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April 25, 2022
Calling all vendors: Tradeshow Mixer May 11 at OMRON
The ultimate business networking event
Table-top tradeshow • Open to everyone • Food, drinks, prizes

Everyone is invited to join the Pleasanton Chamber at the spring tradeshow mixer hosted by OMRON Robotics and Safety Technologies on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Companies and organizations can promote themselves, connect with local business and community leaders and grow their customer base by participating as a vendor. The event features food, beer and wine tastes from local restaurants and the opportunity to network with businesses in a fun and interactive setting.

$300 for members
$450 for non-members
We provide you with a six-foot table, you bring everything else for your table-top display.

Includes 2 drink tickets, open to everyone in the community.

Available for a limited time to chamber members, $500 to have a vendor booth at both the spring and fall 2022 tradeshows. The Spring Tradeshow is May 11 at OMRON and the Fall Tradeshow is November 9 at the Alameda County Fairgrounds. Both events are 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Email Susie with any questions.
The event features wine and beer tastes as well as delicious food tastes from the following participating restaurants.
Joint chamber mixer at Dublin San Ramon Services District
This Wednesday, networking and more
Join us for Dublin San Ramon Services District's grand reopening, which will take place on Wednesday, April 27 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. This Multi-Chamber mixer and Ribbon Cutting with the Pleasanton, Dublin and San Ramon Chambers of Commerce will take place at Dublin San Ramon Services District's administration building in Dublin.

The event will take place on the back patio, east side of the building. Attending this mixer is a benefit of your Chamber membership. Prospective members should contact dawn@pleasanton.org.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Hively Family Resource Center
Congratulations to Hively on the grand opening ribbon cutting ceremony of their Hively Family Resource Center, now open at 7066 Village Parkway in Dublin.

The Hively Family Resource Center (HFRC) will provide a one-stop shop for families to obtain all the basic necessities they need. The Diaper Pantry provides diapers, wipes and early literacy materials; the Community Closet provides new and gently used clothing, shoes, books and housewares; and the Food Pantry provides food and other basic necessities. All the resources are provided free of charge to families in need.

The new HFRC promotes Hively’s mission to provide resources and support so that everyone in our community can thrive. Hively offers family outreach programs; affordable mental health services on a sliding-fee scale; child care subsidies for CalWORKs recipients; parent education classes to support healthy home environments; and family-strengthening classes to support the parent-child bond.
Stanford-Valley Care Educational Presentations
Keeping the community safe, informed and educated
Everyone in the community is invited to join the local chambers of commerce and Stanford Health Care-ValleyCare for these upcoming educational presentations.

These are part of a series of educational presentations by Stanford Health Care-ValleyCare in partnership with the Chambers of Commerce of Danville, Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton and San Ramon.
Introduction to OSHA for Small Businesses
Workers Memorial Day
Every year on April 28, the Nation recognizes Workers Memorial Day to honor those who have lost their lives on the job and recognize the impact these tragic losses have on the families, friends, co-workers and communities left behind.

Free Virtual Event

Includes special remarks by OSHA to commemorate Workers’ Memorial Day, its history, and the impacts that fatalities on the job have on families, communities and small businesses.
Featured Members
Calling all local businesses - Sponsorship opportunity through City of Pleasanton Movies in the Park!

The Movies in the Park are held Thursday evenings from June 30 – August 4, 2022, at Amador Valley Community Park. Sponsoring Pleasanton's Movies in the Park puts your business in front of over 500 audience members each night while contributing to a fun and free, community-building event. Two levels of sponsorship are available, and your support helps to continue a popular Pleasanton tradition.
Throughout April, Stanford Blood Center (SBC) is celebrating a renewed commitment to the environment and providing easy ways for our donors to help the planet, too! For each donation made in April, SBC will be planting one tree in Uganda as part of a Forestmatic reforestation project in the country. Uganda has lost more than half of its forest land in the past 30 years, so this is a great way to save lives through blood donation, and to support the rebuilding of native ecosystems. Plus, donors will receive a unique tree ID for each donation, which will allow them to find their tree online and watch it grow!
Wine Stroll Tickets Available Now!

Wine Stroll is back and we are excited to see you Downtown for this well-loved Pleasanton event! Please join us on Saturday, May 7th for tastings of 20+ varietals, tasty bites, a commemorative glass & lots of fun!

Saturday, May 7, 2022
5:00-8:00 p.m.
Starting location: Museum on Main (603 Main Street)

Tickets are $50/person and available here!
We can't wait to see you Downtown!
Welcome New Members
Congratulations to these new members that have recently joined the Chamber
Annual Golf Outing at Callippe
Start your weekend early
The Pleasanton Chamber Golf Outing 2022 returns to Callippe Preserve Golf Course on Friday, September 23, 2022. This is the Chamber's one true fundraising event of the year. Jump on this fantastic opportunity to start your weekend early. This event is a fun-filled afternoon of golf, great food, drink and fantastic prizes, with lots of great networking, business promotion and contacts to be made.
Pleasanton Young Professionals
Learn, grow, empower
The Pleasanton Young Professionals (PYPs) is the premier networking group for emerging and established young professionals ages 21-40. Learn more about the PYPs on our website, on Facebook and on Instagram.
Event Sponsorship Opportunities
For you and your business
The Pleasanton Chamber is organized to benefit business by being the catalyst for business and economic growth, the convener of leaders and influencers, and the champion for a stronger and healthy community.

In line with our mission, we are pleased to present to you our 2022 event sponsorship opportunities. We have put these together to fit all business sizes, and we encourage you to consider making an investment in any or all of these events.
Advertise with the chamber
Print, website and electronic ads available
Jump start your outreach with a targeted campaign to a very active business community and vibrant community of readers. With options ranging from a one-time print ad to having a regular presence in all of our publications to a banner ad on our online directory, we invite you to give consumers the knowledge of what your business is known for.

Contact us today to find out how you can be included.
Learn more about our travel program
Thinking about taking a trip in 2022-2023?
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce has traveled to more than 30 destinations over the past decade. From river cruises and trains to ancient ruins and sandy beaches, the chamber partners with top tour companies to offer a wide variety of destinations for both domestic and international travel. We take care of the details to ensure a smooth planning process and a great trip.

2022 travel destinations include Western Canada's Rockies, Lakes & Wine Country, Alaska and Switzerland, Austria & Bavaria. 2023 destinations include Costa Rica, Ireland and Bluegrass Country & the Smoky Mountains.
News from our members
Shredding event benefiting Girls Soccer Worldwide

Donate at Stanford Blood Center in April and have a TREE planted in your honor

City of Pleasanton Movies in the Park 2022