Next Week's HtM

Next Week's BB

Monie's YouTube

Hit the Mitts Roleplay


10am AZ/1pm EST

Ballers Brainstorm


10am AZ/1pm EST

National Team Call


9am AZ/12pm EST

Newbies First Appointment Toolbox

So many new faces are joining our 72 Ballers community thanks to team members building their downlines of new ZIP code owners.

I thought it important to compile some of the most important things needed for the 72 SOLD listing presentation. If you're new here or not, worth your time to brush up, check yourself, and be as prepared as you can be to knock your appointments out of the park. Remember statistically speaking if you leave an appointment without a signed listing agreement, your likelihood of getting that later is very low. Preparation and practice BEFORE the big stage is a must - be under no delusions - most of the time walking away without that signature is a forever no.

My Favorite Listing Tools

The 10 Steps to Higher Prices Video

First things first, the overall concept of the program needs to be rock solid in your mind. One of the best tools we have in YOU understanding the program is Greg's video explaining the program to sellers. He's teaching the seller in this video which is a great way for you to learn yourself and then adapt to your own style. Watch that video - if you're new watch it three times a day minimum for your first 30 days. I know this seems extreme but the more this becomes a part of you the more money you will make. It's worth it, be like Nike and just do it.

The One Page Listing Agreement

This is a key difference between us and typical brokerages. Here in AZ this IS our listing contract. Nationally, we use this as a way of "signing" a client to the basics of the deal and then follow with the MLS compliant paperwork required in each state. Find a way to use this, it lowers resistance from a client because it is simple and non intimidating. Even if it cannot be your official listing document, it does enough to make you the sale.

The 10 Steps to Higher Prices Brochure

This brochure walks you and the client through exactly HOW we are different and WHY we get better results. It's the paper version of the video I want you watching 90 times in your first 30 days. It's key for you to know these steps - you don't have to present them all but knowing them helps you best get at the seller's needs and address them with the program and back it up with literature. If there is a specific area the seller is focused on, being able to open something printed and official looking and walk them through it visually helps so many people understand and "click" faster.

The Game Plan

The GP helps transition from getting agreement on the program and price to closing them by assuming forward movement and engaging the seller in making a plan of attack. This document will save your life. Never go to an appointment without it, do not skip doing it.

Competitive Pricing Sheet

We price based on active competition not on closed sales. So this is important to have on hand and filled out to show the seller what buyers currently have to consider and how they can best position themselves to be the next home sold in their neighborhood and limit their days on market. I recommend avoid bringing MLS print outs and CMA's as your presentation materials - it's very traditional and can get distracting - have them as back up but summarize on this simple form and watch how much easier it is to get to the heart of pricing without all the distractions.

Just focusing on the above will make you a more prepared and better lister than 90% of agents in the country. Can't wait to see you reach your potential through committing to learning and practicing these skills we train on weekly.

Have a great week everyone,


PS - Hit the Mitts PLEASE.

Read Monie's Journal

Your 72 SOLD Downline

Have someone to add to your downline? That's awesome. The best part is that not only do they get your support with the 72 SOLD journey, but they get to be a part of my coaching group where they get the most robust real world strategies to capitalize on their protected areas.




  1. They must be a member of the $72 a month option to purchase a ZIP code so if they aren't they need to do that.
  2. Once they do, they will purchase their ZIP code. To have a downline themselves they must own a ZIP. There is a minimum $500 monthly ZIP value required to build a downline or to pay an upline.
  3. They will go to the hamburger menu, select their profile, and type YOUR AGENT ID number in as their "sponsor"
  4. Complete our 72 Ballers Network form (see below) to get connected with me.


You go to your 72 National Account. Click the hamburger menu, then choose Profile... boom. Your Agent ID is right there.

Any and ALL of the people you talk to need to input you as their Sponsor. This builds your business and therefore you can help them build theirs.


Once your person has purchased their ZIP code with you as their sponsor, send them this quick form to complete. This gets them connected to me so that I can start supporting them and creates a record that they are in your downline, just in case.

Here is the form

Rewatch our conversation about the 72 Sold Downline Revenue Share program here.

Below are the sign up and sponsorship directions with pics, just in case.

Register for Coaching Sessions

Hit the Mitts Roleplay


10am AZ/1pm EST

Ballers Brainstorm


10am AZ/1pm EST

National Team Call


12pm EST

Hit the Mitts

More drilling of the fundamentals and our common objections to make SURE you enter each appointment completely ready for anything. Hit the Mitts gets you the listing - DO NOT MISS OUR SESSIONS!

