MCBOE October Meeting Recognition
Congratulations to the 2017-2018 State Media Festival winners! They were recognized at Tuesday night's Board of Education meeting. For a full listing of our winners, see our
Simbli/EBoard site. Winners are pictured with MCBOE Chairman Nolen Howard and Superintendent Dr. Mike Hickman.
KB Sutton Elementary School custodial staff members were recognized at Tuesday night's meeting for their dedication and attention to detail in the upkeep of their school. Pictured are: MCBOE Chairman Nolen Howard, Bobby Brantley, Lawrence Washington, Sadie Watts, Principal Becky Brown, Bridget Middleton, Mary Ann Walker, and Superintendent Dr. Mike Hickman.
KBSutton Elementary staff members were recognized for their years of service to Monroe County Schools. Five years: Lenesha Calloway, Brandi Pye, Glennisha Watkins, Lawrence Washington. Ten years: Stacey Necastro. Fifteen years: Brittany Bagwell, Jennifer Bain, Marquita Self. Twenty-five years: Shirley Johnson, Peggy Trammell. Staff members are pictured with MCBOE Chairman Nolen Howard and Superintendent Dr. Mike Hickman.