Pima County Road Work Notice
From Pima County
Residents in Esperanza Estates located east of Holgado recently received this road work notice. In case you missed it, it looks like the image here. The info from the notice is below:
Pima County Department of Transportation along with their contractor, Granite Construction, will begin a paving project in Green Valley Esperanza Estates. Construction is scheduled to begin August 22, 2022, ending December 9, 2022.
The work schedule is:
· Dates: 8/22/22 – 9/26/22 Lower utilities in the roadway
· Dates: 9/6/22 – 10/20/22 Remove asphalt and place new asphalt on roadways
· Dates: 9/19/22 – 12/9/22 Raise utilities in the roadway
· Dates: 10/21/22 Job clean-up will occur once the contractor has completed the subdivision
During the process of construction, you may encounter some slight delays due to inclement weather or mechanical failure. It is our intent to prevent as little impact as possible. Please be patient and cordial as we work to rehabilitate your roadways.
During this time, please have all landscaping, vegetation, vehicles, trailers, boats, etc. removed from the existing paved roadway surface. Please make arrangements now so we do not have to tow any vehicles. We will update all residents as situations arise.
We do anticipate working Monday through Friday, 6 am – 4 pm. We apologize for any inconvenience you way encounter and will work with all homeowners to prevent as little discomfort as possible.
If you need further information, please contact Pima County at 520-724-6410.