WINTER 2018    

Turbulence surrounds both today's workforce and workplace.  The workforce and workplace of tomorrow will be very different from those of today.  Organizations need specific skills and attributes from members at all levels of the workforce.  Employees will have markedly different needs and preferences based on their experiences, culture, ethnicity, and education.  Yet many organizational leaders continue to think and act as if today's organizational structures, processes, hierarchies, and networks will have perpetual relevance - or at least don't require modification any time soon.  Read on to learn six ways to modernizing your Workplace and Workforce.

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Throughout my career, spending the first 15 years in city management and the last 16 consulting with local governments nationwide, one of the phrases that's I've heard said way too many times is "we've always done it that way."  In my role as a change advisor to leaders, I've worked vigorously to disrupt that thinking and instead replace it with a progressive approach to continuous improvement.  In this new workshop I've developed, seven actions are shared that organizational leaders can implement to create the recipe required for future success - building an organization that's purpose driven, principle led and values-based.  Please contact me if you're interested in hosting this workshop for your leaders and managers so you can transition from the status quo to the status go!

I recently finished the book " Deep Work" by Cal Newport.  The author chronicles that throughout human history it is when people "wandered off" the grid and contemplated the plight of the human condition, is when the most compelling advancements and inventions occurred. His assertion is that deep work is not some nostalgic notion, but instead it's a skill that has great value today.  Especially with so much of our time focused on shallow work such as text messages and emails.  The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare at the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable in our economy.  

Crafting a Healthy Workplace Culture

The dynamic processes of culture creation and management are the essence of leadership and make one realize that leadership and culture are two sides of the same coin.  Understandably culture change can be difficult and challenging work, yet the dividends are extremely beneficial in helping transition or even sometimes, transform, an organization to achieve unprecedented results.  Moreover, with the breadth and pace of changes impacting the role of local governments, leaders would be wise to change their cultures to adapt to the situation and operate a higher level of effectiveness or run the risk of falling behind in their primary role as a community builder.

Upcoming Conference Presentations

On March 29th, in Monterey (CA) at the League of California Cities   Public Works Officers Institute, Patrick will be presenting "Talent Management: The Next Phase of Succession Planning."  

In Santa Fe, on April 10th, Patrick will be presenting "Attracting, Retaining and Preparing the 21st Century Workforce" at the New Mexico Transit Association Conference and Expo.
On April 18th, in St. George, Utah at the annual conference for the Utah Chapter of the Government Finance Officers Association, Patrick will be presenting "Best Practices are the Enemy of Innovation."
In Libertyville, Illinois on April 26th, Patrick will be presenting "Workforce of the Future" workshop.  If you are in the Chicago area, you are welcome to register and attend.
Hungry for valuable content during the time between editions of Moving Forward, then visit us on Facebook and follow us on Linked In to obtain timely and relevant updates to help you get better all the time.  

Where's Patrick?              

Our consulting work takes us to terrific places and allows us the opportunity to partner with government leaders, as well as speaking at conferences. Check out our schedule as we may be in your area soon.

Waukesha, WI
Glendale, CA
Richfield, MN
Edmond, OK
Thank you for investing the time to read this edition of  Moving Forward! 
If there are any topics that you'd like to read more about, please feel free to email me at  [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Keep Getting Better,