Monday Minute

January 6, 2025

2024-2025 School Goals

Goal: Inspired by our faith we will cultivate a community in which every person is welcomed, seen, respected, supported, and loved.

Goal: Guided by our mission we will foster a culture of excellence in teaching and learning.


This week

Virtue: Respect

Monday 1/6

Tuesday 1/7

  • Tunes Tuesday
  • Titan Time

Wednesday 1/8

  • Late start - doors open at 9am
  • Music at Midweek - Sign up here
  • Mass host: 2nd

Thursday 1/9

  • Three handshakes Thursday

Friday 1/10

  • Free Dress for 2 cans: Peanut Butter (plastic jars only)

Looking forward

January 17: Children's Rosary 3:15pm

January 26: Open House 

January 27-30: Catholic Schools Week

January 27: AUDITIONS for Spring Musical Beauty and the Beast Jr.

January 28: Holy Trinity Alumni event 10-12pm Alumni RSVP

January 30: Grandparents/special friends day. Early Dismissal 12:15pm / EC available

January 31: No School - Teacher In-Service / No EC

Principal's Message

What a wonderful welcome back this morning.  There were some very eager students and quite a few sleepy ones.  I visited every classroom this morning and students were engaged in learning and returning to the routines of the classroom. We feel blessed to have your children with us every day.  Thank you so much for all you do to support our school and for taking the time to read the Monday Minute every week–it is a routine way to keep families informed about the events of the week, important news, and upcoming events. 

Some Updates

  • Over the break we did a bit more sprucing up on campus.  The two main offices were painted and the elementary hall as well.  Thank you to Susan Phillips who continues to beautify our campus with her painting expertise!  
  • A space was made from a portion of the large portable classroom, by adding a wall.  The space will be used for a variety of services provided to students including math intervention, speech therapy, and other services to be added in the future. Thank you to Todd for constructing the wall over break. 
  • This year we are offering a report each quarter that outlines our progress toward our school goals, highlights from classes, updates on fundraising, and news of facilities improvements. This will come out tomorrow (Tuesday).
  • Holy Trinity is an opt out school for the use of student photographs.  If you would prefer to NOT have photographs of your student used in social media, publicity materials, our webpage, or other public uses, please complete this form.
Re-Enrollment Form

Re-Enrollment for Current Students 2025-2026 Academic Year

Please complete this form to enroll your current Holy Trinity student(s) for next school year. This form and the financial aid application are both due by the end of the day on Thursday, February 17th. A $220.00 re-enrollment fee per student will be added to your FACTS account in February. Please complete this form to inform us whether or not your student(s) will be returning to Holy Trinity for 2025-2026. Thank you for helping us plan for next year!

Virtue of the week: Respect

Respect is a virtue we all should strive to live out every day.  As Catholics we are called to treat people with courtesy, kindness, and respect because they have a God-given dignity.   Every person deserves respect.  There are concrete ways to show respect at school, at home, and in our community.

Be courteous and polite–use please and thank you.  Listen to what people have to say.  Do not insult people, make fun of, or judge people.  Avoid gossip or speaking meanly about others.Use a positive tone and words and avoid put downs or name calling.   In conversations with students there are excuses sometimes given for why hurtful words were used–  “it was just a joke” or “I didn’t mean it”.  The virtue of respect calls us to consider not just the intent of our words but the impact on the other person.  And when words hurt another person’s feelings, the virtue of respect reminds us that a genuine apology be given. 

Serve Others

Altar Servers over the break: Joey S, Nathan E, Marioa S, Georgia B,Johaan A, Eli C, Ellie D, Aiden N, Andrew C, Tové F, Grayson H, Kellen H, Skyler Y, Alina M, Dane K, Blake M., Layla S-B, Shannon G, Matteo S

Christmas cards made by Holy Trinity Kindergarten-5th grade students were delivered to residents at Regency Senior Living & Memory Care by Ryan and Emily Erpelding. The cards were received with joyful tears!

Holy Trinity Chess tournament results

The tournament over winter break included 20 players. Congratulations to Elijah Schaal (HT alum) who took first place in the tournament. Thank you to Larry our chess teacher/coach, his wife Sonja, and Rosemary Schaal for her help with the tournament!

Admissions Timeline:

January 6th - Current student re-enrollment opens

January 26th - Open House noon-3pm

February 7th - Pre-K & Kindergarten Roundup

February 14th - Application deadline  

February 17th - Current student re-enrollment deadline

February 21st - Shadow visit deadline

March 1st - New student acceptance mailed to families

Visit our Website

Spreading the news about our amazing school

As the admissions process for next year continues there are a number of ways we are getting the word out to potential new families.  There are ads in upcoming local magazines, flyers to drop off at coffee shops, offices, etc., social media posts, and street facing banners on the fences.  Our current families are key communicators.  There are many students who are in our school today thanks to a conversation between an interested parent and a current parent. 

If you want some talking points here are some ideas:

  • Strong community
  • Faith based education
  • Strong academic program and high caliber educators
  • Kind, loving, joyful students
  • Supportive partnership with our parish
  • Diverse student body
  • Over 90% of 8th graders go onto Catholic high schools
  • Learning Resource Program that is a model for others
  • Involved families


Family Handbook

Volunteer Opportunties

School Lunch

Link your Kroger/Fred Meyer rewards card to Holy Trinity Catholic School. Please click this link and connect your account to Holy Trinity, our number is TA354.