
Monday Morning Memo

January 3, 2022

Esperanza Estates

What's Happening in EE This Week?

Gentle Yoga

11:15 am




9:00 am


Open Space Near Pickleball Courts

Chair Yoga

1:30 pm




9:00 am


Pickleball Courts

Neighborhood News

2022 Esperanza Estates HOA Directories

From Doug Syme

Happy New Year!

Hopefully, if you are reading this, you are aware that unpaid HOA Dues are already late.

Directory data are taken from the HUD compliance forms which should have been returned with the Dues. The Directories will be sent to the printers this week.

If you have paid your Dues, the choices made on the HUD compliance forms have been noted and compiled. There is no need to do anything more. BUT, if you wish to change any data including your choice to have email addresses included or not, please do so immediately!

You may contact me at

EEHOA Annual Meeting

From Dave Sielken, Board President

The EE Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, January 17 at CPAC where the safety protocols are left to the meeting hosts. The requested standards for our meeting will be very simple:

  • Masks will be required - provided on-site if needed
  • Leave at least one empty seat between you and any person other than your spouse or home partner

Thanks in advance for your coorperation and consideration.

2022 EEHOA Dues 

From Dean Lockwood, HOA Board Treasurer

Just a reminder, after January 15 unpaid EEHOA dues will incur a late fee of $35. Please call Dean Lockwood at 612-240-0945 with questions.

HOA Neighborhood Improvements

From Tom Cooke

The HOA has been busy. The two main alleyways and one of the community parks have been refurbished by the placement of 30 yards of new gravel.

The pool solar water heater has been tuned up and examined for efficient operation and has found to be in good condition.

Refurbishment work has been done on the pool cool decking to arrest the concrete spalling and replace it with pavers that are impervious to future damage.

In the large common area south of Del Sur, the Gardeners are creating beautiful raised cactus beds lined with rock. Mary Harp says that will be a long term project.

In the new park on Del Norte, the Lockwoods have installed a new paved area and another new bench in memory of June Simonson. It's a lovely place to enjoy the sunrise and mountain view.

Thanks to everyone involved in beautifying Esperanza Estates!

EEHOA Board of Directors Election

From Ken Lindeman, EEHOA Board Secretary

This is a reminder to vote for candidates for open positions on the EEHOA Board of Directors. Ballots need to be received by January 10 in order to be counted. The bio's for each candidate can be accessed at Board Candidate Statements. You can drop off your ballots at the Ramada.


From Mary Harp

The Gardeners will meet on Tuesday, January 4th at 9:00 a.m. at the open space below the pickle ball courts. This area is along the EE Trail by the wash. Dirt and rocks were recently delivered there for new cactus gardens. Bring gloves and some small tools for rock walls. New gardeners are always welcome.

Chair Yoga

From Kathy Lindeman

Phyllis Schmidt will lead us in our first chair yoga class of the season.

  • Time and Location: Friday Jan. 7, 2022 at 1:30 PM at the Ramada
  • Bring: A card table folding chair if you have one, and a mat or rug for your feet as you will be asked to remove your shoes. Bring slippers if desired. 

You are asked to eat your lunch early so your food is digested before class begins. Because this is our first session, we ask that you arrive early to sign in and help set up.

Direct any questions to Kathy Lindeman, 970-577-3395.

Food Donations

From Sandy LaVoi

Thanks to everyone for the food donations at the Ramada. We took ten bags and a box of food to the Food Bank. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

No-Host Happy Hours On Hold

With the recent surge of the highly contageous Omicron Covid Virus, we are pausing our No-Host Happy Hours at the Ramada for a while. We'll keep watching and resume those fun get-togethers later when things are safer for us all.

Christmas Bonfire

Kevin Welsh sent a picture of the EE Christmas tree lighting and bonfire. Looks like the start of a great tradition! Thanks Kevin!

Good To Know

Think Holiday Scams are Over?

Source: Green Valley Sheriff's Auxillary Scam Squad

Thanks to Craig Surprise for sharing this info

Funny Bone

Source: Service Dogs


Source: Granny's Off her Meds

Source: Wright Ranch Rescue

Definitions of 'OLD'
I very quietly confided to my best friend that I was having an affair. She turned to me and asked, 'Are you having it catered'? And that, my friend, Is the definition of 'OLD'!
An elderly woman decided to prepare her will and told her preacher she had two final requests. First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, She wanted her ashes scattered over Wal-Mart. 'Wal-Mart? the preacher exclaimed. 'Why Wal-Mart?'' “Then I'll be sure my daughters visit me twice a week.”
My memory's not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

Thanks Al Prato

Please send your jokes, suggestions, and comments to Judy Hayes,, 720-201-9260