
Monday Morning Memo

May 2, 2022

Esperanza Estates

What's Happening in EE This Week?


7:00 am to 11:00 am


Pickleball Courts

Morning Water Aerobics

8:30 am

Mon Wed Fri



8:00 am


Sunrise Park

Cinco De Mayo




Special Event

Cinco De Mayo Celebration, May 5

From Robin Lockwood

The Hospitality Committee is hosting a Cinco de Mayo celebration at the Ramada on Thursday, May 5th. This will be a Mexican Pot Luck dinner, so please bring your favorite dish to share (appetizer, main course or dessert, enough for 10 people). We will provide EVERYTHING else.....Margaritas, wine, beer, soda, water, plates, utensils, cups, napkins. There will be NO COST for this event. 

Social hour with free, provided beverages begins at 4:30, and dinner will begin at 5:00.

As always, we do encourage you to bring a donation for the Community Food Bank. 

We look forward to a festive evening with you!!!

Neighborhood News


from Mary Harp

The Gardeners will meet on Tuesday, May 3 at 8:00 a.m. just east of 1101 Norte (Sunrise Park) and then just west of there by 1149 Norte.  Bring tools for clean up and weeding at the Park. New gardeners are always welcome.

Kudos to Our Rock Movers

From Cyndie Alto

I want to thank all the young studs that came out to spread 20 tons of rock in the new Del Sur Park. We received the load of rock on Tuesday at 4:30pm. Everyone met at 7am-done by 9:30 on Wednesday and had spread the 20 tons on the open dirt areas. We will have another 20 tons delivered this week to complete the project. Thank you once again, Rod Harp, Jim Johnson, Don Hartje, Ken Lindeman, Tom Aigner, Phil LaVoi & last but not least of course Steve Alto. Volunteering to design & create this park, including all the Gardeners work, and everyone's generous repurposing plants probably will save the HOA over $10,000.

When is Our Planned Street Paving Going to Happen?

Several of our neighbors, Rick Britton, Jim Sourant, and Dave Sielken (just to name a few) have been staying in touch with Pima County regarding the start date for the repaving project on the west end of Esperanza Estates. The most recent word is that it is to begin on May 10th. Residents will get a letter from the contractor a week before work commences. The phone number at the county is 520-724-6410.

Green Valley Council Report

From Hugh Rhine

I am Esperanza Estate's representative to the Green Valley Council. At the April 21 GVC representatives meeting, the only action item handled was the acceptance of Brad Richards as the new Treasurer of the GVC.

Steve Christy, PIMA County District 4 Supervisor reported on several items of interest. 

  • Redistricting of District 4 finds the district being reduced in size, with some parts being added into Districts 2 and 3. Green Valley on both sides of I-19 remains in District 4. Final approval is expected later this summer.
  • May is to be noted as Fire Wise Month, along with the reminder that fire season as well as snake season are now active.
  • Old Tucson has new management, and its near term focus is to be on bringing movie production back.

There are no additional informational forums scheduled now. Over the summer discussions will be held regarding the next ones starting in the fall.

I would add that the new GVC web page (went live in February) has more information regarding ongoing committees and Council activities.

Caring Connections

Neighborhood Jam Session

From Judy Willmott

Good to Know

On the Road Again - with Scammers

Source:  Green Valley Sheriff's Auxiliary Scam Squad

With COVID fading you might be thinking of traveling once again to Mexico or some other foreign country.

Be advised the FBI is issuing a warning to you. If you plan to travel abroad be careful because scammers are everywhere including social media. If you choose to post online, be sure to make the post private. Don’t let the scammers scrolling through social media see where you are. A well-known scam is the caller saying your family member has been kidnapped and you need to pay a ransom. Don’t let your social media posts make you that virtual family member.

Scammers may approach you saying they are a fellow traveler. It’s our nature to be friendly travelers, but be wary until it’s obvious your new friend is just another friendly traveler. Be especially wary if you are on your own or outside your group.

You should always let someone know where you are at all times. If you do have issues while traveling, be sure to call the U.S. consulate where you are. It's also important to note that in foreign countries you should assume that your electronic and wireless communications won’t be private. One last rule of thumb while packing is if you don’t need it on your trip don’t take it.

And needless to say, you should always keep a close eye on your passport and personal information.



Featuring Mamma Coal and Charlie Hall

Friday, May 6th at 7:00 PM

Tickets: $25


Saturday, May 7, 2022 - 3:00 PM MST

Saturday, May 7th at 3:00 PM

Tickets: $15

Funny Bone

Source: Unknown

Source:  Unknown

Source: Jussayin

Source: Trouble Maker Mom

Please send your jokes, suggestions, and comments to

Judy Hayes, jkhayes70@gmail.com, 720-201-9260 or

John Nesavich, jnesavich@gmail.com,303-880-3261

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