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10am AZ/1pm EST

Ballers Brainstorm


10am AZ/1pm EST

National Team Call


12pm EST

Real Value

This week I've been spending a lot of time thinking about our team's value to our clients and how we can best convey it.

I am connected with a lot of agents on social media and dedicated time this week "studying" the messages they are sharing online around their value. In doing that, I noticed how many agents (like 99%) rely on flimsy value propositions to attract business.

Here's a sampling of the messaging I saw from many Realtor's social media:

  1. I answer my phone
  2. Even on vacation I'm still working
  3. I give accurate information
  4. You can trust me
  5. I give nice gifts
  6. I donate to charity with every closing
  7. I show homes on the weekend and nights
  8. I am professional
  9. My clients consider me a friend
  10. I am never too busy for your referrals

Don't get me wrong. These things are GREAT (I mean some of them are at least) but I want to challenge our Ballers across the country to think differently when it comes to the messages you're putting out there about the value you provide. I don't think the list above makes any agent particularly valuable to clients - many of them are bare minimum givens or basic professionalism.

A little story - I hired my current attorney after my prior attorney wasn't displaying the aggression or level of advocacy I felt necessary for our interests. Former attorney very nice guy. Fancy office, annual holiday card and invite to client events but didn't feel he was getting me where I wanted to be. New attorney steps in. Bedside manner is um... lacking. No thank you cards, no client events, office isn't flashy. But, I completely know he is aggressive on my behalf, he's thinking ahead, and I know he's the right person for the job. I have referred him dozens of clients now, I never referred my former attorney anyone. My attorney provides real value to me based on my needs and that's why he will remain my attorney. I am loyal to him without the parties and feel good stuff because of the results he provides me.

Same thing goes for our leads/clients. They have needs and the highest value you can provide is a strategy aimed at meeting those. If you get great at identifying your clients' needs through listening and asking great questions, it makes it clear what value you need to provide. In my experience most clients' needs revolve around money and/or time. This is why the 72 Sold messaging and program is so attractive to many sellers - thankfully the program gives you a big hint on how you can position yourself to leads and clients to be truly valuable. But let's not forget about your buyers - they too have needs around money and/or time - just in different contexts.

So if you know this and begin to focus on building your value propositions around the needs of money and/or time instead of the basics of being a professional human being (like "I answer my phone") you now are speaking to the pain point of people who need your services. You are showing a higher level of value than 99% of your peers and once you execute for them, you will have raving fans without necessarily needing to go over the top with ongoing glad-handing.

I can see you guys' value. My hope is by pausing and making this small adjustment, the rest of the world will be able to see it too.

Love you guys,

Monie Wilder


  • HUB AUDIT IN SEPTEMBER!!! The month of September I will begin to audit every ZIP owner's HUB. I am going to be checking your follow up, making sure you've remembered to send your 25% to 72 Sold, and seeing who needs support in getting to the minimum company conversions before corporate gets involved. Please take some time to update your HUB. Each lead. Including your DNC's - add notes and what your strategy is.

  • Out of Area Referrals - I would like to route out of area referrals to ZIP code owners FIRST before anyone else. Please refer to the ZIP code owner sheet to find coverage, if no luck use the “refer a lead” option on the 72 National portal, the chat should be a last resort as many agents in the chat do not attend coaching and therefore have a higher likelihood of not being able to convert.

  • There is no standard referral fee for out of area leads. You can refer them for free, you can work out a fee that works for you.

  • Remember if you purchased zips AFTER the 25th of the month, your referrals don’t start until the following month.

  • Don't want out of state referrals or any out of area referrals? Simply email [email protected] to turn off your bonus lead seat.

  • Corporate is Helping YOUR Downlines - Do you know someone who should be a 72 Sold agent? Want Heidi Zebro at corporate to recruit them for you? Great news - because she loves NY so much she’s willing to make calls on YOUR behalf and put people into your downlines. How? You warm up the person, connect her and them via email. And let her do the rest. Be sure to include which zips they may be interested in and why you think they’d be a good owner. Don’t forget, EVERY ZIP sold feeds the ad fund - more leads for you! Her email is [email protected]

Your Downline

Your 72 SOLD Downline

Have someone to add to your downline? That's awesome. The best part is that not only do they get your support with the 72 SOLD journey, but they get to be a part of my coaching group where they get the most robust real world strategies to capitalize on their protected areas.




