Monday Morning Memo

September 26, 2022

Esperanza Estates

What's Happening in EE


7:00 am to 11:00 am


Pickleball Courts

Thirsty Thursday

5:00 pm



Neighborhood News

Single Provider Trash Removal

From EE HOA Board

A proposal for the HOA to contract with a single vendor for garbage and recycle pickup was discussed during the 9/19/2022 HOA Board meeting. A Special Edition of the Monday Morning Memo was sent out last week to all homeowners and can be accessed at this link. The Board is looking for comments and feedback prior to the next Board Meeting on October 17th. The suggestion box in the Ramada is available for your questions and comments, or your can email the Board at

Thirsty Thursday

EE's "Thirsty Thursday" Happy Hour is this week, Thursday, Sept. 29, 5 pm in the Ramada. Thirsty Thursdays are held every other week, and are no-host events. That means everyone brings their own drink, appetizer to share (only if you want to), eating utensils, and we all help clean up. It's a very laid back event and a great chance to catch up with friends and meet new neighbors. Hope you can join in!

EE Book Club

From Linda Sielken

In October, the EE Book Club will begin meeting the second Thursday of each month. The next meeting will be Thursday, October 13, at 10:00 am in the Ramada. We will be working on our reading list, so bring your book ideas for the season! Everyone is welcome!

Weed Spraying

From Tom Cooke

This has been one of the historically worst years ever for weeds in Esperanza Estates; however, the weed control program is ongoing and all areas will be sprayed as time allows. If it appears we have missed an area please call Tom Cooke at 520-399-0455 to report it.

Food Collection Shelf

From Sandy LaVoi

We maintain EE's food collection shelf in the Ramada year round (except for a few weeks in the summer). We collect non-perishable food and Phil and Sandy LaVoi deliver it to the local Community Food Bank. Your contributions are appreciated, and thanks so much for your support.

Caring Connections

New Residents in Esperanza Estates

We've had several new folks move to our Esperanza Estates neighborhood. A warm welcome to all our new neighbors!!

  • Craig Peterson, Calma
  • Sheryl Mc Cleery, Napa
  • Christopher and Barbara Fisher, Napa
  • Mark and Barbara Yochum, Napa
  • Howard Foster and Marla Howard, Excelso
  • Gary and Susan Southwick, Regalo


Marie & the Rock & Soul Express

Friday Sept 23 &

Saturday Oct 1

6-9 pm

Elks Lodge

$5 non-members

EE's webmaster, William Olson's Band


Monday September 26, 2022, 6:00 and 7:30 pm

What would it be like to attend a recital where the audience determines the entire program in the moment? That’s exactly what viewers will get when they attend a piano recital featuring CJ Madsen, the incoming artistic director for the Green Valley Community Chorus and an accomplished pianist and improviser. Join CJ as he plays an entire program of audience requests, ranging from classical favorites to jazz hits and musical ballads to sweeping folk tunes.

Funny Bone

Source: Irish Facts and Funny Stuff

Source:  Lynn McLea Author

                             Thanks John Nesavich

Source:  Unappreciated Puns

Source: The Far Side