Greg's Weekly Update

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Monie's YouTube

Hit the Mitts Roleplay


10am AZ/1pm EST

Tuesdays with Monie


10am AZ/1pm EST

National Team Call


9am AZ/12pm EST

How You Do One Thing = How You Do All Things

With Phoenix being the first 72 SOLD market testing out the zip code model, many agents in our local brokerage are reaching out to me (and other team leaders who were allowed to purchase zips) for a chance to join my team. Makes sense - no team = no referrals for many.

A team of two agents stood out to me - surprised me - and not in a good way. So much so I wanted to share it with you guys so we can all learn from it.

A Little Background:

These two agents have been with the company a little longer than me, I believed they were fairly successful so I had high hopes for our conversation. When they texted me about my team, I was excited and replied that I would call them to find out what they are looking for in a team.

This is always my first question to anyone who wants to join my team. I have found it is the fastest way to get clear on an agent's expectations of me and helps me quickly determine fit.

The Phone Call:

I called shortly after, first thing I asked was "what are you looking for in a team?"

His response " oh you be more busy." He then went on to complain about his lead flow, critiquing various things about the company, etc.

I asked him about their lead to close ratio and he said 95%. When I repeated the question knowing that was extraordinarily high he affirmed 95%...And then he actually listened to my question, realized what I was asking and came back with the correct number which was under 50%.

Later in the conversation one of them described the other as "usually the smartest one in the room when it comes to real estate."

Do you work buyers? "*heavy sigh* I haven't in years but sure I work buyers"

And finally, when I asked how they would feel going from doing their own thing to being on a team, their response was "well as long as you don't have meetings every day it should be fine."

This duo had an opportunity to sell themselves to me and completely missed. They made it clear their interest in me was for my referrals only - no desire to contribute to my team, not interested in growing themselves (they are already the smartest in the room remember), placing stipulations on how often they may be asked to be held accountable, didn't bother to listen to questions, not prepared to provide basic stats on their performance...

Definitely not the vibe...

I ended the call knowing I would absolutely not be hiring them - the simple reason being how you do one thing, is how you do all things.

Look guys. It doesn't matter where you are or who you're interacting with, you are selling or being sold. To get anything you want requires attention on how you are being - it's a muscle, a habit - something you must pay attention to. With or without your knowledge you are directly influencing how things unfold for you. In this case with these two, they showed me that they didn't think enough of our conversation to put forth the effort to even try to make themselves appealing to me as team members and stewards of my VERY expensive investment; they didn't seem aware of how many agents are interested in being on my team; and they definitely didn't offer any clear value that differentiated them from the masses.

If they couldn't sell me, what makes me think they can sell anyone else?

This example is a great illustration of WHY we are so focused on the fine details as a team. Paying attention, reading the room, coming with contribution instead of take-take-take, spelling and grammar, preparedness.

Every single time you show up in smaller moments as your best self makes it automatic to show up in the big moments as your best self.

Big shoutout to our amazing team members who are signing listings left and right and even closing some already.

With Love,


Speaking of BEING... did you miss the BE-Do-Have template I made? Download it here!


Looking Back

Hit the Mitts Rewatch

If you were put on the spot could you deliver an elevator speech good enough to get in the door? Listen to your teammates practice in this Hit the Mitts Rewatch.

Tuesdays with Monie Rewatch

Want to hear a REALLY great strategy on expired and cancels outreach? Then this week's Tuesdays with Monie is worth the rewatch!

Team Stats

I am extremely proud to report that we have listed SEVENTY that's 7-OH homes as of me writing this on Friday 3/31. Congratulations team. We started from nothing and are already making this impact. Let's keep this MOMENTUM!

End of March 2023 listing total:


Pay 72 SOLD at Closing

And just like that some of you have closed 72 SOLD referrals. Here's how you pay your referral fee to us. Save this document for future reference.

Show Me the $

Work Your SOI

Want to share 72 SOLD with your SOI but worry they'll go to the company website as a new lead?

We have a solution for you. Send them to for general information about the program and have them contact your directly for their price.

Check It Out

Pin Me Baby... One More Time

Did you know you earn an official 72 SOLD pin when you sign your first 72 SOLD referral? It's true - it's the official earned honor of 72 SOLD agents on my teams.

To claim your pin, fill out the form below. Please note a pin won't be sent unless your Hub is updated with the correct status and complete notes about the listed property.

PS: it is my opinion a pin should be earned not bought... amirightoramiright?

Get Your Pin

Looking Forward

Hit the Mitts Roleplay


10am AZ/1pm EST

Tuesdays with Monie


10am AZ/1pm EST

National Team Call


12pm EST

Bad*ss Team Member Alert!

This week I want to feature Anthony Gnagarelli for his amazing follow up persistence that resulted in an appointment.

Anthony had an unresponsive lead that he decided to take matters into his own hands with. He visited the seller, handed them a gift, and GOT THE APPOINTMENT (insert wild screams and cheering!!!)

Anthony, you are amazing. I am so damn proud of you! That, my loves, is BAD*SSNESS!!

Hit the Mitts

You got the seller onboard, until you present them with an agreement including 6% commission. *GULP* Do you know how to convince a seller to pay you your worth? Let's Hit the Mitts on this one next week.

Hit the Mitts is only offered to those enrolled in my 72 Sold National Coaching group.

Register Now

Tuesdays With Monie

Do YOU really know why 72 SOLD is better for home sellers? Could you explain it on the fly? Let's get deep on this next week so you can explain it to a 4 year old in an elevator...

Tuesdays with Monie is only offered to those enrolled in my 72 Sold National Coaching group.

Register Now

HUB Reporting Crackdown

The crackdown from corporate continues on Hub management. I need your help making sure:

  1. No lead stays in NEW status longer than 24 hours
  2. ALL appointments set include the date and time
  3. After the appointment within 24 hours you update the status again and add notes.
  4. If you list a property in the Notes add - price or range pricing, timeframe of the listing agreement, proposed go active date


Status Cheatsheet:

New - means not contacted yet. You should have no lead in New status for more than an hour.

Appointment Set - means you have a future appointment. This status should change immediately after the appointment is completed.

Follow Up and Agent Working Lead - means you need to follow up with the lead either to set the appointment or after the appointment. AWL in general, indicates longer term nurture needed.

Listed - this means YOU listed it, not someone else.

Do Not Contact - this is the explicit STOP message, if you didn't get a STOP then it's not DNC and should be changed to Follow Up or Agent Working Lead. This status isn't to be used for already listed homes, people who thought we are cash buyers, etc as they are still potential listings until they fully show closed in the MLS.

Closed - means you listed it and closed it.

Visit Your Hub

72 SOLD Objection Wiki

Because we win through collaboration we now have a 72 SOLD objection wiki. This is so cool and thanks to Colleen Tabatneck for sharing her notes to work from. I just created the framework for the "wiki" as a shared Google doc, I haven't added anything to Colleen's notes yet. The idea here is all of us collaborate and add to this. Please save this link for your future reference and questions.

The 72 SOLD Objection Wiki is only to be accessed by those enrolled in my 72 Sold National Coaching group.

Visit the Objection Wiki

Connect with Us

Join our Facebook Group and What's App Chat

We have a dedicated FB group for my territories/teams. Hop in by searching the group name to share referrals, ideas, and network.

Don't forget our team's chat is available for quick coaching for those who bought/working 72 SOLD referrals seats.

These FB and What's App offerings are only to be accessed by those enrolled in my 72 Sold National Coaching group.

Join the Chat

Now Let's Keep It Moving!

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