Montana AAP Update for Dec. 19th, 2024

Included in this update: CATCH grant application, research opportunity, virtual book reading and AAP updates

Save the date! White Coat Day at the Montana State Legislature

Mark your calendars! Whether you're brand new to advocacy and want to learn, or you're experienced in talking to lawmakers -- we want you to join us for our White Coat Day!

When? January 22, starting 8 am (or when you are able)

Where? Montana State Capitol, Helena

Pediatricians and family doctors (MTAAP and MAFP) will join forces for this advocacy day. Plan on spending the whole day on January 22 if you can, or join us for lunch and afternoon activities if you prefer.

Draft Agenda:

8 am - Introduction to the legislature

9 am - Morning committee hearings and prep for lunch discussions

12 pm - Lunch with legislators in the Capitol rotunda

1 pm - Watch floor sessions of the House or Senate

3 pm - Afternoon committee hearings

4:30 pm (or when done) - Debrief

We'll help you talk to legislators about timely issues that are important to you. We may discuss access to care for our patients (Medicaid expansion, prior authorization reform), immunizations, and more - depending on what the lawmakers are considering that week. We'll get you prepared for conversations that incorporate your personal and professional experiences with bills supported by MTAAP.

RSVP below.

White Coat Day MT State Legislature


Montana State Capitol Building


01/22/25 8:00am - 01/22/25 4:30pm US/Mountain
Pediatricians and family doctors join forces for this advocacy day. Spend the day if you can, or join for lunch and afternoon activities.
I'll Be There!
I can't make it, but want to learn more about advocacy committee

CATCH grant application due Jan. 21, 2025 - up to $10,000 for pediatrician led projects

CATCH grant timeline

  • November 1, 2024 - Application System Opens
  • January 21, 2025 - Application Deadline
  • April 11, 2025 - New Grantees Announced
  • June 1, 2025 - Projects Begin

Please consider applying for a CATCH grant up to $10,000 for will be awarded for pediatrician led projects, and up to $2,000 for trainee-led projects. Applicants are strongly encouraged to request support as they develop a CATCH project proposal from the CATCH network of Chapter CATCH Facilitators (CCFs) and District CATCH Resident Liaisons (DRLs). Friday, January 10, 2025 is deadline for applicants to initiate requests for support from Chapter CATCH Facilitators (CCFs) & District CATCH Resident Liaisons (DRLs). CATCH network contact rosters and the Call for Proposals are available on the CATCH Grant Opportunities webpage.

MT AAP's Chapter Facilitator is Pati Notario, please reach out to her with any questions. Applications are submitted online

Call to participate in Frontier Psychiatry and Montana Pediatrics research collaboration with Northwestern University's Lab for Scalable Mental Health

We are a team of researchers at the Lab for Scalable Mental Health at Northwestern University. Our current study aims to build a dissemination toolkit for an evidence based single session intervention (SSI) to promote Montana youth (ages 12 to 17 years old) mental health. Considering your experience providing outpatient mental health services to Montana youth, your insights will be invaluable as we develop this tool. 


We invite you to participate by joining the Outpatient Expert Panel, composed of up to eight outpatient providers who provide care to Montana youth. All panel members who participate will receive a $20 gift card as compensation for each virtual focus group interview members participate in, with a maximum of five groups. 

What will you do? First, complete a quick survey to assess your eligibility by clicking the link provided below. In the survey, if you're eligible, you'll need to provide your email address and indicate your general availability for the focus group sessions. You will also complete a consent form that must be filled out prior to participating in the focus group. During the Zoom video call, you will participate in a discussion based on several questions. The entire focus group session will last no more than 1 hour. There may be up to five of these sessions. You are not required to participate in all of them if you do not wish to. We will only record your voice on these Zoom sessions. For more information on the study, please see the attached FAQ for details. 


Click here for the eligibility survey.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact the project's Principal Investigator, Dr. Jessica Schleider. The title of this research study is: Developing a Dissemination Platform to Promote Montana Youths’ Mental Health (IRB STU00222681). 

Virtual reading of The Air They Breathe: A Pediatrician on the Frontlines of Climate Change - Jan. 30th, 2025

Join Montana Health Professionals for a Livable Climate and MT AAP for a virtual book reading over zoom from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Interested? Join here or scan the QR code.

The climate crisis is a health crisis, and it is a health crisis, first and foremost, for children. Children’s bodies are interwoven with and shaped by their surroundings. As the planet warms and their environment changes, children’s health is at risk. The youngest are especially vulnerable because their brain, lungs, and other organs are forming and growing every day, and because their physiology is so different from that of adults. Childhood has always been a risky period of life; throughout history, babies and children have met peril, from polio to famine, from cyclones to war. Yet they have never quite had to face, in quite this way, the potential loss of the future itself.

