March 6, 2023 | Esperanza Estates | | |
Snow in EE!!
March 2, 2023
Thanks for the pics Mary Harp,
Dave Sielken, and Hugh Rhine
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This Week in Esperanza Estates | |
Pickleball | 9:00 am to 1:00 pm | Everyday | Pickleball Courts | Pickleball Classes | 11:00 am to 1:30 pm | Monday and Wednesday | Pickleball Courts | Gardeners | 9:00 am | Tuesday | 184 Holgado on EE Trail | Pickleball Paddles | 11:00 am | Wednesday | Pickleball Courts | | |
Book Club | 10:00 am | Thursday | Ramada | Welcome Corps
| 1:00 pm | Thursday | 1180 West Circulo Del Sur | Garage/Patio Sale | 4 - 5 pm
8 am- 2 pm | Friday
Saturday | Ramada | | |
Future Activities in Esperanza Estates | |
Early St. Patrick's Day Celebration | March 16 | Happy Hour 4:30 pm, Dinner 5:00 | Ramada | New Residents Coffee and Cakes | April 6 | 10:00 am | 1180 W Circulo Del Sur | Easter Golf Cart Parade | April 9 | TBA | EE Neighborhood | | |
Esperanza Estates Garage/Patio Ramada Sale
From Kraylen Miholer, Enchancement Group
The EE Enhancement group is having a Garage Patio Sale at the Ramada, Saturday, March 11, 8 am to 2 pm, open to the public. We'll also be open exclusively for EE Residents on Friday, March 10, from 4 to 5 pm.
During the pandemic we didn't have the large Ramada sale like we have done in the past, but we still got some donations of items from residents. We have mostly household and kitchen items, plus some tools, sporting goods, and possibly some jewelry. This sale is scaled back from our sales in previous years, but we wanted to sell what has been donated.
All proceeds from the sale will be used toward beautifying our Esperanza Estates neighborhood.
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From Mary Harp
The Gardeners will meet on Tuesday, March 7 at 9:00 a.m at Mountain View Park. Bring tools for clean up, pruning and weeding at the Park. New gardeners are always welcome.
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Pickleball Paddles
From Sharon Falor
Paul May, from Paul’s Paddles, will be at the pickleball courts on Wednesday, March 8th at 11:00. He will have demo paddles suitable for beginner to advance players for you to demo. This is a great opportunity to explore grips, weights, lengths, and compositions during our drilling session. Paddles will be available for purchase. If you make a purchase, please consider donating your used paddle to the club. Many of our loaner paddles are broken, so this will replenish our supply and allow visitors a chance to play with a club paddle.
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Book Club
The next EE Book Club meeting will be this Thursday, March 9, 10 am, at the Ramada. The book this month is The Girl With The Braided Hair, by Margaret Coel. Lynn Theder is leading the discussion. We'll plan to meet in the Ramada, but if we have inclement weather, we'll send out an email with an alternate meeting place. Everyone is welcome!
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Welcome Corps!
From Sharon Falor
If you are interested in welcoming new residents to our community, please plan on attending our next meeting scheduled for March 9th at 1:00 at my home, 1180 West Circulo Del Sur. At this meeting we will be creating new zones, identifying teams and captains, and compiling new resident folders. All current members, please bring any folders you have so they can be updated for distribution. Thank you and see everyone on the 9th!
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Early St. Patrick's Day Celebration, Thursday, March 16
From Robin Lockwood, Hospitality Committee
"The whole world is Irish on St. Patrick's day"...and even the day before!!! Please join the Hospitality Committee as we host a Baked Potato Bar at the Ramada on Thursday, March 16th.
The cost of this dinner will be $10.00 and it will include baked potatoes, toppings such as taco meat, bacon bits, broccoli, cheese sauce, shredded cheese, onions, butter and sour cream. In addition, you will be served coleslaw, and brownies for dessert. As always, your beverages ( wine, beer, water, soda, coffee) are complimentary.
Please join us for Happy Hour beginning at 4:30 pm, with dinner service beginning at 5:00 PM. We highly encourage the "wearing of the green"!!
NOTE: This event will be in place of the normal Thirsty Thursday for that week. Thirsty Thursdays will return to their schedule, beginning on March 30th.
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Covering the Spa
From Gary Rautio
Just a reminder to all Spa users: When you are done using the SPA and no one is waiting to use it, please place the COVER back on. This action will help retain the spa’s water temperature. Thank You!
