February 11, 2020
Stay up to date on the latest news happening around Montair by reading our weekly newsletter!
Feb 11 - Montair presents at School Board Meeting Ed Center- 7:15PM Boardroom A
Feb 12 - Montair Assembly- Receiving Unified Champion School Award- Blacktop 9:30AM
Feb 13 - ONLINE Auction closes
Feb 17 - No School- Presidents Day
Feb 18 - No School- District wide Professional Development day
Feb 29 - LIVE AUCTION event 
This week, Montair will be recognized by the Special Olympics of Northern CA by receiving the Unified Champion School Award . Montair has been selected for this award based on our inclusive focus in and out of the classroom. I have long believed that this is what makes Montair so special. How awesome that we will be honored for what we value as a community. 

I hope you have all been online to bid on the many wonderful items for auction at the ONLINE Auction . Last date to get your bids in is this Thursday, Feb 13th. Many of our grade levels are hosting some wonderful after school events. There are reserved seats and parking for Montair events, one of a kind art projects, unique experiences to bid on, and more.  You don’t want to miss out. Tickets are also on sale now. Click here to buy

Lastly, I want to share some information about school safety. I have heard from staff, Montair families, and neighbors that the pick up at the back gate on Montair Drive has gotten very dangerous. Cars zoom down the hill, while parents block the street, waving their kids to either cross where there is no crosswalk and jump in or come into the car double parked on the edge. We have had some near misses in the last couple of weeks. I reached out to the Town of Danville to discuss solutions for this area. They informed me that the reason it is so dangerous for car picks up at that gate is that it is not designed for car pick ups. The back gate at Montair drive is designed for pedestrians and bike riders to leave school and travel down the curbed walkway to their neighborhoods. There is no designated parking on Montair Drive that would allow for parents to pick up safely.  They will contact the Danville PD to ensure that we do not have cars parked along the no parking edges. If you are one of the families that has begun using this pick up area, please either have your children walk/ride home, or use the pick up at Esther Gate or the Front Circle. Car pick up will no longer be allowed from Montair Drive Gate. I know for some families, this will be an inconvenience but if it saves one of our kids from being hit by a car, the extra time for pick up and drop off will be worth it.  

Please enjoy last week’s MTTV announcements. 

Here’s to a great week of learning together!

Ondi Tricaso

Inclusion Club explores SRVUSD "resolutions" celebrating the many diverse aspects of San Ramon Valley, including Dyslexia, Hispanic Heritage, Native American History, Bullying Prevention, African American History, Autism Acceptance, Women's History, and Asian Pacific Heritage.  

Join us as we explore these topics through books, presentations, music, and art projects to better appreciate our world!

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Montair Elementary School | Phone: (925) 855-5100 | Fax: (925) 820-6713 | Email: