September 5, 2023

From the President's Office

As quickly as that break from the heat came last week, summer has come back to show us it's not quite gone *yet*. We hope everyone had an enjoyable Labor Day weekend, and is back at work today ready for the race to the end of the year. It seems to fly once we hit this point! Have a great (short) week, and take a moment to read through this week's memo.

Don't Forget! Next Wednesday, September 13, there will be two sessions held with Dr. Elisa Glick for our continuing DEI work. Faculty will meet with Dr. Glick Wednesday morning from 10a - 12p, and Staff will meet with Dr.Glick Wednesday afternoon from 2p - 4p. We will have a community lunch at noon for everyone to enjoy together. Please ensure that your calendars are marked, and we look forward to seeing everyone in those sessions.

Remember, THEO is your best source for Phillips dates, news, events, and more. Check the site often!

Visit THEO

Exciting Things Happening at Phillips

Save the Date - Indigenous Voices: Sacred Storytelling and Resistance

On Monday, November 6, 2023, Phillips will host an event to recognize and honor the contributions of indigenous peoples and cultures. The event reflects on Indigenous Persons Heritage Month, featuring an opening reception, live music, panel discussions, and a plenary program. A visual art exhibition featuring an indigenous artist will open that evening as well. The event committee is Nancy Pittman, Lisa Davison, Holly Becker, Ashley Gibson, Anne Carter-Walker, Lisa Dellinger, and trustee Chebon Kernell. We look forward to announcing our speaker soon. You will not want to miss this event!

Ghosted Portraits: Trace Logan’s Exhibition on Display at Phillips Seminary

The President's Office is pleased to bring the current visual art exhibition to Phillips, Ghosted Portraits: The Invisible Narratives of Self by Trace Logan. The exhibit will be on display in the Chapman Commons through October 20, 2023, during regular business hours. It features portraits of members of Trace’s community, mostly LGBTQ individuals, who have agreed to share their stories and perspectives through art. 

Announcing Phillips Theological Seminary's Annual Art Exhibition Calendar

In keeping with our purpose and mission and following the success of The Language of Our Souls, Phillips Theological Seminary will present four visual art exhibitions to the public each year.  Visual art offers a unique way for people to build connections with each other and a platform to challenge individual assumptions about the world and ourselves.

The annual exhibitions at Phillips will offer a comprehensive look at some of the most important issues facing our society today, through the interpretation of professional artists. The exhibitions will provide a space for visitors to learn about different cultures, histories, and perspectives, and to reflect on their own sense of belonging and identity. The exhibitions will also offer a platform for dialogue and action, and they will encourage visitors to consider how they can contribute to a more just and equitable world, in keeping with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Read more about the exhibition calendar here: Art Exhibition Calendar

Remind & Renew Updates

Remember to save the date for Remind & Renew 2024 taking place January 24, 2024 through January 26, 2024.

Rev. Dr. Irie Session, Co-Pastor of The Gathering in Dallas, TX, will host a virtual workshop on the topic of online church congregations at the 2024 Remind & Renew. In addition to being an ordained pastor for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Rev. Dr. Session holds a B.S. in Social Work from Oklahoma Christian University, an M.Div. with a Certificate in Black Church Studies from Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University, and a Doctor of Ministry from Colgate Rochester Crozier Divinity School, specializing in Transformative Leadership and Prophetic Preaching. Her workshop will explore the challenges and opportunities of creating and maintaining vibrant online church communities.


Watch this space for more event announcements.  

Department Updates

Human Resources:

ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL – Evacuation Process

Each employee has received an email with reminders regarding our exit process in the event that there is an active shooter on site. As part of the drill process, we are asking that each employee (and any guests and contractors) leave the building when our drill occurs. We realize that there are other options in the event of an actual emergency but in an effort to time and receive feedback from our consultant team we are asking that each and every person exit Phillips and make their way to the Mingo RV Park. Please refer to the early emails, Monday Memos or the attached documentation for information. Also, remember that your key communication for this activity will be: Katherine Casey, J Edwards, Todd Mantock, Gina Robertson, Sharon Russ and Danny Melton. If you have any questions please direct them to


Please be aware that this Thursday, September 7, there will be an internet outage from 11:00a - 12:00p while IT does necessary repairs to the network systems. If any accomodations need to be made, please contact Zach as soon as possible.

