February 8, 2022
Important Dates:

2/7- 2/11: Words Matter Week
2/9: Restaurant of the Month- Primo's and Yogurt Shack
2/25: Montair Love Run 
Message From The Principal
Dear Montair Families, 

This week we celebrate “Words Matter Week”. During this week we take time to acknowledge how the words we speak impact the culture of the Montair community. Mrs. Bolick has created a variety of activities to reinforce positive, supportive language across campus: 
Students will be the stand-in “I” in words (smile, kind, hi) hanging up on campus. Teachers can take photos during the school day throughout the week. 
Students will write a kind/powerful message on a post-it to add to the bulletin board outside the office or on painted wall tree in the MPR. 
Optional Take-home activity pages 
Students and Teachers will wear name tags that include something that they like (Ex: Pokemon, dance). This is an exercise in communication and making friends. 
Wear Kind Words T-shirt Day
Our lost and found is getting pretty full. We are able to return jackets, lunch boxes and water bottles with names on them. Unlabeled water bottles and lunch boxes are placed on the table in front of the office. Lost jackets are placed in the MPR. Please encourage your children to retrieve their lost items. We ask you to remind your children that playground supervision begins at 7:45. Students should not be on campus until 7:45. We thank you for your cooperation on this matter. 

We are very excited for our upcoming 5th grader’s outdoor education experience. In preparation for camp, I went to San Ramon Valley High School on Monday, February 7th to begin the process of finding cabin leaders for our 5th graders. Currently, we have 2 SRVHS students who have expressed interest in becoming a cabin leader. If you know of any former Montair students who are now Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors that would like to be a cabin leader, please ask them to reach out to me at [email protected]. We would like to have 10 cabin leaders. 

I want to thank Ms. Jacoby and Ms. Banerjee, for their daily commitment to supervising our students at lunch. They have each taken new jobs and will no longer be able to serve as lunch supervisors. Upon their departure, we will have only 2 lunch supervisors. We will be hiring new campus supervisors in their absence. In the meantime, we are asking for parents to fill in until we get applicants and can hire new supervisors. Please reach out to our office manager, Jan Crow at 925-855-5100 if you are available to help out. Lunch is from 11:30-12:45.  

We hope you have a wonderful week. 

Kind regards, 

Ms. Lyons

Performing Arts Center Presents: Disney High School Musical
Come support these amazing performers back on stage for the first time in 2 years! If you're looking for some joy, laughter, and a true feeling of community there is no better place than in our audience.
The arts have struggled these past two years, come show these kids that you value their hard work and dedication despite the complexity of the time!
*All audience and cast members will be masked throughout the performance, the large theater allows for social distancing by your own choice. 
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