August 18, 2020
Stay up to date on the latest news happening around Montair by reading our weekly newsletter!
August 17- 21: Common Learning Schedule
August 18: Virtual Room Parent Informational Meeting @ 6:00 pm
August 20-21: Material Pick Up
August 21: Montair Registration Closes
August 24: Monday Common Learning Schedule
August 25: Regular Schedule Begins
Dear Montair Families,
I want to thank you all for your patience and support as we begin this school year.  It was a joy to see our teachers working together and facilitating instruction once again.  I even had the opportunity to visit some classes and read The Principal from the Black Lagoon!  I must say that teaching via Zoom or Google Meet is a new experience for me.  By the third lesson or so, I started to get the hang of maneuvering a digital lesson.  It is quite an adjustment.  I know our teachers appreciate your grace and patience as they learn all the new digital platforms.  
It warmed everyone’s hearts to see you and your children during our “Wave Thru” on Thursday and Friday.  We will have another material pick up Thursday, 8/20 and Friday, 8/21.  It will be organized like it was last week. Moving forward, students will be able to pick up materials every other week.  However, some teachers are planning on handing out materials every four weeks. Your child’s teacher will notify you whether she is planning for a two week or four week cycle for material pick up.
One of the things we are all adjusting to is the new bell schedule.  We understand there may be some confusion between the Minimum Day Schedule and the Common Learning Schedule. The minimum day schedule is for TK and K only.  On minimum days, TK/K students attend school from 8:00-10:30.  On Common Learning Schedule days, TK/K students attend school from 8:00-11:30.  Students in grades 1-5 do not have a Minimum Day Schedule. The Common Learning Schedule serves as the schedule for any shortened school day.  During the Common Learning Schedule, students attend school from 8:00-11:00.  Whole group instruction ends at 11:00. Students have lunch from 11:00-11:30.  From 11:30-12:30, teachers may invite individual or small groups of students for student support time.  
Please keep in mind that it is very difficult for teachers to respond to emails during the school day. We appreciate everyone’s patience with this and you should receive a response within 2 business days. Also, please refrain from posting photos on social media of your child's class while on a ZOOM/Google Meet as this is a privacy issue.

Here's additional information for the upcoming important dates:

Common Learning Schedule:
  • August 17 - August 21: Students will have an early dismissal on these days. Teachers will reach out to families to schedule assessments.
  • TK/K: Dismissal @ 11:30 am
  • 1st - 5th: Dismissal @ 11:00 am

August 20: Material Pick Up
  • Put a sign in the passenger window with your Child's Name & Teacher's Name. Drive through the front loop, pick up your kit and wave hello!
  • TK: 1:30pm - 2:00 pm
  • 2nd Grade: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • 3rd Grade: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
  • 1st Grade: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (Gura Home Delivery)
  • Kindergarten: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm (Mrs. Nelson & Mrs. Richenberg's Classes Only) **Mrs. Innocenti will contact her families about her plan**
  • 4th Grade: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
  • 5th Grade: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  • Families with children in different grades can pick up their learning kits at their latest pick up time.
  • Some teachers are placing their materials out on the tables first thing in the morning, if you come prior to 11:30, please park and walk up to the appropriate table and gather your child's materials.  We WILL NOT have staff out there to help. Please check with your teacher if she will be placing materials out on the tables in the morning.
  • If you come after 11:30 am, please stay in your cars and go through the loop as we will have staff out there to help.

August 21: Learning Kit Pick up 
  • 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Families who were unable to pick up kits on 8/20

Thank you for your support!

Elizabeth Lyons, Ed.D
For the first time, Montair can earn money directly back from your registration fee. Support this annual District wide event and earn money for Montair!
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Montair Elementary School | Phone: (925) 855-5100 | Fax: (925) 820-6713 | Email: