Pickleball at 40 Degrees!

Bundled up with four layers!

Monday Morning Memo

January 23, 2023

Esperanza Estates

What's Happening in EE This Week?


9:00 am to 1:00 pm


Pickleball Courts

Pickleball 103



Pickleball Courts

Defibrillators Demonstration

11:00 am


Pickleball Courts


9:00 am


Salad Bar Park

Slurpy Souper Supper

4:30 pm



Titan Trash & Recycle Pick Up

Materials out for collection 6 am


EE neighborhood

Pickleball 103



Pickleball Courts

Crafty Crafters

1:00 pm


820 W Círculo Napa

Special Event

"Slurpy SOUPer Supper"

From Robin Lockwood, Hospitality Committee

Please join your EE friends and neighbors for "Slurpy SOUPer Supper."

The Hospitality Committee invites you to join us for a dinner on Tuesday, January 24th at the Ramada. The committee will be making a wide variety of their favorite soup recipes for you to choose from, including: French Market, Cream of Cheddar/Broccoli, Creamy Crack Chicken, Vegetable Beef, Pinot Bean, Butternut Squash, Meatball, Lentil Macaroni, Tortilla, Chicken Dumpling, White Chili, Spicy Chili and a few other choices!!!  

This dinner will cost $10.00 and will include a soup of your choice, Caesar Salad, bread sticks or gluten free corn bread (limited availablity), crackers and brownies.  As always, your beverages are complimentary, including wine, beer, soda, water and/or coffee.

Happy Hour begins at 4:30 and dinner services will begin at 5:00. We will have patio heaters lit and ready to keep you cozy and warm.

As in the past, we ask that you please bring a donation of non-perishable food for the Green Valley Food Bank.

We are excited to have you join us, and to support the Hospitality Committee's continuing hard work to provide quality events for Esperanza Estates throughout the year.

Neighborhood News

EE Board Election 2023

From Ken Linderman

I would like to thank candidates who ran for the HOA Board for the 2023 election. Incumbents (Cindy Alto, Tom Cooke and David Seilken) received the most votes and will remain on the board. Connie Scorza and John Nesavich received a good share of the votes and provided some good competition. I would also like to thank everyone that voted. We received 225 valid votes out of 350 properties or 64% of the property owners voted. And I would like to thank the people that helped me tally the votes this year, Steve Alto, Dean Lockwood, Robin Lockwood, Sam Simonson, Kathy Lindeman and Terry Golden. We had a good election year. P.S. I did receive 6 write-in votes for 6 different people. I will be contacting these people for next year's election in the Fall.

EE HOA Board Officers and Committee Assignments

From Dave Sielken

The EE HOA Board officer election results and committee assignments for 2023 are as follows:

President - Dave Sielken

Vice President - Kevin Welsh

Secretary - Ken Lindeman

Treasurer - Dean Lockwood

Financial Review - Kevin Welsh

Recreation Facilities - Gary Rautio

Common Area Maintenance- Cyndie Alto

Block Watch - Sharon Falor

Architectural Control - Deb Ries

Capital Projects - Tom Cooke

New EE HOA Directories

From Cheri Day

The 2023 Esperanza Estates HOA Telephone Directories will be on sale from 4:30 to 5:00 pm at the "Slurpy SOUPer Supper" on Tuesday, January 24th at the Ramada. The directories are $5.00 each . Please call Cheri Day with questions, 303-594-3314.

If there are any incorrect listings in the phone book please let Cheri know.

Titan Trash Containers

From Kevin Welsh, EE HOA Board

Titan Trash and Recycling is continuing to deliver trash containers. They anticipate having delivered all requested containers in EE by the end of January. In the meantime, it is acceptable to put trash and recycling out in your own containers and/or bags. Trash pickup is Wednesdays.

Defibrillators Demonstration

From John Nesavich

Source: Officer L.T. Pratt

Did you know that EE has Defibrillators for emergencies at our pool and at the pickleball courts? Do you know how to use a Debribillator? Here's your chance to learn or refresh your knowledge.

