Monday Night Meditation


It's Archive Night!

October, 2022

Whatever you call this holiday weekend, I hope it's been great. 

Tonight is archive night.

In lieu of of a talk, mindful movement nor mindful dialog ...

You Might Cruise the Archives

You can search for any hot topic on either:

My Youtube channel 

My Library 

Enjoy your day and evening!


 If you've got a special request for a talk or a meditation, please let me know.

First Light Meditation with David and Gregg

We invite you to sit with us on Friday mornings at 7:00 as we reset our spiritual compasses for the day. We begin with a chalice lighting and brief reading; sit for 30 minutes in silent meditation; and finish the hour with relaxed reflective conversation before departing for the day at 8:00 a.m.

Drop in! Our door will be open.

First Light Meditation, Friday mornings at 7:00.
Password: 1948

Inquire: David McTaggart, [email protected], or Gregg Forte, [email protected] 

I share more up-to-date resources and information on our class on my public Facebook Page.


The Monday Night Webcast Schedule (Eastern Standard Time)

6:30 - 7:20 Mindful Movement on Zoom Link for Mindful Movement

7:30 - 8:30 Meditation and Talk, streamed on Facebook or Youtube

8:30 - Mindful Dialog with Ray Manyoky and Tara Cassidy   Link for Mindful Dialog

With your continued support, the Monday Night webcast is offered freely to all. 

The teachers receive no direct compensation for making Monday Night at UUCA possible. 

Your donation supports all of us and most importantly, means that no one is ever denied access to the practices.

If you feel inspired you can make a donation here for Jonathan and check out the links for the other teachers.

Thank you for your support!

For the latest links for mindful movement

check your email on Monday morning, this Facebook page, or this link.

6:30 EST: Mindful Movement Class

This class offers a form of movement that is particularly well-suited for meditation. You'll explore practices that will energize and strengthen you, help you release deep-seated tension and cultivate a sense of presence and well-being. The class is designed to be inclusive for all levels of yoga, from new to experienced. 

Class begins as 6:30 and ends at 7:20, giving you time to gently transition to the guided meditation with Jonathan at 7:30.

This class is offered freely so that no one is denied access to the practices. Your donation directly supports your teacher.

Contact Rita Moran at [email protected] or [email protected].

The Teachers:

Rita Naomi Moran was first initiated into meditation practice at the age of 6 with Transcendental Meditation. Since then she has traveled extensively, in the US and abroad, to study meditation and yoga. As a physical therapist and yoga teacher, she has a passion for helping people to integrate healthy movement and spiritual practice into every day life. Currently she is homeschooling her son across the US in the National Parks system and returns to the Washington DC area at the end of the month to teach yoga and work in her physical therapy and integrative wellness practice.

Support for Your Practice with the Insight Meditation Community of Washington

A Sangha for Women meets online every Saturday, 10:00am until 11:30am, facilitated by Rashmi Nair-Ripley.

Spiritual Friends Groups are a great way to connect with like-minded community.

IMCW's Mentoring Program connects you with a dedicated practitioner who can help you with your meditation practice and share resources to help you on your journey.

Affinity Groups can help you find a special interest group you'll enjoy, such as LGBTIQ, POC or a single's sangha.

Upcoming Events with Jonathan

December 3: Embodied Presence: A Meditative Journey of Release and Renewal

Website and Podcast

You'll find more information on offerings and resources at my website, 

I post my talks and guided meditations on iTunes and youtube as well as my own RSS feed, Insight Timer, Stitcher, Spotify, PodBean and who knows where else. You can also check out the complete library of talks here if you'd like to download them.

 If you've got a special request for a talk or a meditation, please let me know.

About Monday Night Online

Monday Night Online is a drop-in gathering and you are welcome anytime.

In the Buddhist tradition, the teachings are considered priceless. Therefore they are offered freely and there is no set fee for the class.

This tradition also encourages cultivating generosity to ourselves and others. 

Your generosity and support ensure no one will ever be denied access to these teachings and practices.

You can make a donation here if you are so inspired. Thank you!