Beautiful New Roads!
Thanks Jeff Ries for the picture
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October 24, 2022 | Esperanza Estates | | |
What's Happening in EE This Week? | |
Pickleball | 7:30 am to 11:30 am | Everyday | Pickleball Courts | Gardeners | 8:00 am | Tuesday | Salad Bar Park | Hospitality Meeting | 11:00 am | Wednesday | Ramada | Craft Sale Planning Meeting | 1:00 pm | Thursday | Ramada | Thirsty Thursday | 4:00 m | Thursday | Ramada | | |
Trash Removal Proposal
From Kevin Welsh, EE HOA Board
A notice related to the Trash Removal proposal will be going out by mail by October 31 for the vote by homeowners. The vote is for an EE HOA Special Assessment and increase in the Annual Assessment.
During last week's Board meeting discussion, the question was asked, "How many residents are full time?" The answer is: 198 identified as full time, 152 vacant, rental, or part time.
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From Mary Harp
The Gardeners will meet on Tuesday, October 25 at 8:00 a.m. at Salad Bar Park (New raised gardens behind del Sur on EE trail). Bring tools for cleanup, pruning and weeding at the park. New gardeners are always welcome.”
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Hospitality Meeting
From Robin Lockwood
Just a friendly reminder, the Hospitality Committee will hold its first meeting for the 2022-2023 season on Wednesday, October 26th at 11 am at the Ramada. Anyone who is interested in joining this wonderful committee, which sponsors a monthly EE gathering at the Ramada, is welcome to join us.
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Planning Meeting
Annual EE Craft Sale
From Bernie Olson and Debbie Ries
Don't miss our planning meeting for the Craft Sale if you'd like to be a vendor at this year's event on Saturday, December 3. The planning meeting will be on Thursday, October 27, 1 pm, at the Ramada. Please call Bernie Olson at 920-254-9277 or Debbie Ries at 425-530-6384 with questions.
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Thirsty Thursday...New Start Time 4:00 pm
EE's "Thirsty Thursday" Happy Hour is this week, Thursday, October 27, 4 pm in the Ramada. Thirsty Thursdays are held every other week and are no-host events. Everyone brings their own drink, appetizer to share (if you'd like), eating utensils, and we all help clean up. Now that the weather is cooling off a bit (from summer's 100+ degrees) we're moving our start time back to 4 pm. Hope you can join in!
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We're having a Halloween Party!
From Robin Lockwood
The Hospitality Committee is ready to celebrate Halloween!
Please join us for our first Hospitality event of the 2022-2023 season on Monday, October 31st. This will be a potluck dinner, so please bring that favorite dish to share. The Hospitality Committee will provide everything else....plates, utensils, wine, beer, water, soda. There is no charge for this event. You may wear a costume if you'd like, but it is not required!!! Happy Hour is at 4:30, dinner will be served beginning at 5:00 at the Ramada.
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Note From Architectural Control Committee
From Debbie Reis
There are many reasons why HOAs have rules. Making life easier, protecting resale value, and maintaining a sense of community are some of the reasons.
Esperanza Estates HOA is all about preserving the appearance of our subdivision. That’s why you may see Architectural Control around making a list of houses needing repaint, or touch ups. If a mismatch is 'obvious' to anyone comparing newly painted areas of a house to a master color sample, or to the adjacent house or houses, repainting using a new batch of correctly mixed paint will be required. As an Esperanza Estates homeowner, you are responsible for complying with this requirement, not the painting contractor.
Please check your street lamp post to ensure it’s working properly, does it need repairs? Paint?
If you have questions, please contact me, Debbie Ries 425-530 6384.
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Note from Enhancement Committee
From Jackie Rautio, Chairperson
Have you heard of EE's Enhancement Committee? Do you know what we do?
Our primary activities are fundraisers, such as...
- Ramada Sales
- Auctions
- Home Tours
- Decorate for Holidays
All proceeds go to EE to enhance our community. Our first fundraiser ws in 1999, and going forward to 2022 we have raised almost $108,000
We have hard.. and are always are looking for new ideas and New Members. If you are interested, call Jackie Rautio, 602-206-3354 or text
Our first meeting this year will be Nov 14 at 1:00 at the Ramada. Join us!
