Transportation Models
   EV Batteries

The modern auto industry traces its roots to 1885 in Germany when mechanical engineer Karl Benz designed and built the world's first automobile powered by an internal combustion-engine. Unknown then, the invention would radically change how humans lived and societies developed.

The future of mobility is sure to bring about even more changes, and our June newsletter gives you a sneak peek of what those may look like. This month we feature three German mobility startups ranging from a transportation application to projects on sensing and mapping for autonomous vehicles. 

In a spotlight we check out Germany's quest to get ahead in electric-vehicle battery production including promising research in solid-state batteries. For our interview we sat down with a master of transportation modeling, Dr. Constantinos Antoniou of the Technical University of Munich, who will be a featured speaker at our event on " Automated Transportation" on July 9 in San Francisco.

Human-Centric Transportation: An Interview with  Constantinos Antoniou

Technical University of Munich professor  Constantinos Antoniou creates hypothetical, digital models of transportation systems in order to test effective solutions.

In an  interview with us, he explains transportation modeling, the limits of human mobility and why building more roads is the worst solution.


The Electric Future

The German government has made electro-mobility a major focus, allotting $1.1 billion to the research and development of new battery technologies. More

©Blickfeld GmbH

Eyes for Autonomous Vehicles

AV sensors might soon be fully integrated into headlights. Munich-based Blickfeld is the brains behind this advancement.  More 

©Terraloupe GmbH

Mapping the Future

Terraloupe uses AI to fully digitize the outdoor environment. Through deep learning, the Munich-based startup analyzes aerial imagery to optimize decision making for autonomous vehicles, industry and infrastructure. More

Google Maps, Step Aside

moovel is a transportation app that allows users to check the price and travel time between two locations by combining transportation methods. If the best route involves a bike share, e-scooter and public transport, moovel combines them all! More

Director Ben Brisch (left) June 6 event in San Francisco with Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn, Breakthrough Prize Winner Peter Walter and Consul General Südbeck

July Events