December 2022
4-H Newsletter
Find your "Spark" with 4-H fun and learning!
Re-Enrolling in 4-H from last year?

If you enrolled in 4-H before July 2022 and haven't renewed your enrollment yet, this is your chance to re-enroll without a late fee! Late fees of an additional $5 begin on December 1st. Thank you to everyone who has already re-enrolled!

You can fill out the form, to email or send by mail to our office, here:

Sparks Club Presents: Winter Solstice Celebration
Join the Sparks Club in the lovely Hazelwood Grove Lodge for a warm and bright celebration of the darkening winter nights! Register here.
Produced In New York and "Art"cuterie Board Challenge!
Join Monroe and Livingston 4-H at the Strong Museum of Play for Fit Kids' Day on January 28th! Contact Renee Hopkins for more information and to register.
Volunteer Opportunities!

Monroe County 4-H is seeking teens and adults who would like to offer opportunities to help youth explore topics that spark their interest. Do you have a hobby or vocation or special interest that you would like to share with youth? These opportunities could be a one time offering, a series of workshops, or a new club! Reach out to Haven to explore possibilities!
Resources for Teachers and Leaders
Seed Dispersal Design Challenge

Adapted from Seed Dispersal: Design Challenge Learning by the Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose CA

Note: This competition can be a collaborative team activity instead of a competition!

Have you ever seen seeds floating or flying on the breeze? Stuck to your clothes? In the mouth of a critter? Tell us more!

Because plants are stationary, they have adapted marvelous methods for dispersing their seeds to spread their species! Today, you’ll get a chance to design a wind dispersed seed! Seed dispersal adaptations include:
Wind—seeds are designed to carry on the wind—floating or flying!—with distances varying from a few dozen feet to several miles! Local examples include milkweed, maple and dandelion seeds.
Adhesion—“hitchhiker” seeds are designed to stick to animals so they can be transported to other fertile ground! Examples include thistles and calico aster.
Seeds that become food— seeds eaten by animals get “pooped out” elsewhere and germinate, with the poop itself often being a great fertilizer for that germination! Some of these seeds are intended to be eaten—such as acorns taken by forgetful squirrels, that become oak trees!
Fire—Believe it or not, some seeds require fire to germinate. For example, the giant sequoia (the largest living thing on earth by volume), needs fire to crack open its seed pods, and a cleared (burned) out forest floor to most successfully germinate and grow into new, majestic sequoias!
Here’s a cool video explaining and showing different seed dispersal methods:
Mission: Design a seed pod model that will carry as far as possible on the wind.

      One 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper (scrap paper is fine)
      6 inches of masking tape
      One dried lima bean (seed)
      Box fan
      Measuring tape

1.   Decide (with youth voice/choice to the greatest extent) how to split up youth into design teams or groups.
2.   Decide (again, with youth voice/choice to the greatest extent) whether the activity will be collaborative or competitive—for example, instead of having teams/groups compete against one another, make the goal an aggregate distance for all the seed models designed!
3.   Distribute the supplies to the teams/groups.
4.   Explain the mission and rules: Each team/group, using only the materials provided, needs to work together to design a conveyance for the lima bean that will carry the bean seed as far as possible on the wind of the box fan. Choose and share the duration of time allowed for the design (15 minutes, etc.).  
5.   Once the designs are done, turn on the box fan (in a larger open space!) and drop each designed seed pod down into the breeze of the fan. Using the measuring tape, measure and record the distance each designed seed pod carries. Allow each team/group three drops—and record either the aggregate or average scores for the three drops.
6.   Calculate team or aggregate team scores depending on whether the group decided on a collaborative or competitive format! If collaborative was chosen, you can add a second round of design tweaks and drops to see if the whole group can increase its aggregate distance!
Activity Mission: Design a seed pod model that will carry as far as possible on the wind.
Seeds are everywhere, so it’s easy to explore and have fun with them! You can be on the lookout for them through all four seasons. It’s good to learn more about invasive species as well, so you know which seeds we don’t want to disperse!  
Grow With Us Grant
Applications are open for the Ag in the Classroom Grow with Us Grant! Earn a bundle of three Tower Gardens or a 2445 Organics SuperGrow System for your classroom to extend learning through agriculture throughout the entire school year. Submit your application by January 17, 2023:

Club News and Special Activities
Sewing Club

Sewing Spark Club kicked off the 2022-2023 project year on November 2nd with a hand sewing activity led by 4-H volunteers from the American Sewing Guild. Welcome back to returning members, and welcome to members joining for the first time this year!

Silas Alvarez was interviewed on stage at the Grow-NY event in Syracuse by Cornell Cooperative Extension Food Systems and Innovation Specialist, Victoria Giarratano, after the premier of his "Where Are They Now" video.
Hippology Nationals

Congratulations to Rose Lanzatella, representing the Hippology division in New York State's senior youth attending the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup in Louisville, Kentucky.
Smarties Club for Cloverbuds

The Smarties 4-H Club has kicked off their first year of 4-H experiences!
Soil Painting at Maker Faire and Student STEAM Fest

The Monroe 4-H team partnered with Charles Malone from the New York State 4-H Geospatial Team to share “Exploring the Attributes of Soil - Maps and Soil Painting” with students at the Student STEAM Fest Day and the Maker Faire.
Busy Bees and County Legislators share Art Therapy Activity

Kathy Lee's 4-H Busy Bee Classroom invited County Legislator Maria Vecchio and County Legislator Blake Keller to join them for Art Therapy on November 18th. Art Therapist Sara Corona from Heritage Christian Services taught everyone how to make colorful luminaries using a bakery box.
Fill-a-Bucket Challenge Supports Coat Giveaway

4-H UNITY teens from Eugenio María de Hostos Charter School's Aspira program worked with Nazareth College Community Youth Development Program to support the Ibero-American Action League, Inc. Coat Giveaway. Thank you to the 4-H community for scarfs, hats, gloves, and mittens that they made and/or donated to support the community, including scarves made by 4-H teens from Agape Haven of Abundance! Thank you as well to the 4-H UNITY teens for preparing hot chocolate snack bags to give away at the event.
Annual Horse Awards

4-H youth ranging from Cloverbuds to seniors attended the 62nd Annual Monroe County 4-H Horse Awards Banquet on November 20th.
Statewide Opportunities
2023 Advanced Equine Program
Applications are being accepted for the 2023 Advanced Equine Program, the newest program offered by the NYS 4-H Horse Program. Advanced Equine is a competitive program that offers great opportunities for no or low costs. For more information contact 4-H Equine Youth Specialist Brieanna Hughes at or 518-885-8995.
2023 NYS Horse In-service
The NYS 4-H Horse Program is inviting all educators and volunteers with 4-H Horse responsibilities to join us in Ithaca on February 10th-12th for the 2023 NYS 4-H Horse In-service
  • December 19th Sparks Club Presents: Winter Solstice Celebration
  • December 23-26 Monroe County 4-H office closed
  • January 28th Produced in New York, "Art"cuterie Boards: Dairy Edition
  • January 29th Mendon Ponds Winter Fest
  • February 10th-12th NYS 4-H Horse In-service
  • March 9-12th 2023 National 4-H Youth Summit
  • March 17th World Food Prize New York Youth Institute