Monday Morning Memo

October 10, 2022

Esperanza Estates

What's Happening in EE


7:00 am to 11:00 am


Pickleball Courts


7:30 am



Book Club

10:00 am



Thirsty Thursday

5:00 pm



Neighborhood News

EE Gardeners Start Up

From Mary Harp

The EE Gardeners will meet on Tuesday, October 11th at 7:30 a.m. at the Ramada.  Bring tools for clean up, pruning and weeding at the Parks. New gardeners are always welcome.

Book Club Reminder

From Linda Sielken

EE Book Club will meet Thursday, October 13, 10:00 am at the Ramada. Bring books that you have read that you'd like to discuss for the upcoming season. Everyone is welcome!

Thirsty Thursday

EE's "Thirsty Thursday" Happy Hour is this week, Thursday, October 13, 5 pm in the Ramada. Thirsty Thursdays are held every other week, and are no-host events. That means everyone brings their own drink, appetizer to share (if you'd like), eating utensils, and we all help clean up. It's a very laid back event and a great chance to catch up with friends and meet new neighbors. Hope you can join in!

Attention Crafters and Artists!

Annual EE Craft Sale

From Bernie Olson and Debbie Ries

Are you interested in selling your art and/or crafts at this year's EE Annual Craft Sale? The sale will be Saturday, December 3. Please let the organizers know by the end of this week if you'd like to participate. Call Bernie Olson at 920-254-9277 or Debbie Ries at 425-530-6384.

Are Looking For Your Dog??

From Dave Sielken

All, an alert from neighbors. If you have any info, please reach out to Bonnnie.

My name is Bonnie Myers, HOA President for La Canada Desert Homes l and am also a coordinator for the Animal League in Green Valley. We have received two beautiful lab/shep mix dogs that were found in your community. We have had both of them for 4 days and no one has claimed them. Do you know of anyone who might have moved into your area with this type of dog? They are very well cared for and are about 2 years old. No license and no micro chip.

Bonnie Myers, President

La Canada Desert Homes 1


Pima County Road Work Notice

From Pima County

Residents in Esperanza Estates located east of Holgado recently received this road work notice. In case you missed it, it looks like the image here. The info from the notice is below:

Pima County Department of Transportation along with their contractor, Granite Construction, will begin a paving project in Green Valley Esperanza Estates. Construction is scheduled to begin August 22, 2022, ending December 9, 2022. 

The work schedule is:

· Dates: 8/22/22 – 9/26/22  Lower utilities in the roadway

· Dates: 9/6/22 – 10/20/22  Remove asphalt and place new asphalt on roadways

· Dates: 9/19/22 – 12/9/22  Raise utilities in the roadway

· Dates: 10/21/22  Job clean-up will occur once the contractor has completed the subdivision

During the process of construction, you may encounter some slight delays due to inclement weather or mechanical failure. It is our intent to prevent as little impact as possible. Please be patient and cordial as we work to rehabilitate your roadways.

During this time, please have all landscaping, vegetation, vehicles, trailers, boats, etc. removed from the existing paved roadway surface. Please make arrangements now so we do not have to tow any vehicles. We will update all residents as situations arise.

We do anticipate working Monday through Friday, 6 am – 4 pm. We apologize for any inconvenience you way encounter and will work with all homeowners to prevent as little discomfort as possible.

If you need further information, please contact Pima County at 520-724-6410.

Good To Know

From Green Valley Council, October 4, 2022

Please join the Green Valley Council’s Environmental Committee for our presentation of our neighbor: Freeport McMoRan Sierrita Mine


I remember when my husband and I first came to Green Valley to visit my parents. Driving down from the airport, looking left and right. I immediately loved the “Sky Islands” and the “White Dove of the Desert” off in the distance. Wow! I could see such a long way! Not much that blocked my view. However, when we reached Green Valley, I glanced towards the West. What in the “heck” was that huge, bare, tall row of hills? I imagine most of our Green Valley newcomers wonder the same.

I soon discovered those flat-topped hills belonged to Freeport McMoRan Sierrita Mine. First claims recorded in 1895 and open-pit development began in 1957. Sierrita is an open-pit copper and molybdenum mining complex.

In May 2022 they were Named One of the 100 Best Corporate Citizens in the U.S. Over the years, Freeport’s Social Performance Policy’s belief in close collaboration with local stakeholders has been very successful. They engage with local communities through Community Partnership Panels. Very importantly they often engage with our community through the Green Valley Council, especially if we’ve had an air quality dust event or if the Council or one of Green Valleys’ many non-profit organizations is looking for help and advice on a community project such as The Desert Meadows Park and our food banks.

Now is our chance to ask those questions we’ve wondered about. For instance:

  • What do they mine?
  • What is their economic impact?
  • Who should you contact about a dust event and what is the composition of the dust?
  • What and why did they install the mitigation wells?
  • What and where are the West Desert Trails?
  • How do they use CAP water?

This session presented by Freeport McMoRan, is on Thursday, October 20th at 10:30 am. It will be at the East Recreation Center located at 7 South Abrego Drive.

Please contact the Green Valley Council to register: 520-648-1936.


CPAC Concerts This Week

Click here for more details


Thursday, October 13, 2022 - 7:00 PM MST


Friday, October 14, 2022 - 7:00 PM MST


Saturday, October 15, 2022 - 7:00 PM MST


Sunday October 16, 2022 - 3 PM and 7 PM

Optimists Golf Tournament

The 34th Annual Optimist Golf Tournament is on Saturday, Oct 29th at the Haven Golf Course.

All proceeds go to local Kids. It's a fun 4-person scramble with lots of on-course contests followed by a luncheon featuring our Famous Calderallo Italian Sausage with prize awards, raffle, and silent auction results. The cost is $95 per person or $350 for a foursome.

Contact Kevin Welsh at 520-223-3861 or register online at:

Funny Bone

Thanks Neighbor Al Prato

You know how when you buy salads in a bag and they start wilting and turning brown...well, cookies don't do that.

Thanks Neighbor Lynn Theder

Source:  Lynn Miclea, Author

Source:  Hysterical Society

Source: Lynn Miclea Author

Source: Laugh With The Ladies

Please send your jokes, suggestions, and comments to

Judy Hayes,, 720-201-9260 or

John Nesavich,, 303-880-3261

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