March 4, 2019
Stay up to date on the latest news happening around Montair by reading our weekly newsletter!
March 6:
  • 7:30am Breakfast Book Club MPR
  • 1:45pm Diversity and Inclusion Club Room #302 (Women’s History Month)
March 7:  6:30-9pm Skate Night TK-2nd grade -Golden Skate
March 12-15: Minimum Days: Early Dismissal for All
  • 1st-5th grade 8:20-12:10
  • AM TK/K 8:10-10:40
  • PM K- 9:40-12:10
March 19-22: Book Fair
March 20: Montair Gives Back: Family Evening Community Service Event
March 21:  Reading with the Principal @ book fair and Family Literacy Night

This month, at Montair, we will be studying HONESTY as our character trait of the month. Obviously, we all want our children to be honest. Most dishonesty in kids comes in the form of defensive fibbing, or not taking responsibility for actions taken. Because they are afraid of punishment or of disappointing their parents, children often deny participation in bad choices they have made. I know at my house, we had an invisible child who was reckless and often broke items. My two daughters would deny any knowledge of the damage done. It took lots of discussion to get them to see that telling the truth right off the bat would be much better than my finding out about it later. This kind of dishonesty is not uncommon, but to shift toward truth telling, we need to truly honor and acknowledge when our kids own up to their actions.

The book we are sharing this month in our study of honesty is The Honest to Goodness Truth , by Patricia McKissack. I love this book because it combines the need for honesty with the importance of remembering kindness and empathy. The girl in the story only tells the truth, but she says hurtful things to others under the guise of it being the truth. This story will help us connect last months focus on kindness with honesty and help kids see the importance of focusing on both when dealing with others.

Please enjoy this week’s MTTV broadcast and also our STAFF video from the talent show. Thanks to Mrs. Castillo and Mrs. Derksen for such a great talent show and thanks to Mrs. Knott for organizing, filming, and editing our staff performance. Montair is truly a special community!

Here’s to another great week of learning together.

Ondi Tricaso
March is Women's History Month and we've got a lot planned for this Wednesday's Inclusion Club meeting!
We'll explore the women who put men on the moon and safely brought them home, hear about other women mathematicians doing amazing things,
and finally, work on an art project which just might end up as a gift for a special woman in your kids' lives. 

As such, I'm hoping for a more accurate head count than normal. 
Please sign up now!  
As always, please try to pick up your kid/s so we can sign them out to a responsible adult.   
The Montair Spring Book Fair will kick off on Monday, March 18th and run through Friday, March 22nd. We are looking for some lovely parent volunteers to help us with checkouts, assisting the kids with their shopping, bagging books etc. It is a super fun event and the kids absolutely love it. As always, your help is very much appreciated. We truly can't do it without you.

Extra help will be needed with set up on Wednesday, March 13th at noon. 

Hope to see you there!

Beginning Monday, March 11th we will be collecting NEW books for the students of Mission Elementary.  Picture books, chapter books, hard cover, soft cover, any book that would be loved by an elementary school student, we just ask that it is new.   Donations can be placed in the yellow bins by the office. Thank you for sharing Montair’s love of reading with our sister school!
Save The Date: March 20th
Please join us on the evening of March 20th for our 2nd annual Montair gives back. Families will come together for an evening of fun and giving back.
There will be multiple stations for families to work together on projects that will benefit the less fortunate. Light snacks will be provided. In preparation for our event, we are collecting travel sized hygiene products , please collect any that you can and drop off before March 15th. There will be a box labeled "Montair Gives back" in the front office. Please drop off at your convenience.
Don't forget to buy your yearbook. You can do so at the link attached. Deadline is 3/22.  If you aren't sure if you already ordered you can also check your account at this link as well.
SRVCPTA Parent Speaker Series March 2019 event

SRVCPTA is pleased to sponsor the authors of The Self-Driven Child , Dr. William Stixrud, Ph.D. and Ned Johnson , for our March Parenting Speaker event! In their book, The Self-Driven Child , the two offer a combination of cutting-edge brain science, the latest discoveries in behavioral therapy, and case studies drawn from the thousands of kids and teens Bill and Ned have helped over the years to teach you how to set your child on the real road to success. As parents, we can only drive our kids so far. At some point, they will have to take the wheel and map out their own path. But there is a lot you can do before then to help them tackle the road ahead with resilience and imagination.

The Self-Driven Child , a discussion & book signing by William Stixrud & Ned Johnson
Thursday, March 14, 2019
7pm-9pm (optional pre-purchased dinner at 6:30pm)
Location: California High School Theater
$15 per person before 3/11/2019

William Stixrud, Ph.D. is a clinical neuropsychologist and a faculty member at Children's National Medical Center and George Washington University Medical School. He lectures widely on the adolescent brain, meditation, and the effects of stress, sleep deprivation, and technology overload on the brain. He has published several influential scientific articles and is on the board of the David Lynch Foundation.

Ned Johnson is the founder of PrepMatters, a tutoring service in Washington, DC, and the coauthor of Conquering the SAT: How Parents Can Help Teens Overcome the Pressure and Succeed. A sought-after speaker and teen coach for study skills, parent-teen dynamics, and anxiety management, his work has been featured on NPR, NewsHour, U.S. News & World Report, Time, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal.

For more information, please go to:
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Montair Elementary School | Phone: (925) 855-5100 | Fax: (925) 820-6713 | Email: