New Statuses in the HUB
Yeehaw, we have more statuses. This will help you account for more scenarios with your referrals and hopefully improve the quality of your reporting. I need your help making sure:
- No lead stays in NEW status longer than 24 hours
- ALL appointments set include the date and time
- After the appointment within 24 hours you update the status again and add notes.
- If you list a property in the Notes add - price or range pricing, timeframe of the listing agreement, proposed go active date
Status Cheatsheet:
New - means not contacted yet. You should have no lead in New status for more than an hour.
Appointment Set - means you have a future appointment. This status should change immediately after the appointment is completed.
Follow Up or Agent Working Lead - means you need to follow up with the lead either to set the appointment. AWL in general, indicates longer term nurture needed.
Listed - this means YOU listed it, not someone else.
Appt done - Follow Up - You had the appointment. They didn't list with you. You will follow up with them in some respect to pursue the listing.
Attempted to Contact - Referral hasn't set the appointment yet despite you contacting them.
Cancelled Appointment - The Referral cancelled the appointment prior to it occurring. This is not to be used if you at all meet with the referral.
Do Not Contact - this is the explicit STOP message, if you didn't get a STOP then it's not DNC and should be changed to Follow Up or Agent Working Lead. This status isn't to be used for already listed homes, people who thought we are cash buyers, etc as they are still potential listings.
Closed - means you listed it and closed it.
Closed with Another Agent - the referral closed with another agent. Not just listed or pending, closed.
Nurture - a referral you met with or not that you feel requires longer term nurturing.
Referred Out - You referred the referral to another 72 SOLD agent.