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Green Valley Council Report
From Hugh Rhine, EE GVC Rep
As one might expect, the monthly GVC Board of Representatives meeting covers quite a range of subjects, most at a relatively high bullet point format. Here are a few bullets that may be of the most direct interest to EE residents.
The budget plan for 2023 is based on keeping the current dues rate of $12 per residence. It was noted, as well, to anticipate an increase for the 2024 year. I should note that my interest in serving as the EE GVC rep is with the hope of answering the question regarding the value or lack of value for EE participation as members in GVC. As a result, I have agreed to serve on the GVC Financial Advisory committee. Those interested can now view the September Financial Statements on the GVC web page.
There are two Forums coming up that may be of interest to EE residents...
First, on October 28 at 10am at GVC office will be the Registrar of Contractors Forum. The presenters will be from the state Registrar's Office: Assistant Chief Wes Ellington, Investigator Steve Hammons, and Investigator Greg Johndrow. They will be presenting on due diligence and how to get a good contractor. GVC Office is located at 555 North La Cañada Drive, Suite 117.
Secondly, on November 3, also at 10 am there will be the Emergency Response Forum. The Pima County Sherriff's Department, GV Fire District, GV SAV, CERT, and Pima County Emergency Management will be providing information and resources on community safety in Green Valley.
To register for either of these events or to be added to GVC's email list, please contact the GVC Office @ 520-648-1936 or send an email to
Additionally, here are a few FYI items...
- Plans for another residential development on south side for 337 units is in progress.
- A yet unidentified company is in the planning stages for a Lithium production facility in SE Tucson, expected to initially employ 300 to 500.
- Recently there has been an increase in burglaries in Pima County, especially of residences of recently deceased individuals. Everyone is encouraged to call 911 anytime you see questionable activity.
If you'd like additional information, please call me, Hugh Rhine, 303-249-5745, or check out the Green Valley Council website.
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National Prescription Drug Take Back Day: October 29, 2022
From the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
October 29, 2022
“The drug overdose epidemic in the United States is a clear and present public health, public safety, and national security threat. DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day reflects DEA’s commitment to Americans’ safety and health, encouraging the public to remove unneeded medications from their homes as a measure of preventing medication misuse and opioid addiction from ever starting.
“DEA is committed to making our communities safer and healthier, and we can do this by reducing overdoses and overdose deaths. While the community does its part to turn in unneeded medications and remove them from potential harm, we are doing our part to further reduce drug-related violence.
“On this webpage are resources to help you dispose of unneeded medications in your home, seek substance abuse treatment and learn more about the drug overdose epidemic in the United States.”
Note: Collection sites for our area can be found online at this link.
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Help Decorate Historic Canoa Ranch
for the Winter Holidays
Source: Green Valley Gardeners
Historic Canoa Ranch is looking for volunteers who are interested in helping the site stewards decorate the ranch for the winter holiday season. (This volunteering has nothing to do with gardening at the ranch.)
Volunteers will help:
- string lights on the trees, fencing and buildings throughout the ranch.
- work on window dressings for several of the houses; and
- decorate the inside of the Manning Jr./Schnaufer Residence and the Grijalva Residences, including a Christmas tree.
Volunteers will meet at the Visitors' Center Wednesdays at 9 a.m., starting on October 26 and continuing until the decorating is completed. Decorating sessions should finish by noon. No sign up is necessary.
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A play by David Lindsay-Abaire
Performed by the Santa Cruz Shoestring Players
Opens October 28 at CPAC
From Neighbor Marijane Milton
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Optimists Golf Tournament
There is still time to sign up for the 34th Annual Optimist Golf Tournament on Saturday, Oct 29th at the Haven Golf Course.
All proceeds go to local Kids. It's a fun 4-person scramble with lots of on-course contests followed by a luncheon featuring our Famous Calderallo Italian Sausage with prize awards, raffle, and silent auction results. The cost is $95 per person or $350 for a foursome.
Contact Kevin Welsh at 520-223-3861 or register online at:
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Please send your jokes, suggestions, and comments to
Judy Hayes,, 720-201-9260 or
John Nesavich,, 303-880-3261
Visit our Website
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