Send off the kids with a shleimah that gets home in one piece with this eye catching full color Matzah box for mass distribution.

Wheat Grinder
Add a new twist to your Model Matzah Bakery with old fashioned stone...
[Economy Matza Boxes
Distribute Shmura Matzah in a beautiful Matzah box designed for ...
Wheat Stalks
A great way to explain the process of making shmurah matzah from...
Matzah Pole Rack
& Poles
The only efficient way of placing the newly rolled matzah in the oven is...
Deluxe King Pharoah Headpiece
The perfect prop for dramatizing how Moshe demanded that Pharaoh...
Special: Matzah Hole Maker DISCOUNT
A must for every matzah bakery. Without it the matzah will bake like a pita...