Dear Montair Families,
It was wonderful to see our students and families back on campus last week. As we begin to settle into our new routines, we want to share a few reminders. Please be courteous to our neighbors and remember to not block driveways or double park on nearby streets, especially on Estates Dr., Montair Dr. and Esther Ln.
We will put any lost water bottles on the table in front of the office. If your child forgets lunch, please place it on the table in front of the office with your student's name written on it. Students will be able to pick their lunch up on the way to the cafeteria.
Prior to school starting, remember to wait outside classroom buildings. If you need to talk with your child’s teacher, please prearrange a time to talk with her. Teachers are very busy preparing for their day before school begins. When the 8:00 bell rings, please make your way off campus. During pick up, wait along gates or the front lawn by our marquee until the dismissal bell rings before approaching classrooms. We appreciate your cooperation on these procedures.
Should a COVID positive case occur on the Montair campus, we will follow the SRVUSD protocol with our families. First, we will contact trace to determine which staff and students are considered close contacts. A close contact is a person who is in the presence of the COVID positive person within 6 feet, for a total of 15 minutes, in a 24 hour period. We will then notify close contacts of this information. We will also notify “non-close contact” families in the classroom of the COVID positive case that there was a COVID positive case in the room.
There is an updated quarantine requirement for close contacts in the COVID guidelines for this school year. In addition, we are following the SRVUSD updated procedures for students who are sent home sick or stayed home with COVID symptoms. Please print out and refer to THE COVID-19 GUIDELINES FOR 2021-2022 for more details.
There are new guidelines for volunteers and visitors who wish to be on campus. As with all state and county public health mandates, SRVUSD will fully comply with this health order and put the appropriate processes in place as soon as possible. Until we have these procedures in place, we will delay classroom volunteers inside classrooms. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we wait for updated guidelines.
Although county guidelines state masks are optional in outdoor spaces, we respectfully request that you encourage your child to wear masks when playing in close proximity to others, such as when playing in the gaga pit. We also encourage and recommend that parents wear masks when coming onto campus. We want to do everything possible to prevent COVID from reaching our classrooms. Ensuring our students’ and staff’s safety is a tremendous responsibility and requires our community’s participation. Please join us in doing all we can to keep all our students in school.
Respectfully yours,
Elizabeth Lyons, Ed.D.
Montair Elementary School