November 28, 2022 | Esperanza Estates | | |
What's Happening in EE This Week? | |
Pickleball | 9:00 am to 1:00 pm | Everyday | Pickleball Courts | Gardeners | 8:00 am | Tuesday | Sunset Park | Crafty Crafters | 1:00 pm | Thursday | Ramada | Annual Craft & Bake Sale | 8:30 am | Saturday | Ramada | | |
Annual EE Craft Sale December 3
From Bernie Olson
EE's Annual Craft Sale will be on December 3, 8:30 am-12 pm at the Ramada.
We will have 18 vendors selling jewelry, artwork, cards, mesquite wood furniture, jams, jelly's, garden art, authors, mug handles and much more. The Enhancement Committee will also be holding a bake sale to raise money used for improvements in our neighborhood.
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Bake Sale At The Craft Sale
From Jackie Rautio, Enhancement Committee
EEE is having a bake sale fund raiser in conjunction with the EE Craft Sale on December 3 at the Ramada, 8:30 am to noon. This is short notice, but we could not pass up the chance to have our first fund raiser of the year. We will have coffee and pie for sale at the event. We will charge $1.00 for the coffee, but it will be free with the purchase a piece of pie for $2.00.
Now, here is where all of you can help. We need desserts to sell at the bake sale. Please consider spreading the word to neighbors and friends to help out too. Call Jackie at 602-206-3354 or Jodi at 701-226-0022 to bring the desserts to our homes or you can drop them off by 7:30 am at the Ramada on December 3. Questions? Please call.
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From Mary Harp
The Gardeners will meet on Tuesday, November 29th at 8:30 a.m. at Shade Tree Park next to the Pickleball Court. Bring tools for clean up, pruning and weeding at the Park. New gardeners are always welcome.
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Crafty Crafters Project...Wire Angel Ornaments
From Bernie Olson
We will make wire angel ornaments at this Thursday's craft group, December 1, at 1 pm at the the Ramada. A picture and the materials list is below. Please bring your own materials. You will probably want to make more than one angel. Please bring a glue gun if you have one.
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Time For Everyone To Decorate
Their Lamp Posts
From Jackie Rautio
Don’t be a grinch. EE has a long-standing tradition of decorating our street light posts for the holiday season from Thanksgiving to New Years.
For newcomers, you will need the electrical plug-in to go in the socket in the lamp. If the lamp does not already have one, you can purchase one at a local hardware store or Walmart. This will allow you to plug in your string of lights and they will light when your lamp comes on at dusk. You then can creatively decorate your post. You will see a beautiful sight after the sun goes down.
If anyone is unable to take on this decorating task, we have Enhancement Elves volunteers to assist you. They will decorate your post for just $10 if you supply the decorations, $20 if we supply the decorations and an additional charge for the adapter if you need one. Everything belongs to you when we take the decorations down.
The Elves are very busy this time of the year and we would appreciate volunteers to train and help out on the project in addition to our Enhancement group. We start decorating right after Thanksgiving. The deadline for requesting this service is December 7. Questions? Call Jackie Rautio at 602-206-3354.
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December Book Club Location Change
The December Book Club will meet at Marce Pross' home, 756 Nueva, instead of at the Ramada. Meeting time is 10 am, on Thursday, December 8. Marce will lead the discussion of the book, The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. Everyone is welcome.
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Ramada Food Collection
From Sandy LaVoi
We're continuing our food collection at the Ramada. Your donations of non-perishable unopened food are greatly appreciated. Your food donations are delivered to the Community Food Bank for the less fortunate.
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Save the Date for the
EE Christmas Golf Cart Parade
SAVE the DATE for the EE Christmas Parade on Thursday, December 22.
More details to come!!!
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In Memory
Former Esperanza Estates resident, Norma Stanley, passed away on November 16 in Tucson at the age of 91. Our sincere condolences to Norma's family and friends.
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Thankful for Our Neighborhood
Thanks Tom Cooke
It appears the county is finally through with the road project and in my opinion, they did a good job. It was many years too late but at least it is done, and it would also be my opinion that everyone’s house has increased in value by a few thousand dollars due to the road condition.
Looking at our subdivision on an overall basis, I think we are in really good shape. Not only is our neighborhood architecturally the most unique in Green Valley, but when you add in its excellent physical location, the condition of our amenities and common areas, (and now our streets) I think we have the the best of everything in all of Green Valley.
Who else has the spirit of volunteerism found here? Who else has an HOA owned Ramada, pickleball court, community parks, trail, website, weekly newsletter and manicured common areas? I don’t think any neighborhood in GV could begin to tick off what we have.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Thanks for Your Support
From William Olson, EE Webmaster
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Free Medical Equipment Could Be Harmful to Your Healthcare
Source: SAV Scam Squad, November 22, 2022
Medicare provides millions of us with access to medical equipment at no cost. But when you hear Medicare reaching out to you with offers of free equipment, it’s a scammer, not Medicare.
Here’s how it works: You receive an unsolicited offer for free equipment, like a back brace or motorized scooter. You respond by saying you don’t need it, but the caller strongly urges you do so because it’s “free”. You agree and the caller gets your Medicare number to process the benefit.
You should know that providing a Medicare number for a product or service contributes to a large fraud industry, and Medicare ends up paying for something you don’t need. If you even get the product it will most likely be a cheap version of what you agreed to. And the worst part is if someone pretends to be you and scams Medicare, your record could suffer, along with your future legitimate claims.
If you get such an offer, do not engage with the caller. Simply hang up. Then call 1-800-MEDICARE to report the fraud attempt. And don’t fall for any advertisement that tries to get you to call to receive a free service.
Your doctor will know when you need these products or services and will initiate the order through proper procedures.
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"Living With and Without Pack Rats"
by Eric Bell, New Owner of Mr. Pack Rat
December 1, 2022, 9:30 am
Desert Hills Rec. Center
2980 S Camino del Sol, Green Valley
Seminars are open to the public and free of charge.
Visit Our Website
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Zona Libre
Thursday December. 1st, 2022, 7:00 PM
Music of the Carpenters
Friday, December 2nd, 2022
3:00 PM and 7:00 PM
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Source: The Agility Coach | |
Source: Stanton's Sheet Music | |
Please send your jokes, suggestions, and comments to
Judy Hayes,, 720-201-9260 or
John Nesavich,, 303-880-3261
Visit our Website
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