Module Test Purchasing Options
We appreciate the feedback you've provided about craft module test prices and have updated our purchasing options! Beginning July 1, the following will be available:
These prices will be on a per student, per year basis and can be paid for at the time of ordering or within 30 days:

  • $20.00 - Secondary schools
  • $24.00 - All other organizations and companies
Per Test
These prices will be based on organization type and billed on a monthly basis:

  • $2.25 - Nonprofit organizations, schools and correctional facilities
  • $2.60 - Business and industry
Key Points
  • Pre-purchasing module tests in volume for a discount will no longer be available after June 1. During the transition to the new pricing model (June 1-30), tests will be billed based on usage at the end of the month or taken from your existing test balance.

  • Any unused, pre-purchased tests will be converted to a credit balance. Credit balances will be available to view July 1.

  • Pipeline price per test will remain the same at $5.00/test and subscriptions will not apply.

  • Reminder: Craft module retesting is free starting June 1. | Toll-free 888.622.3720