Safety and Security:

Each month, our safety and security officers will bring us tips and information to help keep our workplaces safe. This month, please click this link to learn about the safe use of extension cords.

Phillips Theological Seminary’s Student Services department is launching a social and informational network just for the Phillips student community. The Phillips Student Connection Mighty Network is a one-stop location for students to obtain information, resources, and communicate with one another and with Student Services about student life at Phillips. Through the Phillips Student Connection Mighty Network student can:


  • Build student community by posting original content to the Feed
  • Receive announcements from Student Services in the events feed
  • Access student services-hosted events, RSVP for events and then attend live events on the Mighty Networks platform
  • Find all Student Services related forms and resources on the network and complete them via online form


Faculty and staff are welcome to join the network, too! If you would like to know what’s going on in Student Services beyond reading the weekly edition of The Update, or if you would like to attend Monday Night hangouts or have other information on Student Services events, join our Mighty Network. Very soon, an email invitation has been sent to you to join the network. Register your account and begin networking today! A permanent link to the Phillips Student Connection Mighty Network is available via SSO. 


All information and forms for academic programs (handbooks and catalogs, syllabi, book lists, etc.) remain on Canvas via the Academic Resources Site.  

Business Office:

Bill Sebeni will be out of the office and unavailable starting tomorrow, September 6 through Monday, September 18, returning to the office on Tuesday, Septemebr 19. If you need anything in the meantime, please let Karen know.

All cash payments will now be processed and handled through the Business Office. If anyone needs to make a cash payment for any item, please send them back to see Tammye, Karen or Michelle and we will prepare receipts and accept the cash. The snack cart now has a locked cash box where all snack payments can be deposited. If a person needs to make change, the Business Office will be glad to handle the request. If there are any questions, please contact Karen or Tammye.


Tools for Managing Assignments

Katherine Casey has created some tools for managing assignments since historically, students have struggled with this. During orientation, she always recommends that students set up assignment calendars, but had not created actual calendars - till now. Faculty might consider recommending this to students. The calendars are located in the Writing & Research Lab Writing Support LibGuide, the link is here:

Bootcamp Sessions

Katherine will be hosting 2 different bootcamp sessions in the upcoming months. One bootcamp is for Zotero, a free app that helps manage research materials, footnotes, and bibliographies. The remaining session will be held on November 2. The other will focus on best practices for searching the journal databases, including JSTOR, ATLA/EBSCO, and ProQuest Central. These sessions will be held on September 14, and November 9. If you know of any students who would benefit from these sessions, please check with Katherine for more information. You can also find this information on the Phillips Calendar, in the UPDATE, and the Library Newsletter.

Other Information to Note

An Invitation:

Fellowship Congregational UCC will be hosting Father Shay Kearns, a transgender man and advocate, and the founder of, both in the pulpit on September 17th and for a lunch workshop on the unique needs of queer youth at Fellowship on Monday the 18th from 11am-1pm.

While this is not necessarily open to the public, Rev. Chris Moore wanted to ensure that it is open to staff, faculty, and students of Phillips. If you are interested, please contact the church office ( or 918-747-7777) to RSVP.

Ulysses Allen and Kurt Gwartney will be representing Phillips at the Free Mom Hugs organization’s national Love Revolution conference in Oklahoma City this Friday and Saturday. Free Mom Hugs was started eight years ago in OKC and is now a nationwide movement of love, visibility and acceptance for the LGBTQIA+ community with more than 14,000 volunteers.

Upcoming Schedule Information

  • August 21 - October 20: Ghosted Portraits art exhibit
  • September 13: Climate Assessment Meetings with Dr. Glick (Faculty, morning; Staff afternoon)
  • October 1-3: Board Meeting

Peace to you all!

The President's Office