MME: Sunday Edition for October 30, 2023

Here’s what’s happening this week at ALC:


 Monday, October 30

·        Grants – 10:00 AM – Grants Room & Zoom

·        Thrift Shop Workday


Tuesday, October 31 - HaPPy HaLLoWeeN

·        Thrift Shop Open (Christmas Arrives!) – 10:00 AM – Feel free to come in and volunteer!


Wednesday, November 1

·        Safety & Health Committee Meeting – 9:00 AM – Zoom

·        OSB Coat Distribution – 9:30 AM – OSB Room


Thursday, November 2

·        Technology Training – 11:00 AM – Room 104

·        Thrift Shop Open – 10:00 AM – Feel free to come in and volunteer!


Friday, November 3

·        Warehouse Assessment Committee Meeting – 10:00 AM – Board Room & Zoom


Saturday, November 4 

·        Thrift Shop & Donation Door Open – 10:00 AM – Feel free to come in and volunteer!


Calendar, Room & Zoom Request Form: 

Parking Lot Notice 

Operation School Bell Winter Coat Distribution 

Wednesday, November 1, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm


Winter coat distribution to the counselors and social workers of the schools we serve will take place on Wednesday, November 1, from 9:30am to 12:30 pm.

The parking lot in front of our building will be in heavy use during that time.

Operation School Bell kindly asks our member volunteers who will be at the

Center for meetings or to work in the warehouse during that time to please park on the side or in the back of the building. 


Thank you for your cooperation. 

Kathy Reardon 

Chairman, Operation School Bell  

Hilary Ternes 

A big shout out to Tania Bogenschneider for introducing our newest members Hilary and Jack Ternes to our organization. 

Hilary was an Adult Special Needs teacher for 20 years at Central Piedmont Community College and a Special Needs teacher in the Fairfax County, VA schools. She has retail experience and has volunteered with Loaves and Fishes and Second Harvest Food Bank. 

Her ALC interests are Operation School Bell (OSB), Operation Check Hunger (OCH), Operation Book Bag (OBB), and Heart of the Home (HOH). 

Hilary is willing to assist in the Thrift Shop, at the donation door and in books, furniture, ladies, lamps, or art/antiques departments. 

John “Jack” Ternes 

Jack is a retired orthopedic surgeon serving as Head of the Orthopedic Department at the Naval Hospital in Charleston, SC. He is also a retired U.S. Navy Captain. He has served as Boy Scout leader for Troop 174 in Charlotte, volunteered with Loaves and Fishes and Second Harvest Food Bank.

Jack enjoys woodworking and has furniture repair experience. 

Chapter projects that appeal to him include OSB, OCH, OBB, HOH and Scholarship. 

Besides helping in the Thrift Shop and at the donation door, he is interested in assisting in our book, furniture, or lamp departments. 

Welcome to Hilary and Jack! We hope you enjoy your Assistance League experiences, fellow volunteer members, and our mission. 

Thrift Shop News 


Christmas is finally here at the Thrift Shop! We are a little behind the Target and Costco August unveiling. But the best was saved for last. 

Our customers will be so excited to see our Christmas wares that they will be coming in droves. So, it is all hands on deck. Please sign up for a shift or two or three as soon as possible. And if you have a few hours during shop hours, please drop by and help restock items, wrap purchases, and help customers.

This is a great way to get into the Christmas spirit! 


We will especially need help on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The shop and the donation door will be open. Many of our members will be unavailable that day because of travel or family. So if you are available to work a shift in the shop or warehouse donation door, PLEASE help us out. Sign up as soon as possible so the TS team can relax knowing all is taken care of. 

Membership Committee Provided Lunch  

from La Tea Da’s Catering after Regular Meeting


After wrapping up our regular meeting on October 25, members sat down for a lunch provided by Membership Committee, led by Linda Nash, VP Member and Volunteer Services. Everyone enjoyed this chance to visit and meet members they may not have known previously.   

If you could not attend, here are the good times and interesting people you missed!

Lois Mazer, Kathy Dickinson,

Jane Johnson, Deborah Early

Tashoma Lesane, Blair McCombs,

Susan Brooks (at table),

Natalie Norman

Susan Brooks, Joyce Pruett


Kelly Fifield,

Mary Lou Grgurich,

Linda Sakaluk, Kay Faucette,

Jeri Casey 

News from Community Awards


With our recent influx of funds, the Community Awards budget was increased by $8,400 and supported another culinary school student’s tuition for 2023. 

From class #75, Kristen Harris was chosen.

Kristen Harris ~ “I made a promise to myself.” Kristen has tried to pursue many career choices – nails, hair, lashes – but cooking is the only one that stuck. “Cooking is my thing, I’m dedicated to it,” she says. She grew up watching her mom and grandmother in the kitchen cooking for their families, and at 20 when she became a mother, she knew it was time to cook for hers. She originally enrolled in Class 73 at the beginning of 2023, but lack of childcare prevented her from completing the class. With her daughter starting preschool in August and Class 75 starting in September, she knew it was the perfect time to try again. “I made a promise to myself to go back to culinary school when she started school. I want to be the best mom I can be.” Kristen says that her daughter is autistic and that it’s important to her to let her daughter know she is loved and cared for in every way. After graduation, Kristen wants to expand her culinary skills. “I came to CCSC for a culinary experience and because it works with my schedule.” Here’s to taking the next step, Kristen! 

Shout Out to Douglas Furs 


Cynthia O’Neill, VP Marketing Communications, who heads up our E-commerce, had a collection of donated furs for which she needed appraisals. She reached out to Douglas Furs, and Kelly Stahl invited her to bring them in for free appraisals. Though Douglas Furs declined to be mentioned in our social media, we wanted you to be aware of their kindness to Assistance League and to have their name in case you or others needed their service.

Monday Morning Email (MME) Survey 


Many thanks to the Assistance League members who responded to my question about the publication schedule of the MME. The overwhelming response was to leave it as is. As one respondent said: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. 


Michele Hagan, President 

“Look at the possibilities and sign up for whatever piques

your interest. Don’t do anything halfheartedly. 

Give your all, and you’ll reap the rewards.” 

Website Home Page: Click here

Website Calendar: Click here

Website Membership Roster: Click here

Website Membership Birthdays: Click here

Website SignUpGenius: Click here

Transforming Lives • Strengthening Community

Assistance League of Charlotte | 704-525-5228

[email protected] |

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