Monroe Messages
A Newsletter of Monroe County Schools
Monroe County Schools Summer Hours June 5 through 30 7am to 5pm Monday through Thursday. System Closed July 3 through 7
Dr. Jim Finch Named Monroe County Schools Superintendent
Dr. Jim Finch named MC Schools Superintendent
On Tuesday, June 13, 2023, the Monroe County Board of Education approved Dr. Jim Finch as the next Monroe County Schools Superintendent. 

“I’m grateful for the opportunity to lead the Monroe County School system and humbled by the board’s confidence in my ability to be the next superintendent,” says Dr. Jim Finch. “We are fortunate to live and work in a community where education is important and I firmly believe we have the best faculty and students in the state! I’m thankful for Dr. Hickman’s guidance for the past eight years and look forward to the challenges that lie ahead .”
Dr. Finch is currently the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel and Operations in Monroe County Schools. Prior to that, he spent 15 years as the principal at Mary Persons High School and just completed his 29th year of education.  

Dr. Finch received his Bachelor of Science in Education from Georgia Southern University in 1994 and a Masters of Education in Educational Leadership from Georgia College and State University in 2001. In 2015, Dr. Finch defended his dissertation, The Effect of the Self-contained Ninth Grade Campus on Student Achievement Indicators, and received his doctorate in Educational Leadership from Valdosta State University. 

Dr. Finch began his teaching career in 1994 as a math teacher and coach at Peach County High School in Fort Valley, GA. While at Peach County, Dr. Finch taught math for ten years and served as the math department chair for the last five of those. He served as assistant principal during his last two years at Peach County High. In addition to his instructional and supervisory duties, Dr. Finch coached football, basketball, baseball, tennis, and golf during his 12 years in Fort Valley. Dr. Finch coached in the 1998, 2003, and 2005 AAA state championship football games, serving as defensive coordinator in those latter two games and winning the AAA state championship in 2005. At the conclusion of the 2005-2006 school year, Dr. Finch made the transition to principal.

Dr. Finch is a member of the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE), the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), the Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL), and the Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals (GASSP). He is a member of the PAGE Principal Leadership Network and served on the Board of Trustees for the Georgia High School Association (GHSA) from 2016-2022.  

Dr. Finch is currently serving as the President of the Georgia High School Association (GHSA). Additionally, he has served on the Board of Directors for the Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL, 2018-2020) and for the Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals (GASSP, 2016-2021). Dr. Finch served as President, Vice President, Past President, and State Coordinator for GASSP and was Georgia’s advocacy delegate in Washington, D.C. to NASSP during the 2014-2017 school years. He has served as a lecturer and guest presenter for local RESA’s as well as the Georgia Association of Educational Leaders. 

Dr. Finch’s wife, Kelli, is a real estate agent in the middle Georgia area. They have four children – Kennedy (MP ‘18) , a graduate assistant working on her Masters degree at Georgia Southern University, Jimbo (MP ‘20) is a senior at Georgia Southern University, Carli, a rising 7th grader at Monroe County Middle School, and Max, a rising 5th grade student at TG Scott. 

Dr. Finch will replace outgoing Superintendent Dr. Mike Hickman, who will retire at the end of the month.  

You are invited to a Meet & Greet Celebration for Dr. Finch on Wednesday, June 28th at 4 p.m. It will be held in the Monroe County Fine Arts Center lobby.
Dr. Mike Hickman named Monroe County Schools Friend of Education
Dr Mike Hickman was presented with MC Schools Friend of Education Award for his dedication to Monroe County Schools
Monroe County Schools honored the exceptional career of Superintendent Dr. Mike Hickman at the June 14th Board of Education meeting. With an unwavering dedication to students and staff spanning an impressive 30 years, Dr. Hickman has left an indelible mark on the district.

Colleagues who have had the privilege of working alongside Dr. Hickman shared firsthand accounts of his remarkable leadership and genuine care for students and staff. Known for his friendly demeanor and warm smile, Dr. Hickman's positive presence has brightened countless days throughout the years. However, his impact goes far beyond his role as superintendent; he is a mentor, a role model, and a true friend to all. His commitment to making Monroe County Schools the best it can be is unmatched.

At the core of Dr. Hickman's success lies his collaborative spirit, which has served as the cornerstone of his tenure. Believing in the power of teamwork, he has fostered unity among staff, teachers, parents, and community members, all working together toward a shared goal of providing exceptional education to students. This ability to bring people together, forge meaningful relationships, and create a sense of belonging has transformed the district into a tightly-knit community.

The true measure of Dr. Hickman's legacy can be seen in the profound impact he has had on students. His genuine love for each and every one of them has been the driving force behind his decisions and initiatives. Throughout his career, Dr. Hickman has remained steadfast in his commitment to their success, well-being, and personal growth, inspiring them to aim for the stars and believe in their own potential.

Expressing their deepest gratitude on behalf of the school board, staff, and students, the community recognizes Dr. Mike Hickman for his extraordinary service. His unwavering dedication, selflessness, and genuine care have touched countless lives within the district, and his legacy will continue to resonate in the hearts and minds of all who have had the privilege of working with him.

As Dr. Hickman embarks on a new chapter in life, the community wishes him joy, fulfillment, and an abundance of happy moments. May his retirement be filled with well-deserved relaxation, new adventures, and cherished time with loved ones. Although he may be stepping down from his role as superintendent, the impact he has made will continue to shape the future of education in Monroe County.

Monroe County Schools extends heartfelt thanks to Dr. Hickman for being a true friend of education, and his remarkable legacy will forever shine brightly within the district. Congratulations, Dr. Hickman, on a remarkable career and a well-deserved retirement!
2023 Monroe County Schools' Retirees Honored
The Monroe County Board of Education honored our 2023 retirees at its meeting Tuesday night.
2023 Back to School Rally Saturday July 29 830 to 1030 am at the Monroe County Fine Arts Center. 27 Brooklyn Avenue Forsyth Georgia
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Cyber Safety series graphic describing how Monroe County Schools is dedicated to keeping students safe in the digital world.
The tricky timing of a child's first smartphone
In 2022, the Common Sense Census: Media Use by Tweens and Teens survey estimated that about three in 10 of all 8 and 9-year-olds have their own smartphones. The survey also noted that over the last six years, the number of tweens and teens with their own digital devices has increased over the past six years. According to Pew Research, 73% of parents in the U.S. think it is acceptable for children above the age of 12 years to own a smartphone. By age 16, kids in the U.S. are allowed to drive. By 18, they can vote, and by 21, drink alcohol. So is there a "safe" or "right" age for a smartphone, too?

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