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Weed Spraying
From Tom Cooke
The weed spray program has begun, and will be continuous from time to time until all common areas are treated. Thereafter the program will be intermittent as needed for the balance of the year. The colorant you see following the weed spraying is a harmless vegetable-based dye product designed only to show the areas that have been treated and will dissipate in the sunlight over a couple of days. It is not dangerous to pets or people. The spray used acts only on vegetation and begins to break down immediately on contact with soil. It has no residual effect. If you know of an area you believe the spray crew has overlooked please call Tom Cooke at 520-399-0455. Bear in mind that all areas will not be treated at the same time.
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Trash Update
From Kevin Welsh
Titan has completed their delivery of trash cans for the homeowners who requested them. If you didn't receive your cans or didn't request any and now need some, email me at: and I will forward to the owner directly. Contact me as well if you have not received a refund from Titan for pre-paid service into this year.
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2023 Special Assessment Billing
From Dean Lockwood, HOA Board Treasurer
The bill for 2023 Trash Special Assessment has been either delivered or mailed to all residents. Thanks to EE residents who have already paid. The special assessment of $180 is due on April 1, 2023. You can drop your payment off at the Ramada in the black Suggestion Box, or you can mail it in the envelope provided with the assessment notice. Please call Dean Lockwood at 612-240-0945 with questions.
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Mistletoe in Trees
The Monstrosity Tree team was busy removing mistletoe from some of our trees last week. Cyndie Alto, Common Area Maintenance, explained we take out the mistletoe because all mistletoe grows as parasites in the trees. We call mistletoe a “parasite” because it draws away water and vital nutrients from its host. Over time, mistletoe’s effects can be devastating: It causes branches to weaken and eventually die. Mistletoe roots burrow through bark, deep into the inner tissue, where they sap a tree’s strength, doing lots of damage if left unchecked. If mistletoe manages to spread far enough, it can even kill entire trees.
Many thanks to Cyndie and also the EE Gardeners for the routine work they do to keep our trees, plants, and common areas heathy and our neighborhood looking beautiful!
Thanks to Hugh Rhine for the pic.
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Annual EE Easter Golf Cart Parade, April 9
From Donna Shay
EE's Annual Easter Golf Cart Parade is in the planning stages. It will be Easter, April 9, so make a note on your calendar. More exciting details to come!!
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Pickleball, Sharon Falor
Nominated by Gloria Creagh
We love our Esperanza Estates for many reasons. There is a group of approximately 50 residents who greatly appreciate enthusiastic Sharon Falor. Twice weekly she graciously gives free lessons sharing her expertise, giving drills to improve strategy, personal safety, and enjoyment of the game! When thanked for her lessons, Sharon commented, "It is my pleasure! We are given gifts to serve others!"
Kudos to Sharon for helping those residents get 'hooked on pickleball.'
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Unsung EE Heros
EE has been built on a culture of volunteerism, and so much of what happens here to keep our neighborhood active, beautiful, comfortable, and friendly is the work of our many volunteers. We'd like to feature "Unsung EE Heros" in the MMM. Who do you know in EE who is contributing, both in large or small ways? Please let us know...Judy Hayes and John Nesavich, Thanks to Gloria Creagh for the suggestion!
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Saving Aluminum Pull Tabs
There is a container at the Ramada for collecting aluminum can pull tabs (in the coffee can by the sink). We don't know who is maintaining that, and to whom the tabs are being donated. Anyone know? Please give me a call, Judy Hayes, 720-201-9260, and I'll get the word out.
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Thursday, March 9, 2023 - 7:00 PM MST
Celebrating the Early Years of Rock & Roll
Friday March 10, 2023
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GVCC Concert
"Our Favorite Things"
Source: Linda Sielken
Our annual Spring Concert will be held on Monday, March 20 at 7:00 pm and Tuesday, March 21 at 2:30 pm at Valley Presbyterian Church on Camino del Sol..
Tickets are $15 which can be purchased from any choir member including Linda Sielken, at the door, and at the Chamber of Commerce, Nancy Pantz, The Book Shop, and Creative Edges in the Duval Safeway mall. Please call Linda Sielken, 908 240-1887 with questions.
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Please send your neighborhood pictures, jokes, suggestions, and comments to
Judy Hayes,, 720-201-9260 and
John Nesavich,, 303-880-3261
Visit our Website
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