What's your favorite thing about being at FAMU COE?
M.E. (Mostly Everything). Everyday in the College is an experience. I enjoy my COE family. The one thing that I would change is the lack of whole group fellowship. Food, fun, FAMU-ly... fellowship!
What pivotal moment shaped your life as an educator?
There is no one moment. Instead, there were many moments that directed my path. From playing school with my dolls to watching my father teach collegiate courses to helping my classmates understand difficult concepts, education has been embedded in my life.
What would you say to inspire future educators?
I routinely encourage future educators to think about their legacy. What will be your impact on the world? How will people speak about you?
What do you like to do for fun/leisure time?
In my leisure time, I enjoy cruising the aisles of thrift and consignment stores. Sometimes you can find the best treasures in these stores.