The Green Valley Fire Department will be giving us a demonstration of our Defibrillators on January 23rd at 11 am at the Pickleball Courts and on February 2nd at 3:30 pm at the Ramada, just before Thirsty Thursday.

The Fire Department will also give us information about their free CPR class.. 

Pickleball Education Program

From Sharon Falor, 928-853-3474

The Pickleball class this week is Advanced Techniques.

Pickleball 103: Advanced Techniques. All players must have a rank of 3.5 or higher higher. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to text or call me. This course will highlight footwork, ball placement, shot selection, partner considerations, game strategy, and physical training through drills. 

Dates for Class: Jan 23, 25,  Feb 1, 13, 27, March 1, 13, Class Time: 11:00-12:30

Every class will meet seven times and skill development will build on weekly instruction. Attending class is important to skill acquisition. 

Instructors will be Esperanza residents and myself, Sharon Welsh Falor.


From Mary Harp


Weather permitting, the Gardeners will meet on Tuesday, January 24th at 9:00 a.m. at the Salad Bar Park behind 1113 del Sur on the EE Trail.  Bring tools for cleanup, pruning and weeding at the park. New gardeners are always welcome.

Crafty Crafters

From Bernie Olson

This week, the craft group will be making suncatchers on Thursday, January 26th. We will meet at Bernie’s house. 820 W Círculo Napa at 1 pm.

Please bring a variety of beads large and small, a heavier one for the bottom, an empty key ring, 1 inch square and round mirrors (your choice), clothespins and E6000 glue if you have it. I have plenty of fish line to share with you.

JoAnn’s has beads on sale this week and they also have the mirrors. The mirrors get glued together so bring however many you want to use. I used 18.

The clothespins can be obtained at the dollar store. They will hold the mirrors together while they dry. It will take a day for them to dry well, so that is why we are doing them at my house.

They can lay out on the tables to dry, and you can pick them up the next day. Call me if you have any questions, Bernie 920-254-9277.

Pool Hours Changed

Hopefully, you saw the email notice last week about the change in the pool hours. Just to confirm, the EE pool hours have been changed to open at 9 am and close at 7 pm daily, until further notice. The spa will continue to operate at regular hours, open at 7 am and close at 7 pm.

Green Valley Community Directory

From Ken Lindeman

I still have 16 Valley Community Directories that I saved from last Fall. If people would like one they will be available on the counter of the Ramada as of now.

Green Valley Council Report

From Hugh Rhine, EE GVC Rep

I attended the GVC Board of Representatives meeting on January 19. Items which would be of most interest to EE residents are below.

  • A forum on Domestic Violence is scheduled for Feb 2.
  • On February 16 there will be a forum on Air Quality with information about Valley Fever.
  • Board of Representatives training will be March 21 and March 22.

More detail on these activities can be found on the GVC website.

Any EE homeowners can sign up to receive email updates and newsletters from GVC. Just send them an email at [email protected].

Caring Connections

Found: WW2 Veteran's Honors Flight medallions

We're running this again this week, since last week no one commented about these medals. A box of medallions was found among some donations for the Enhancement Committee sale. We're not sure that's where they belong, and would like to try to identify the recipient, or the family of that recipient in order to get them back where they belong. If you recognize the medallions or have any information that may be helpful, please contact Robin Lockwood at 612-618-5582. Thank you!


Marie & the Rock & Soul Express

January 27th

6 - 9 pm

Coaches, GV

This is William Olson, our EE Webmaster's, band.

Excellent group!


Jan 27, 2023 - Feb 5, 2023

Performed by The Santa Cruz Shoestring Players –

Just after midnight, a snowdrift stops the Orient Express in its tracks. The luxurious train is surprisingly full for the time of the year, but by the morning it is one passenger fewer. 

Click here for more information

Funny Bone

Thanks Al Prato

Source: Unknown

Source: 640 Meats

Thanks John Nesavich

Please send your neighborhood pictures, jokes, suggestions, and comments to

Judy Hayes, [email protected], 720-201-9260 or

John Nesavich, [email protected], 303-880-3261

Visit our Website