"Here we choose to seek God
in step with others, even though not always in communion with others --
each of us on an apparently separate path
and yet all of us in veritable community
with one another on the way --
as lifeliners,
as mentors,
as guides,
as models,
as brothers and sisters in whose loving community
we choose to make our common journey to God."*
Where else do you find a community that supports you with a spiritual lifeline, guides you to learn and grow, and offers you life-giving mentoring? In return, we Benedictine Oblates promise stability, fidelity, and ongoing conversion to our God and with our Benedictine monastic community.
Where else in a world of fake intimacy and rudderless morals can one enjoy the love of God and the integrity of a trusted community? In return, praying the Liturgy of the Hours (prayer of Holy Scripture 7 times a day) is a common daily practice of Benedictine Sisters and Oblates.
In this morning’s Lauds, Bill and I read: “You must be made new in mind and spirit, and put on the new nature of God’s creating.” Eph.4:23,24 Where else can one go to listen to an inspiring message in a gathering of committed, like-minded folks? In our January meeting at the Boerne Benedictine Monastery we heard Oblate Emilie share heartfelt, soul-stirring interpretations of the Rule of Benedict. Her gentle, compassionate voice prompted me to want to be made new in mind and spirit, realizing that God
is creating me – all of us – moment by moment. In return, my soul is summoned to remain attentive to the presence of God and the heart we share with our Benedictine Community.
All of us, professed Sisters and lay Oblates, “must be in zealous awe of the presence of God in us and around us.” (205) “Benedictine lifestyle is, then, an oasis of human peace in a striving, searing, simmering world.” (210) We all live in a monastery of the heart.
--by Jan