Register Now

72 SOLD Ballers Brainstorm

Tuesdays with Monie is now Ballers Brainstorm. BB is for 72 SOLD ZIP Code Owners or their team members who want to maximize the power of their protected areas. Our call will be focused on marketing and branding to help you guys gain as much market share as possible with the 72 SOLD program as your primary tool.

Register Now

Get To Work

Lead Farms

This week in Ballers Brainstorm, we decided to commit this week to farming not just around our listings but around our leads. A simple doorhanger/postcard delivered to 50 homes around each lead... language could be "Your neighbor wanted the 72 SOLD price on their home because we average home sellers 8-12% higher NET than selling traditionally. Scan here for your price."

Short, sweet, easy call to action - great use of your QR code here and get your steps in or have neighbor kids deliver. What a great way to start building brand recognition for a low cost.

Out of Area Referrals

Not all ZIPs are sold yet! But that doesn't mean those ZIPs don't get seller referrals. These referrals are being distributed on a DMA round robin and you may receive one you are unable to work.

Here are some options:

  1. Visit your 72 National portal and use the Referral option to look for 72 Sold certified agents by ZIP.
  2. Visit our ZIP Code Owner List here - find the owner closest to the lead and reach out to them to take the opportunity
  3. Share in the NY DMA Referrals What's App Chat (not the Ballers chat please).
  4. And if those three options don't work, send the seller a message that says. "Thank you for reaching out to 72 SOLD. We are expanding our reach every day, but at the moment, we are unable to service your specific area. Our deepest apologies, please check back soon!"

Want more referrals? Find your name on your ZIP code Google Sheet and fill out the ZIPs, Counties, Cities you're willing to work so your teammates find you easily (thank you Natalie for creating those columns).

Opportunity in your face alert - Take note of the ZIP and connect with agents within your network about joining your 72 SOLD team and working these leads while staying at their current brokerage. You can buy that ZIP code, make a split off of the deals and eventually bring that individual into your downline - now that would be some really baller sh*t.

Bottomline, I am not going to entertain a ton of complaints around these out of area referrals. They are opportunities, they are people. Let's handle them as described above with a grateful attitude and not clog up the chat with them.

Ballers ZIP Owners List

Just the Tip

Lower the Linger to keep your clients and deals on track.

My Just the Tip this week discusses what I've learned working with hundreds of 72 Sold sellers in trust building and communication.

Just the Tip

Appointment Setting Secrets

If you're having issues with converting referrals to appointments, this Zoom is a must watch! Learn the appointment setting sequence the corporate callers and virtual assistance use to convert at the highest level.

72 SOLD Objection Wiki

Because we win through collaboration we now have a 72 SOLD objection wiki. As you practice and get success with objections, login to the wiki and update for the team. Let's grow our knowledge based together!

Visit the Objection Wiki

Connect and Celebrate

Visit the Success Bank

Let’s pool and document our regional successes to share with our leads. I created this Google doc for us to use for this purpose with the info needed to be more useful.

Please start adding your results so we can grow our success together. 

Badass Baller of the Week

Goes without saying why Gregg Verrilli is the featured Ballers Bad*ass of the week. Gregg has continuously committed to growing his 72 SOLD business with amazing creativity. From his magnets to his non traditional marketing pieces he never puts himself in a box. His skill level in Hit the Mitts has skyrocketed, no surprise as he's always on and participating. I love love love having you Gregg, thank you for all you contribute.

Pin Me Baby... One More Time

Did you know you earn an official 72 SOLD pin when you sign your first 72 SOLD referral? It's true - it's the official earned honor of 72 SOLD agents on my teams.

To claim your pin, fill out the form below. Please note a pin won't be sent unless your Hub is updated with the correct status and complete notes about the listed property.

PS: it is my opinion a pin should be earned not bought... amirightoramiright?

Get Your Pin

Join our Facebook Group and What's App Chat

We have a dedicated FB group for the 72 Sold Ballers. Hop in by searching the group name to brainstorm like Ballers do!

Our What's App chat is very active and the place to get help from me and others quickly. Not sure how to respond to a lead? Need support? Go here before you go anywhere else.

Ballers What's App Chat

Pay 72 SOLD at Closing

And just like that some of you have closed 72 SOLD referrals. Here's how you pay your referral fee to us. Save this document for future reference.

Show Me the $

Now Let's Keep It Moving!

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