True Riches in the Golden State:
A Call to Action

Bishop Vann recently wrote a rather lengthy and important essay which contained some very important information and a call to action for Catholics in our State of California. (For the full essay, please go to The basic thrust of the Bishop’s essay and his call to action centers around a number of bills in the State Assembly and State Senate that are under consideration.

“AB2223, while addressing a shared concern that women not be prosecuted for pregnancy outcomes (for the church opposes punitive approaches in favor of healing and restorative ones), has vague language of “perinatal death” which we must oppose unless it is amended to definitively exclude infant death due to abuse or neglect.

AB2134 would force religious employers to advertise and pay for abortions.

AB2586 expands taxpayer-funded abortions in California.

AB1918 provides scholarships for abortion doctors.

SB1375 would make abortion even more dangerous for women by removing physician oversight.

SB1245 establishes a pilot program in Los Angeles County to make it an abortion destination.

SB1142 makes California an abortion destination for out of state women.”

The Bishop writes, “It goes without saying that we are, as always, opposed to abortion expansion since it always takes the life of a human being, with more than 132,000 lives lost each year in our state alone. Paying for every ancillary expense of a woman who has an abortion without ensuring adequate services for parenting women amounts to reproductive coercion. Women deserve to be empowered with non-violent solutions to the challenges they face during pregnancy”.”

The call to action is this:
“Pray – for women, children, and families in need, and for just laws that protect life and dignity.
Learn – about current legislation and share this information with others.
Advocate – a simple step: sign up for the California Catholic Legislative Network today and receive timely updates and Action Alerts by which you can respond with the click of a button.
Read more about this legislation and sign up for Action Alerts at
Monsignor John Urell
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