March 2023
4-H Newsletter
Find your "Spark" with 4-H fun and learning!
Check out what's coming up! 
4-H Sparks Club Presents: Weaving - Baskets and Basics

Have you ever wondered how baskets are made? Explore the basics of weaving with a woven greeting card (youth ages 5-7) and make your own flat-reed basket (youth ages 8+) with friends and 4-H volunteers. Please register by Wednesday, March 8th. Is the $10 supply fee a financial barrier for your family? Call the 4-H office and let us know.
Arbor Day Art and Writing Contest

Youth in Kindergarten through 12th grade are invited to create art in any medium, including poetry and creative writing, expressing the role trees play in our parks or what trees mean to the artist. Entries will be displayed at the Arbor Day Community Ceremony and Celebration in Highland Park, and certificates will be awarded for outstanding entries.
4-H Capital Days 2023

The 88th annual 4-H Capital Days Program will be held April 16-18, 2023. The objectives of the 4-H Capital Days program are:

  • To achieve a better understanding of the New York State policy process
  • To gain a better understanding of state and local government connections
  • To provide delegates the opportunity to meet with legislators and tell their 4-H stories
  • To create an awareness of career opportunities within the New York State Government and Public Service
  • To meet and exchange experiences with delegates from other counties

If you area high school student and interested in attending, please contact the Monroe 4-H office at before Friday, March 10th, 2023 as registrations are due by Friday, March 17th.
Animal Crackers 2023: All Creatures Great and Small
The Cornell University Department of Animal Science is pleased to announce 2023 Animal Crackers, "All Creatures Great and Small”, on Saturday, May 6, 2023, on the Cornell University campus. This year’s program will highlight Dairy, Sheep, Poultry, Rabbit/Cavy topics. 4-H youth 8-12 years old or those with beginner to intermediate knowledge of the covered species are invited to participate.

There is a $20 per youth cost to attend the program - adult chaperones are free. Attendees are asked to bring their own lunch. Registration for the event will open soon and must be done through the Monroe County 4-H Team.  
Resources for Teachers and Leaders
Agricultural Literacy Week 2023
In celebration of New York agriculture, volunteers
throughout the state will read a book with an agricultural theme to elementary classrooms during Agricultural Literacy Week on March 20-24th.

The featured book for 2023 is Tomatoes for Neela by Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi.

If you would like to volunteer to read to a local 2nd grade class, please contact the 4-H Office at by Friday, March 3rd.

If you are a teacher, please reach out to register. We are still recruiting classrooms.
Club News and Special Activities
Sparks Club Korean Culture Day

Nearly 30 youth from across Monroe County took part in the Korean Culture Camp Day over winter break to learn Korean greetings, make kimbap rolls, try k-pop dancing, write their name in calligraphy, and more! Stay tuned for another Korean Culture event over April break for youth ages 10 and younger.
Monroe County Public Presentations
Youth from 4-H Friends, Mariah Meadows, Smarties, the Agriculture club, and more showed up to Public Presentations with a Spark to share and a lot of bravery! The audiences learned about axolotls, clarinets, charcuterie, chess, how to bathe a horse, and so much more. A huge thank you to our evaluators, families, leaders, and the Irondequoit Public Library for making this event possible!
Sewing Sparks Club Creates Fabric Postcards
The Sewing Sparks club took postcards to the next level! They tried several stitches and layered several pieces of fabric to create their personalized fabric postcards.
Agape 4-H Sewing Club Explores Black History
The 4-H sewing group at Agape Haven of Abundance read Black Girls Sew by Hakima Hapa and to connect Black History Month with their current project - sewing aprons!
4-H Friends Create Mars Rovers

As part of their outer space theme, the 4-H Friends made Mars rovers at their last meeting!
4-H UNITY Teens Explore Printmaking

The 4-H UNITY teens got to experience printmaking as well as tour the Flower City Arts Center in February, learning about careers in the visual arts. In the spirit of Black History Month, the teens also learned about how Black exemplars such as George Washington Carver contributed to innovations in the printing industry. As part of their experience, they were able to try out hand at using a printing press to print a quote from Martin Luther King, Jr's book, "Stride for Freedom."
Statewide and National 4-H Opportunities
2023 National 4-H Beekeeping Essay Competition: The Importance of Beeswax
Although honey bees are much-beloved for honey, bees also produce beeswax that can be used in many ways. For this essay, a 4-H student should discuss why beeswax is so important to the hive (it's a pantry, it's a nursery, it's the dance floor), but also discuss their favorite way to use beeswax outside the hive. Photos of candles, soaps, or lip balms that are made to show the 4-H'er's skill in using beeswax are welcomed as are recipes or brief instructions.

Eligibility: The 2023 National 4-H Beekeeping Essay Competition is open to active 4-H Club members only.

The state selection process must be completed through the State 4-H Office. State competition entries to be evaluated for national submission may be submitted for judging via email to

The deadline for state submission is April 15, 2023.
National winners will be announced: June 15, 2023.

Three cash prizes will be awarded in the 2023 National 4-H Beekeeping Essay Competition.

First Prize: $750
Second Prize: $500
Third Prize: $250

The three prize-winning essays will be published in ABF Quarterly, the magazine of the American Beekeeping Federation. All authors of essays submitted to the national competition will receive a relevant book on honey bees, beekeeping, or honey.
STARR (State Teen Action Reps Retreat)

STARR, also known as the State Teen Action Reps Retreat, is an annual weekend experience for 4-H teens from across New York State to get together to build leadership skills as well as network with peers and adults from across the state. This year, STARR will take place at Camp Shankitunk from May 19-21st.

STARR encompasses the best of team building activities, youth community action & youth adult partnerships in one fun-filled, fast-paced weekend. Participants gain new skills and knowledge by attending workshops of their choice and participating in awesome community services activities!
  • March 4th Horse Extravaganza
  • March 9-12th 2023 National 4-H Youth Summit
  • March 17th World Food Prize New York Youth Institute 
  • March 25th District Public Presentations
  • April 14-19 National 4-H Conference
  • April 16-18th Capital Days
  • May 6th Animal Crackers at Cornell
  • May 19-21st STARR (State Action Reps Retreat)
  • June 27-29th Cornell Career Explorations
  • July 24-30th Orleans County 4-H Fair
  • August 23rd - September 4th New York State Fair