As autumn approaches, we can anticipate the beauty of fall foliage and, unfortunately, an increase in stormy weather. With the changing seasons come challenges in managing stormwater runoff, which, if left uncontrolled, can negatively impact Montauk's waters. Here are some effective steps you can take to help prevent this from happening:

  • Permeable Pavements: Consider using permeable materials for driveways and walkways. These allow rainwater to penetrate the ground instead of flowing into storm drains, reducing runoff.
  • Rain Gardens: Planting rain gardens with native species can absorb excess rainwater and filter out pollutants before they reach the waterways. They also add beauty to your property.
  • Direct Downspouts Away: Ensure that downspouts direct rainwater away from paved surfaces and towards grassy areas. This simple step prevents water from picking up pollutants on its way to the storm drain.
  • Maintain Vegetative Buffers: If your property borders a water body, maintain or plant a vegetative buffer of native plants. These act as natural filters, trapping pollutants before they enter the water.