Reuse and Recycle Your Decorative Fall Pumpkins!
Many millions of decorative fall and Halloween pumpkins end up in landfills every year. Instead of tossing them in the trash and contributing to our solid waste and climate challenges, we can do many economical and ecological things with them once we’re done using them as porch adornments or jack-o-lanterns!
Here are a few fun ways to reuse and recycle your fall decorative pumpkins:
Compost Them!
If you don’t have your own compost bin, check with your local government, local farms, or community/neighborhood gardens in your area to see if they would like your pumpkins.
Step 1: Remove candles or any other non-organic decorations from the pumpkins.
Step 3: Cut up the pumpkins into pieces to speed up decomposition in your compost pile.
Step 4: Dig a hole in the existing compost materials, drop the pumpkin pieces in, and cover with the compost materials in your pile that are further along.
If your pumpkins are still in good shape (not moldy or rotting), you can Reuse/Repurpose Them!
Make a Pumpkin Bird Feeder!
Step 1: Check for signs of decomposition—make sure the pumpkins are still pretty fresh.
Step 2: Fill with enough quality birdseed for birds to eat—but don’t fill so much that the seed will mold and be wasted before it is eaten. You can always refill as long as your pumpkins are fresh!
Step 3: Set out in an area of your backyard that will safely and comfortably attract birds—and with great visibility from your window!
Feed Them to Wildlife!
Pumpkins are a nutritious and tasty treat for many animals that live among us.
Step 1: Again, check for signs of decomposition—make sure the pumpkins are still pretty fresh
Step 2: Cut the pumpkins into pieces—sized for the variety of critters you’d like to attract!
Step 3: Leave in safe and comfortable area in your yard that’s regularly visited by wildlife!
Step 4: Stay tuned for the visitors!
Keep in mind that there are many fruits and veggies that you can reuse and recycle (compost) instead of tossing in the trash!