Frontier Psychiatry

Dr. Swathi Krishna is our new Medical Director for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. She joined us in May to guide clinical quality, improve outreach, and lead our training program with the Yale Child Study Center. Dr. Krishna is a former Minority Fellow of the APA. She is passionate about improving access to care to ensure all patients and families get evidence-based treatments. Dr. Krishna will also be leading the MAPP-Net consultation service. Feel free to reach out to her at

We are ready for the start of school and happy to take referrals!

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National AAP Updates

Teen Drug Use Has Not Rebounded From Drop During Early Years Of COVID-19 Pandemic, Survey Finds 

The AP (12/17) reports, “Teen drug use hasn’t rebounded from its drop during the early years of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the results from a large annual national survey released Tuesday.” Roughly “two-thirds of 12th graders this year said they hadn’t used alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes or e-cigarettes in the previous 30 days.” That is “the largest proportion abstaining since the annual survey started measuring abstinence in 2017.” The Monitoring the Future survey found that “among 10th graders, 80% said they hadn’t used any of those substances recently, another record.” Meanwhile, “among 8th graders, 90% didn’t use any of them, the same as was reported in the previous survey.”

Adolescents Who Identify As Transgender Or Gender Diverse Are Less Physically Active Compared With Those Who Identify As Cisgender, Analysis Finds 

Healio (12/17) reports “adolescents who identified as transgender or gender diverse appeared to be less physically active compared with those who identified as cisgender, a cross-sectional analysis” showed. One researcher said that as a result, primary care providers “should ask questions about gender identity and physical activity in adolescents.” The investigator added, “Most adolescents don’t reach the recommended levels of physical activity, and this is especially the case for transgender and gender-diverse adolescents.” The findings were published in the Annals of Epidemiology.

AAP News: AAP CEO recounts decades of achievements, continuing work to improve child health

Treatment With Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor Helps Ease Severe Symptoms Of Anxiety, Depression In Children With CF, Study Finds 

Cystic Fibrosis News Today (12/17) reports, “Treatment with Trikafta [elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor] may help ease severe symptoms of anxiety and depression in children with cystic fibrosis (CF), a study in the U.S. suggests.” According to the researchers, “the findings show depression and anxiety aren’t common among children with CF at the start of Trikafta and the ‘percentage of patients experiencing severe symptoms of depression and anxiety may decrease with ongoing use of [Trikafta].’” The findings were published in Pediatric Pulmonology.

Team Sports In Childhood May Help Sharpen Children’s Brains, Research Suggests 

HealthDay (12/17) reports, “There may be something special about team sports in childhood that helps sharpen a [child’s] brain, new research shows.” Investigators found that “children who were on soccer or volleyball teams scored higher on tests of ‘executive function’ – thinking skills needed to organize, remember details, make decisions and stay focused – compared to [children] who didn’t play sports or played individual sports only.” The findings were published in JAMA Network Open. Alison Brooks, MD, professor of orthopedics at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, believes “U.S. [children] can expect to reap the same cognitive rewards from team sports.” She “pointed to a 2019 American Academy of Pediatrics report on the value of organized sports for [children].” Brooks “said it found benefits to ‘positive self-esteem and relationships with peers, less anxiety and depression, better bone health’ as well as healthier hearts, less obesity and ‘better cognitive and academic performance.’”

AAP News: Healthy habits can help children succeed in school

Past Subspecialist Webinars

Click here to access past subspecialist webinars. If you are interested in presenting during 2025 please sign up here.

September 2024: Heather Zaluski, MD

Popular Social Media Diagnoses: ASD and Tik Tok Tics

Click to view presentation slides

Click to view recording

July 2024: Paula Bighorn, Deputy Director of the Fort Peck Tribes’ Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Program

Native American Health

No slides for this presentation

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Click here for additional resources and recommendations

June 2024: Kelly Irons, MD

Trauma Informed Care 

Click to view presentation slides

Click to view recording

May 2024: Tara Lee, RN

Lethal Means QI Initiative  

Click to view presentation slides

Click to view recording

Can't find what you're looking for? Reach out to Kylee Bodley or Maddy Broom for assistance. Additional webinars are added on a rolling basis.

Montana Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics

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 844-228-7480 | Fax 1-844-228-7480

3031 Grand Avenue #157

Billings, MT 59102

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