Winter 2019
January is National Mentoring Month!
In 2002, National Mentoring Month was created to celebrate mentoring and its essential role in our communities and the future of our youth. At Seattle CARES, we are proud to be part of this important movement.
At its core, mentoring tells our young people that there is someone who cares about them, that they have worth, and that they are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges. Mentors can be role models, tutors, friends or just plain inspiration. Many have been "there" and faced the same challenges when they were growing up. Research shows that mentoring has a powerful and positive effect on young people in many ways -- in school, at home and later in life.
At Seattle CARES, we recruit and train qualified caring mentors for our partner agencies. Read more about one of our partners, M.U.S.T., and one of its outstanding young mentors, Marvin Chapman, below.
Although we have made much progress, there is still an urgent need for adults to become mentors. This January and beyond, we invite you to learn more about mentoring
on our website
or at a Mentor Orientation. Mentoring can change a young life and enrich your own life as well. Thank you for helping improve the lives of children in our community.
Don Cameron, Executive Director
Seattle CARES Mentoring Movement
Mentor Spotlight:
Marvin Chapman
One year ago, Seattle CARES launched the Our Best program at Broadway Performance Hall, Seattle Central College; SCC student Marvin Chapman was in the audience. Chapman decided then and there to become a mentor. He signed up, was trained and today mentors a young man through M.U.S.T.,one of our partner agencies. It's been a real success story.
Partner Profile: M.U.S.T.
Mentoring Urban Students and Teens, or M.U.S.T., is making a tremendous difference in the community. Director Rick Newell founded
as a way to pair youth in danger of dropping out of high school with young black men who want to go to college but don't have the money or know the way. Add an adult coach to provide support and it becomes a three-tiered mentoring model that's a win-win for all.
The Rising Lifts Self-Esteem
We have launched
The Rising
in two Seattle middle schools. This innovative curriculum-based, group-mentoring initiative builds self-esteem and critical thinking skills among 6th graders. Developed by the National CARES Mentoring Movement, The Rising has seen great success in Chicago, Detroit and South Florida.
I mentor because I want to...
| young black men become greater than they ever dreamed by providing tools they will use throughout their entire life. -- Michael
...provide a different perspective. -- Ahmed
...provide a positive influence. I believe young black youth are more likely to succeed with the support of a consistent caring adult male. I believe I can enhance our youth's learning skills and help build character, resilience and self-control. I had a mentor in my youth and I want to pay it forward. -- DJ
A New Year's Message of Hope
The National CARES Mentoring Movement is focused on recruiting mentors to help guide our children so that they can make healthy choices for their minds, bodies and spirits. Our programming embraces the whole person, an approach we developed years ago with the input and guidance of...doctors, educators, advocates, artists, community activists and wellness professionals.
But what also informed our philosophy were the miraculous shifts I saw in the lives of the challenged young women and men that the ESSENCE editors and I mentored at our offices. One young woman, whom I met while she was incarcerated and I was editor-in-chief of the magazine, now has more education than I do, and is shaping young minds in her work as a teacher, despite a background of abuse, neglect, poverty and pain.
We can change the path that our struggling young people are on if we change the path that we travel ourselves. We must open our hearts. Volunteering to mentor just an hour a week can help save and secure a life...Caring for our children is our work to do. The time is now!*
Susan L. Taylor, Founder and CEO
National CARES Mentoring Movement
Editor-in-Chief Emerita, ESSENCE
* From ESSENCE Magazine
We hope to see you at one of our upcoming events.
Mentor Orientation
Interested in becoming a mentor?
Join us at the next Mentor Orientation.
January 12, 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
February 16, 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
March 9, 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Mt. Baker Presbyterian Church
3201 Hunter Blvd S
Seattle WA
Look for our booth on MLK Day
We will have a booth at the Opportunity Fair at Garfield High School. Stop by to say hello and learn more about becoming a mentor.
Monday, January 21, 9 a.m. - 12 noon
Garfield High School
400 23rd Avenue
Seattle WA
There are many ways to save a generation! Donate today!
We are grateful for the support of all our mentors, partners and donors. You too can be part of the mentoring movement by making a donation to Seattle Cares. It's easy; just click on the donation button at left.
Seattle Cares Mentoring Movement