Have you seen the refreshed terra cotta colored stones on the
Mesquite Park pathway?
Thanks EE Gardeners!
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November 21, 2022 | Esperanza Estates | | |
What's Happening in EE This Week? | |
Pickleball | 9:00 am to 1:00 pm | Everyday | Pickleball Courts | EEHOA Board Meeting | 1:00 pm | Monday | Ramada | Gardeners | 8:00 am | Tuesday | Sunset Park | | |
EE HOA Board Meeting Today, Monday, Nov 21
Please join our November Esperanza Estates HOA Board meeting at the Ramada on Monday, November 21, at 1 pm. The meeting will be in person, and all residents are invited.
Our Board meetings are a good opportunity to catch up on what has been going on in Esperanza Estates, and to learn about the efforts of our great corps of volunteers for our committees and our upcoming Board election.
Quorum Determination
Approval of Minutes
Treasurer's Report
Committee Reports: Architectural Control, Capital Projects, Common Area Maintenance, Green Valley Council, Recreational Facilities, Finance, Neighborhood Relations, Hospitality, Neighborhood Watch, Enhancement Team, Gardeners
Old Business
New Business
Pickleball New Hours
From Greg Gramstad
Starting Monday 11-21-2022, the start time for Pickleball will be 9am 1 pm. Please sign in when using the Pickleball Courts. Also, when you are finished playing, please be sure the court gates and bathroom doors are securely locked.
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Single Provider Trash Collection
Ballot Update
From Ken Lindeman, EE HOA Secretary
As of 11/17/2022, I have collected 227 ballots. That means 123 property owners could be the silent minority.
I am whole heartedly asking for this 35% of our property owners to submit their ballots. The HOA board has put this option to all as something available to reduce large truck usage on our newly paved streets. The Board would like voting feedback from 100 % of the property owners. Should anyone still have questions on how this might impact them, please call a board member or email the board at board@esperanzaestates.net. Should anyone has misplaced their ballot and require a new one, please call Ken Lindeman at 970-577-3395.
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Board Member Election
From Ken Lindeman, Secretary EE HOA Board
Last Call! I need to print ballots. I haven't received any new interest in serving on the Esperanza Estates HOA Board of Directors, (350 properties). I am going to ask property owners who submit ballots to write in candidates who they think may be good board members. As chairman of the nominating committee, I need suggestions. You can still get your name on this year's ballot by contacting me at 970-577-3395 or email me at eesecy@gmail.com.
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From Mary Harp
The Gardeners will meet on Tuesday, November 22nd at 8:00 a.m. at Sunset Park next to the Ramada. Bring tools for cleanup, pruning and weeding at the Park. New gardeners are always welcome.
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Don't Miss Our Annual EE Craft Sale December 3
From Bernie Olson
EE's Annual Craft Sale will be on December 3, 8:30 am-12 pm at the Ramada.
We will have 18 vendors selling jewelry, artwork, cards, mesquite wood furniture, jams, jelly's, garden art, authors, mug handles and much more. The Enhancement Committee will also be holding a bake sale to raise money used for improvements in our neighborhood.
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Crafty Crafters
From Bernie Olson
Check out the beautiful Candy Cane Wreaths our EE Crafty Crafters made last week! It was a fun project, and we had a great group. The next craft group will be December 1, 1 pm at the the Ramada. Come join in!
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EE Rules Regarding Pets
From Tom Cook and John Nesavich
We have been asked about EE rules regarding pets in our HOA. Thanks to Tom Cooke for this clarification from our CCR's.
The CCR’s (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions) of Esperanza Estates are a plan for the operation and development of our subdivision, which are binding upon all residents. They make it possible for us to live together in harmony in our neighborhood, and for all of us to know what to expect from each other.
One section of the CCR’s we all need to be conversant about is that dealing with pets. We love our pets but must recognize that not everyone feels the same way about animals. Section 9.4 of the CCR’s provides that all pet owners are responsible for their pets and must prevent them from creating a nuisance. The EE Board has the discretion to determine if any animal is a nuisance, and our Board has made the determination that both barking dogs, and failure to pick up their waste, each constitutes a nuisance. Thus either is a CCR violation.
