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Community Service Awards celebration is tonight
Join us as we honor a great group of recipients
There's still time to join us this evening as we honor good people doing great things in Pleasanton. We'll begin with a champagne greeting, enjoy delicious appetizers and drinks while overlooking the beautiful Pleasanton skyline. Then, we'll learn more about and celebrate the amazing people who go the extra mile to make Pleasanton a fabulous place to live and do business. We'll cap off the feel-good evening with dessert as well.
The recipients for Pleasanton’s Community Service Awards
for 2022 are:
Excellence in Service
Business Philanthropy
Distinguished Individual Service
Excellence in Business (Small Company)
Excellence in Business (Large Company)
Fall Tradeshow at the Fairgrounds
Vendor registration open now
Companies and organizations can promote themselves, connect with local business and community leaders and grow their customer base by participating as a vendor. The event features food tastes from local restaurants and the opportunity to network with businesses in a fun and interactive setting.
$300 for members, $450 for non-members. We provide you with a six-foot table, you bring everything else for your table-top display. Vendors also have the opportunity to select their booth location on a first-come, first-served basis the day of the event beginning at 3:30 p.m.
Includes 2 drink tickets, open to everyone in the community. Add your name to the attendee list by clicking the Register Button here.
Celebrating a grand opening downtown
Ribbon cuttings increase the visibility of a grand opening, new location, ground breaking or special anniversary. The chamber brings the giant scissors and the red ribbon, invites our ambassadors and publicizes the event in various publications. To schedule a ribbon cutting, email Dawn.
You're invited to join the chamber and our ambassadors at the following ribbon cutting ceremony.
Saturday, November 5 at 11:00 a.m.
719A Main Street, Pleasanton
Grand Opening Celebration
Pleasanton Young Professionals event
First Thursday Monthly Mixer and Give Back
Kids Against Hunger Packing Event 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Monthly Mixer at Sunshine Saloon, 6:30 p.m.
Medicare Annual Enrollment Period Meetings
Kathleen O'Leary presenting
Medicare Annual Enrollment Period Meeting
Presented by Kathleen O’Leary, Licensed Agent, JB Insurance Services
What is it?
This is a meeting presenting a Medicare Advantage Plan and is open to everyone.
When is it?
November 1 or November 15
10:00 a.m. at the Pleasanton Chamber office
Who should attend?
Anyone who needs assistance with Medicare.
How do I RSVP?
Halloween Spirit Run and Tri-Valley Turkey Burn
The Rotary Club of Pleasanton presents the 29th annual Halloween Spirit Run on Sunday, October 30, 2022. Proceeds to support scholarships for Pleasanton students plus community and international projects. Learn more and register here.
Pleasanton North Rotary's 8th annual Thanksgiving Day Tri-Valley Turkey Burn is a family-friendly fun run/walk/stroll that benefits local youth programs of the Tri-Valley. Sponsorship opportunities now available.
Support Pleasanton schools
The Measure I bond is to build and maintain facilities that contribute to a strong and positive learning experience. It is needed because a gap has appeared between available funding and the cost of improving and maintaining our school facilities. The bond is to raise money specifically to modernize classrooms, repair deteriorating roofs, ensure facilities are safe for all students, and improve play equipment and multi-use facilities.
Chamber Announces Endorsements for 2022 General Election
City Council, School Board and more
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce’s Business and Community Political Action Committee (BACPAC) recently completed its Candidate Review process. BACPAC made its endorsement recommendations for the 2022 General Election to the Chamber’s Board of Directors for final consideration. These recommendations were approved at the most recent Chamber Board meeting. Candidates endorsed include those running for City Council, the Pleasanton School Board of Trustees, and Alameda County District Attorney.
BACPAC’s Candidate Review process is comprised of three distinct steps: the Candidate Questionnaire, which is the first document submitted; the Candidate Interview, an individual interview with BACPAC; and the Candidate Forum, in which all candidates come together to answer questions created by Chamber members and inspired by Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision. This local public policy platform lists goals for the economy, jobs, education, infrastructure, public safety, health, housing, arts, leadership, culture, and recreation.
After our lengthy Candidate Review process was completed and after further discussion by the Chamber Board, BACPAC and the Chamber Board of Directors endorse the following candidates for office* in the 2022 General Election, to be held Tuesday, November 8, 2022:
- Pleasanton City Council (District 1): Dean Wallace
- Pleasanton City Council (District 3): Joel Liu
- Pleasanton Unified School District (Area 2): Laurie Walker
- Alameda County District Attorney: Terry Wiley
In addition, the Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce and BACPAC also endorse the following candidates, who are running unopposed:
- Pleasanton Mayor: Karla Brown
- Pleasanton Unified School District (Area 5): Justin Brown
Improving Your Organization Through Planning
As organizational leaders, it is important to fully understand how your organization works. Why do you do what you do? Are you doing it well? What can you do better? And while you can ask yourself these questions, the best source of this information is not you but your customers and your employees. These are your external and internal stakeholders, who value your organization and want to see it thrive.
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce has been doing this in recent months as we prepare for our strategic planning process later this year.
We invite you to participate in our next step by completing this five-question survey, called SWOT the Chamber (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). We value your input, which we will use as we work with our Board of Directors to put together a strategic plan that covers the next few years. Begin survey now.
Economic Development and Government Relations
Learn more about this committee
Recent Letters of Support
Recent articles from EDGR
Congratulations to these new members that have recently joined the Chamber