  1. They must be a member of the $72 a month option to purchase a ZIP code so if they aren't they need to do that.
  2. Once they do, they will purchase their ZIP code. To have a downline themselves they must own a ZIP. There is a minimum $500 monthly ZIP value required to build a downline or to pay an upline.
  3. They will go to the hamburger menu, select their profile, and type YOUR AGENT ID number in as their "sponsor." Please note they only have two days to add you there. After that you're SOL.
  4. Complete our 72 Ballers Network form (see below) to get connected with me.


You go to your 72 National Account. Click the hamburger menu, then choose Profile... boom. Your Agent ID is right there.

Any and ALL of the people you talk to need to input you as their Sponsor. This builds your business and therefore you can help them build theirs.


Here are two videos I suggest you save on your phone in case you meet an agent who may be a good fit.

The Protected Area Model Video

The DL3 Video

Below are the sign up and sponsorship directions with pics, just in case.

Register for Coaching Sessions

Hit the Mitts Roleplay


10am AZ/1pm EST

Ballers Brainstorm


10am AZ/1pm EST

National Team Call


12pm EST

Hit the Mitts

More drilling of the fundamentals and our common objections to make SURE you enter each appointment completely ready for anything. Hit the Mitts gets you the listing - DO NOT MISS OUR SESSIONS!

Register Now

72 SOLD Ballers Brainstorm

BB is for 72 SOLD ZIP Code Owners or their team members who want to maximize the power of their protected areas. Our call will be focused on marketing and branding to help you guys gain as much market share as possible with the 72 SOLD program as your primary tool.

Register Now

Get To Work

Custom Marketing Jump Start Now Available

We've taken the guess work (and excuses) out of starting your DIY in your ZIPS. Contact Myranda to get your Marketing Jump Start built so you can start capturing 72 Sold business on your own!

Email Myranda at [email protected] to start

Out of Area Referrals

Not all ZIPs are sold yet! But that doesn't mean those ZIPs don't get seller referrals. These referrals are being distributed on a DMA round robin and you may receive one you are unable to work.

Here are some options:

  1. Visit your 72 National portal and use the Referral option to look for 72 Sold certified agents by ZIP.
  2. Visit our ZIP Code Owner List here - find the owner closest to the lead and reach out to them to take the opportunity
  3. Share in the NY DMA Referrals What's App Chat (not the Ballers chat please).
  4. And if those three options don't work, send the seller a message that says. "Thank you for reaching out to 72 SOLD. We are expanding our reach every day, but at the moment, we are unable to service your specific area. Our deepest apologies, please check back soon!"

Want more referrals? Find your name on your ZIP code Google Sheet and fill out the ZIPs, Counties, Cities you're willing to work so your teammates find you easily (thank you Natalie for creating those columns).

Opportunity in your face alert - Take note of the ZIP and connect with agents within your network about joining your 72 SOLD team and working these leads while staying at their current brokerage. You can buy that ZIP code, make a split off of the deals and eventually bring that individual into your downline - now that would be some really baller sh*t.

Don't want out of area leads? Ok - email support and have your extra seat shut off.

Ballers ZIP Owners List

Hit the Mitts Rewatch Now on Youtube

Did you miss a HtM? We now have a dedicated playlist on Youtube just for our Ballers. Dive into these rewatches and stay spry for your appointments.

View the HtM Playlist

Ballers Conversation Starters

The better you are at tough conversations the more you will sell and the more powerful you will be as an agent. Sometimes we just need a little help with getting these conversations started. Check out the Ballers Conversation Starters that I've compiled that have helped my team over hundreds of transactions. Just another benefit of being a Baller.

Conversation Starters

Connect and Celebrate

Visit the Success Bank

Let’s pool and document our regional successes to share with our leads. I created this Google doc for us to use for this purpose with the info needed to be more useful.

Please start adding your results so we can grow our success together. 

Bad*ss Baller of the Week

Biggest congrats to Jared Jones who recently became our leader in Orlando and surrounding areas. Jared is also one of our 72 Sold Ballers top converters already being in the program for just one month. Love having this wealth of knowledge, ideas, and talent as part of our group! Thanks for being so Baller Bad*ss Jared!

Join our Facebook Group and What's App Chat

We have a dedicated FB group for the 72 Sold Ballers. Hop in by searching the group name to brainstorm like Ballers do!

Our What's App chat is very active and the place to get help from me and others quickly. Not sure how to respond to a lead? Need support? Go here before you go anywhere else.

Ballers What's App Chat

Pay 72 SOLD at Closing

And just like that some of you have closed 72 SOLD referrals. Here's how you pay your referral fee to us. Save this document for future reference.

Show Me the $

Now Let's Keep It Moving!

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