The Board does not wish to be heavy-handed about enforcing our CCR’s, but at the same time is charged by law with their enforcement. Thus compliance by our residents is mandatory. Failure to comply can result in a fine, or the Board requiring an animal to be removed from the subdivision. Authority is found in CCR sections 9.4,and We ask that all pet owners please comply with these requirements.
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Green Valley Council Notes
From Hugh Rhine, EE GVC Rep
Key takeaways from 11/17/22 GV Council Board of Representatives meeting....
--Pima Co Supervisor Christy reported....
- There will be a statewide recount of votes for AG and Supervisor of Education
- Reported on issues involving failure to prosecute crimes among the homeless population in Tucson.
- Southwest Gas Corp has made a $1,500 donation to the GV Foundation
--Green Valley Fire reported they ran more than 1,300 calls in October.
--Pima Co Sheriff reported that overall Green Valley crime was down in October.
--SAV reported 4264 man hours in October and that 320 vacant home inspections continue.
--GVR reported that overall security is being evaluated as result of the recent event for which the suspect remains at large.
--Elections of GVC Executive Committee will take place at the December Meeting.
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Reminder about Ramada Food Collection
From Sandy LaVoi
Our EE Food Collection is located in the Ramada. The Community Food Bank always needs non-perishable unopened food. Thank you all for your generosity.
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Thirsty Thursday Canceled This Week
Our bi-weekly Thirsty Thursday happy hour is canceled this week because it falls on Thanksgiving. Our next Thirsty Thursday will be on December 8, 4 pm, at the Ramada.
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What Happens When A Princess Kisses A Frog?
From Bruce Buursma
Our two youngest grandkids (3-year-old Hannah and 1-year-old Carson) visited us last week and enjoyed a daily hike along the EE trail. The highlight: giving the frogs a good-morning smooch. What happens when a princess kisses a frog? Her younger brother follows suit.
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In Sympathy
We'd like to extend our sincere sympathy to Sam Simonson on Del Norte for the death of his sister, Ivey Vonderharr on November 19th. Ivey was Sam's last remaining sibling. Our condolences to all of Sam's family.
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Green Valley Gardeners
Source Barry Gillaspie
Green Valley Gardener has launched a new "Website"
Visit Our Website
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Is The Check Still in The Mail?
Source: GVSAC Scam Squad, November 15, 2022
The Postal Service handles 129 billion pieces of mail a year. Most arrive without incident, but the USPS has warned that mail theft and carrier robberies are a growing problem. Last year there were 33,000 reported robberies and thefts, up from 24,000 in 2019.
And it isn’t just lone thieves and random porch pirates, but organized crime is behind much of the issue. They will snatch mail from residential mailboxes that have flags up for pickup and even break into cluster mailboxes found in newer HOAs.
While the USPS is devising improved security for the mailboxes there are some things you can do to keep your mail – checks, primarily – from being stolen:
- Deposit mail in mailboxes close to the pickup time or take it inside the post office.
- If you leave outgoing mail in your mailbox, don’t put up the flag.
- Don’t leave mail in your mailbox overnight.
- Sign up for “informed delivery”. This is a free service that notifies you by email what is being delivered on your next delivery.
- Make it difficult for the thieves – use the entire space on your checks for both the written amount and the numerical amount.
Finally, if you are a victim notify the USPS and your bank immediately. But be aware, getting your money back may take a long time.
Your Green Valley Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer's Scam Squad will answer your questions regarding scams or suspected scams. Please call 520-351-6715, Monday – Thursday*, from 9:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. To report an incident of fraud (money lost to a scam), call 911 or 520-351-4900. *Note the summer work days.
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"Living With and Without Pack Rats"
by Eric Bell, New Owner of Mr. Pack Rat
December 1, 2022
Desert Hills Rec. Center
2980 S Camino del Sol, Green Valley
Doors open at 9 AM. Presentations begin at 9:30 AM.
Seminars are open to the public and free of charge.
Visit Our Website
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Source; Always Leave Them Laughing | |
Source: Middle aged Humor | |
Please send your jokes, suggestions, and comments to
Judy Hayes, jkhayes70@gmail.com, 720-201-9260 or
John Nesavich, jnesavich@gmail.com, 303-880-3261
Visit our Website
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