Legislation of interest to REALTORS® is on the final leg of the journey to becoming law! Not all of our priorities have reached this point, but there are still important pieces of legislation working their way through the process. The next deadline is April 27th, when all bills will need to have passed the opposite chamber of the legislature. 


  • HB 1614 creates a system that allows HOA members to access the financial records of their HOA to ensure that they are using best practices. 
  • HB 2288 creates a process and provides for the removal of discriminatory restrictions within property deeds. 
  • SB 927 Oklahoma Real Estate License Code updates, including cease-and-desist, citation, and subpoena powers in cases. 

Other legislation of interest to OKCMAR members currently being supported by OAR includes: 

  • HB 2109 prohibits landlords from engaging in retaliation against tenants for complaints, or notice for justified corrective action, and enhances certain legal remedies available to tenants. 
  • SB 684 permits county assessors to assess changes to property using digital aerial imagery taken from fixed-wing aircraft. 

See the status of other legislation tracked by OAR


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