
EE Shade Tree Park

Photo by Kevin Welsh

Monday Morning Memo

May 9, 2022

Esperanza Estates

What's Happening in EE This Week?


7:00 am to 11:00 am


Pickleball Courts

Morning Water Aerobics

8:30 am

Mon Wed Fri


Book Club

10:00 am



Thirsty Thursday

4:00 pm



Neighborhood News

Cinco de Mayo Was A Festive Hit!!

From Robin Lockwood

Thank you to all of you who came out to celebrate Cinco de Mayo at the Ramada on May 5th! We had a crowd of over 90 people, which is truly amazing! I want to send out a special "Thank You" to all of the Hospitality Committee members who came out and worked hard to get this event organized, decorated and cleaned up. They work hard at all of our events, and we couldn't hold these events without their commitment to our neighborhood!   

Please keep your eyes on the MMM for a possible Hospitality hosted 4th of July party at the Ramada. The weather will be a major deciding factor for that event. Otherwise, the Hospitality Committee will reconvene in the fall when the majority of our team members return to Esperanza Estates. We look forward to providing you with a full calendar of monthly Hospitality Hosted events for this coming 2022-23 season!

Photos by John Nesavich and Debbie Ries

Book Club

From Linda Sielken

The EE Book Club will meet this Thursday, May 12, at the Ramada at 10 am.  The book this month is Stranger in the Lifeboat by Mitch Albom. The discussion will be led by Kathy Lindeman. 

Thirsty Thursday

EE's Thirsty Thursday Happy Hour is this Thursday, May 12, at the Ramada, at 4:00 pm. We use the no-host approach...bring your own beverages, appetizer to share (optional), and bring your own utensils. It's a great time to visit with folks you know and meet new folks in our neighborhood.


From Mary Harp

The Gardener’s Tuesday work parties will be on summer break until notified. To all of you who have helped in the Parks and Common Areas with your work and support, thank you so very much. We appreciate your efforts in all that you do!

EE Name Badges

From Debbie Ries and Robin Lockwood

Ordering EE name badges is on hiatus for the summer. We will begin taking orders again starting in September or October. Badges ordered before May 6th are in the name badge boxes at the Ramada, ready to use for our events in the fall. Any orders placed since then will be placed in the fall, and hopefully will be available for our first autumn event. Please keep your eye on the MMM for details.

Tucson Sewer Department

Have you tried to put your sewer service on suspension for the summer months?  Our EE neighbor, Hugh Gates, was recently attempting to do that very thing and discovered that the phone number for the Tucson Sewer Dept listed in our EE Community directory is incorrect. The correct number is 520-724-6609 ext 4. Thanks for the information, Hugh!

Del Sur Park 

Last week we thought we posted pictures of landscaping work done by our volunteers (Rod Harp, Jim Johnson, Don Hartje, Ken Lindeman, Tom Aigner, Phil LaVoi, Steve Alto). Unfortunately, the pictures we posted were of the wrong park. 

So...we're trying again. This picture is of the beautiful new Del Sur Park, located along the EE Trail east of the Pickleball CourtsThanks again gentlemen, for your excellent work.....You Rock!!

EEHOA Board Meeting

From Dave Sielken 

The next monthly HOA Board Meeting will be next week, Monday May 16 at 1 pm in the Ramada. As a reminder...and maybe news to new residents...monthly meetings are open to all homeowners. Please feel free to attend and to join in when you have questions to ask or information to share.

Caring Connections

Lorna Kitchak

  • Lorna Kitchak died peacefully on May 2 after a courageous two-year battle with cancer. Lorna was very active in Esperanza Estates, especially with the Enhancement Team. No memorial services in Green Valley are currently planned.  Lorna's obituary can be read online at this link.



Friday, May 13th at 7:00 PM

Tickets: $20

Funny Bone

Thanks John Nesavich

Thanks John Nesavich

Thanks Neighbor, Dan Rajsic

Source: American Council on Science and Health

Source: Happy Living


Source: Dark Side of Service

Source: American Hot Rodders Show

Please send your jokes, suggestions, and comments to

Judy Hayes, jkhayes70@gmail.com, 720-201-9260 or

John Nesavich, jnesavich@gmail.com, 303-880-3261

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