This week I had the opportunity to deliver a talk to a group of about 100 women (primarily REALTORS) at an event titled Power Women in Real Estate. I decided to share five things that have greatly impacted me - helped me not only move towards my business goals but most importantly helped me become a happier more well-balanced person.
A Little Background...
About 4 years ago, right around the birth of my first child. My life was a mess. I had just closed a business that I owned for 6 years that completely consumed my life and bled me dry, I had gone through multiple miscarriages which led us to IVF, was on the verge of bankruptcy and had to sell my dream home in order to prevent foreclosure. I felt incredibly unhappy, lost - but no one would have known it. The only thing that was going well for me was real estate, I could sell my ass off and that was really the only way we kept afloat. So I found myself obsessed with grinding thinking that if I could just make enough money and really get good at selling real estate, I would be happy again.
The lie detector determined THAT WAS A LIE.
I couldn't outwork this problem, I had to make some shifts. Here are the five that helped me pull myself from broke and unhappy to where I am now today.
- Take YOU Seriously - My most important "job" daily is me. This is non negotiable. Every day I have dedicated time to take care of three things that encompass my health - mental health, spiritual health, and physical health. This isn't groundbreaking, we have all heard this before, I know I had. And to be honest it felt a little w00-w000 to me. "Self care" felt cliched, meditation or even sitting quietly made my butt itch - I was a driver, feet hit the floor and the devil says "oh crap she's up" kinda woman. But knowing that whatever I was doing in my life wasn't working was enough motivation for me to have an open mind. I am so glad I did. Over the last four years with dedicated time to study ME, take care of ME, and grow ME, I learned that my constant drive was a defense against self examination. I was afraid to get to know me... I think many of us are especially those of us that identify with perfectionism can identify. This methodical daily process of mental, spiritual, and physical wellness has allowed me the chance to quiet my inner haters, hear who I really am, judge myself less, a